A New Target.

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"Our little spy has blessed us with some new information." He said sarcastically. His eyes were about as cold as his Quirk was hot.

"Oh?" A scratchy voice replies. "Well don't keep me waiting."
"There's a new kid."
"In Yuuei?"
"No, dipshit, in the fuckin' coffee shop across from it."
"I'll turn you to dust if you're not careful, Dabi." He retorted, venom lacing his tone.

He scoffs. "I'll burn you to a crisp before you get close, brat."

"Now, now, play nice, children." A masked man steps out from the shadows; wearing a bright orange button-up and black waistcoat. A top hat on his head.
"What about this 'new kid', Dabi?"

The cold, blue eyes rolled over to the masked man.
"She's in the Hero Course."
"'She'? Ooh, is she cute~? Can I stab her?"
"No. We need her."
A whine of disappointment emanates from the blonde girl's throat.

"Who told you we need her?" The one with the scratchy voice asks viciously. "I didn't say shit about that."
"Her Quirk is useful, you idiot. And if she joined Yuuei this late, we can assume she doesn't have the right kind of craving to be a Hero."
"What's her Quirk then?"
"Impenetrable Bubbles. He couldn't tell me much about 'em, apparently he hasn't trained with her much yet."
"That sounds stupid."
"We'll wait 'til we see somethin' in person, then, won't we?"

A sick smile spills across his face like blood seeping through cloth.

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