The Feeling of Friendship

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[Very very long page]

Your first week in Yuuei was almost more than you could manage. Almost.

You loved it. After the initial overwhelming nature of the new girl treatment, you began to take in just how much people seemed to like you, and just how many. People loved your British accent, your two-toned eyes, your hair, your smile, your laugh — there wasn't a thing that someone hadn't complimented about you. Damn, even your name was called "Pretty.", and then you were told it suited you. So you were pretty?! Or were they just being nice? You didn't care really.

It was enough to make you cry. But you didn't like crying, so you just stood there and smiled so hard your face ached.

You suppose (now, at least) that the attention you thought you would grow tired of was actually pretty nice.

The weekend rolls around, and you recall the meeting that you and Shinsou agreed upon. Obviously it wasn't just going to be you two.

No way; you weren't interested like that, and you also didn't particularly want to creep him out. It was a miracle you hadn't already, with that stunt you pulled the last time of letting your mouth blab.
Still, the little shit proved he was slick when he asked for that hug, and yeah, you hugged him. And yeah, it was nice.

No, you'd invited a few of your other newfound friends too. The friendliest you could think of. Naturally, that means Kaminari Denki and Midoriya Izuku from Class 1-A and Kendo Itsuka from Class 1-B, as well as Hatsume Mei from the support class.

Mei was aloof, but your chaotic energies rubbed off on each other, and your enthused interest in her "babies" (as she liked to call her inventions) sparked a pretty bubbly friendship. You were already on a first-name basis.

Kendo you had met through Monoma Neito, who apparently despised all those in Class 1-A apart from yourself, because he said, and you quote; "You are far too precious," yep... he said that for... some reason, "to be as detestable as the rest of that Class."
Naturally, he still made it on your hug list, and Kendo had come up to you apologising for his behaviour before being literally shocked that he was being pleasant.

Needless to say she got on the list too.

And so, while praying Denki (yep, first name basis too) didn't try to flirt with Kendo or Mei — not that Mei would take any of his bull — you invited the lot of them to join you for a trip to a bowling alley, arcade, pizza place and your dorm room to play video games.

With the comfort that Shinsou knew Izuku, and hope that they would get along, you decided to rely mainly on just how lovely they all were to you during your first week to make him feel accepted within the Hero Course before officially joining. Even if Mei wasn't technically part of it, it would be good for him to get to know her. God knows he could use some support items once he joined.

No offence to him, of course.

You stepped off the bus, thanking the driver and made your way into the bowling alley early, to book your bowling session a few minutes in advance.  Your phone buzzed, and the screen lit up in your hand. Holding it up, you saw a text from Denki:

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