A Sky Full of Stars.

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The nine of you, following Hanta's lead, make it to a park. You have to hop the fence, which is locked, but you don't care all that much. The little voice telling you in the back of your head that this is trespassing is soon shut off. As long as you were far enough away from the light pollution of the city, you'd be able to have fun.

Looking up, your friends sigh in awe, and contentedness. Kyoka and Eijiro both pull out picnic blankets from their rucksacks, and you all sit down — well, lie down, together.

You rest your head on Mina's shoulder while Denki sits next to you, with Kyoka on his other side. Shoto sits cross legged and Izuku puts his head in Shoto's lap, making them both laugh. Kirishima drags Shinsou over to sit with him, and they lean back on their hands, looking up.

Hanta is the only one standing.

"No." You say. "That's a stupid idea and we wouldn't fit, 'cause it'd sag inwards."
"You're such a spoilsport."
"Okay, what are you gonna do after? Leave the tape on the trees?"
"You didn't think about that, did you?"
Exactly, you thought.

He was trying to convince you to let him tape the picnic blankets to some trees to make some sort of hammock.
"Plus, why would we want to stargaze with tree branches and leaves in the way? Here, we've got a clear view."
"Fine, geez, you made your point already." He sits down heavily next to Shoto, and then shuffles to lie down next to Izuku.
"Hey, Midoriya."
"Hi, Sero!"
"Hi, Todoroki." He says to himself, looking down at the two of them. We all laugh.

You sit up "Was that a joke?"
You smile at him.

You lie back down, and glance over to see Kyoka leaning into Denki. Cute.

You look over at Shinsou, and he glances down at you. An idea.

"What's your favourite Pokémon?"
"Huh? That's random."
"When am I not random?"
"Fair enough." She thinks for a second. "I like Pikachu."
You try to hide it in your face, and nod, commenting about her going with the most obvious option, which gains you a scoff.

You look back at Shinsou, and he grins at you, nodding.

"What?" Kirishima is looking between the two of you, and Shinsou hands Eijiro his phone, open on a conversation you had earlier.

You had texted him "What kind of Pokémon do you think Izuku is?" and it lead onto discussing who you thought each one of your friends would be. Of course, Eijiro was a Geodude, and you had both instantaneously agreed upon Denki being a Pikachu, before arguing which one Shinsou was.

Eijiro connected the dots, looking over to Denki and Kyoka, and smiling softly, nodding at you and handing Shinsou's phone back.

Thus, your first "ship" began.

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