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For the next few days, although you continued to study with Iida and Yaomomo, the tension between the two of you (upon his discovery of your little trip out) was almost overwhelmingly high.

You assumed he hadn't said anything about it; Shō hadn't stormed in and demanded to see the eight of you since; but you could tell he was thinking about it. His silence spoke volumes. The tension in his voice as he spoke to you about certain questions. The way he kept glancing up at you, and the way you'd heard him pacing the halls of your dormitory floor in the early hours of the morning.

He looked tired. Overworked. And you knew it was because of you. Well, just partly.

After yet another day of awkwardly studying together after school, you pulled him aside once Yaomomo had left to meet with Kyoka and Tsu.

"Iida, are you... are you alright?"
He clenched his jaw.
"Listen, I know you're worried about us going out again, but I promise you we won't."
"You've already lied to me. I can't trust what you tell me anymore." Anybody else at this point would've pulled away and left, but he stayed. He wanted to be reassured — you could see that — while still speaking his mind to you.
"I know. I probably won't be able to convince you fully, but at least... please... try to get some more sleep. I'm saying this as your friend."
He says nothing.
"Iida I'm worried about you."
"You think I'm not worried about you?!" He seethes, keeping his voice low, looking down.
"I know, trust me I know. But I respect you just as much as I care for you, and I promise," You take his hands in yours so he looks at you. "I won't go behind your back again." Your words are firm.

He seems to relax his shoulders a bit, looking away from you again.
"I'll... try. To get more sleep. God knows I need it."
You ruffle his hair and smile. He looks up, smiling back slightly.
"But if I find out you've done something like that ag—"
"You won't." You say, chuckling. He sighs and smiles again.

"Thank you."

You pause for a second, a smile creeping across your lips.
"Unless, of course, you want to join us...?"
"Xiomara, no." He chuckles.

Well alright then.

Chasing Someone Else's Dreams - MHA OC ficWhere stories live. Discover now