The Journey Continues

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You guys stayed out watching the stars crawl through the sky for a couple of hours.

Izuku had fallen asleep.

Shoto could barely keep his eyes open.

Shinsou was pretty much the normal amount of tired he always was. And still awake.

Eijiro kept waking up, yawning and dozing off; as of right now he was sleeping.

Hanta was snoring.

Mina was cuddled up with you, the two of you also asleep.

Denki and Kyoka had lay down and dozed off away from each other, to your probable dismay if you were awake to see it.

Eventually, Shinsou and Shoto began to wake you all up, gently shaking you. It was 4AM. The 7 of you who had fallen asleep groggily began to stir.

Izuku woke first, having fallen asleep on Shoto, before getting up and helping to wake the rest of you.

Mina still held onto your arm sleepily, as the sun began to rise.

Shit, the sun was rising!
Your heart jolted, and you hastily but gently woke Kyoka up as Izuku handled Denki and Shinsou prodded Eijiro. Shoto was shaking Hanta.
Mina yawned, and sat up.
"What time is it?"
You checked your phone. "4:25. We have to get out, or we're gonna get caught trespassing."
"Oh, shit!" She stood up and started folding the picnic blanket as you all rolled (Hanta) and stepped off of it. She stuffed it in Kyoka's bag as Eijiro started to fold his own blanket, storing it in his rucksack.
The roads outside the park were no longer silent; every so often a few cars would drive by. You decided that the nine of you would escape through the section of trees at another end of the park.

With Denki complaining that he didn't want to have to walk all that way, you reluctantly used your Quirk for him to carry him over. The others didn't ask you to, since they knew you were already tired, and one Denki-sized bubble was giving you enough of a workout right now.

Shinsou, probably the only one who wasn't brain-dead with exhaustion (he was used to this) was helping Mina to make her way over with you lot.

Alright, noted, do not keep her awake all night or she'll turn into a sack of jelly and cling onto your arm when you tried to walk. Kyoka seemed to also be handling the situation adequately, poking fun at Denki for being so lazy.

Hanta had finally given up trying to stay asleep, and was now complaining the whole way over to the trees. Nobody had enough energy to tell him to tape his own mouth shut, frankly. As you arrived at the section of trees, you trudged forward to peer through the fence and check if anyone was around. Seeing that there wasn't, one by one you sent your friends over the wall in your bubbles. You couldn't handle three at a time as you did when breaking out of Yuuei.

"Are we going back now?" Hanta asked, now, apparently, fully awake and not complaining any more.
"Nah, let's buy some snacks."
"Is all you think about food, Kaminari?" Kyoka teases.
"That's a good idea, though. I'm craving donuts." Mina chimed in.
"You two share a braincell sometimes, you know that?" You teased endearingly.

"I could go for some soba." Shoto says.
"At 4AM?" Eijiro asks.
"Yes. Soba time is all the time."
Kirishima laughs. Shoto smiles gently.

You lead them to a small restaurant that is open at all hours, sitting them down as they ordered. There were no donuts, so Mina settled for ice cream. You got a Mocha Frappe, and Shinsou got Espresso.
"You guys cannot be seriously ordering coffee this early." Izuku blurts out, baffled. You look at him, and so does Shinsou.
"Okay, you are — uh, sorry." He mutters and you nudge him with your elbow.
"Don't sweat it, broccoli boy."

Eijiro orders something with a lot of protein in it, and Denki orders the same thing as Kyoka. Eijiro gives you a purposeful look, and you smirk.

After around an hour, you cover the bill and everyone follows you out of the restaurant, obviously expecting you to indicate what happens next.

"What? I don't have any ideas. Should we just get a bus somewhere random and see what happens?" You joke.
To your shock, your friends murmur in agreement.
"Hey, what's more fun than delving into something headfirst with no plan?" Kyoka asks.
Mina nods along.

"So... none of you want to start heading back?" You ask.
"Let's just go back when the front gates are open, and nobody will realise we snuck out after curfew." Shinsou suggests.
"You," you point at him, "are a genius. Let's go, then."

You moved as a unit to the nearest bus stop. Didn't matter which one.

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