Wrong Time

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[Time-skip to the next week! Don't worry, they all had fun playing games on Saturday and eating pizza. There was a debate about pineapples, too. They are delicious, period.]

Oh, boy, had you joined Yuuei at the wrong time. Exams were on everyone's mind, and were so close they were almost tangible.

Yeah, sure, okay, you were smart. Especially for your age, considering you may or may not be a year or so ahead of everyone else in your class academically. But still. It doesn't excuse the nerves.

It's not like you have a photographic memory, although right about now you were quite sure everyone across Japan was wishing they did.

You'd already begun to knuckle down with those who you'd quickly figured out were also smart; Iida Tenya and Yaomomo. Not that you avoided everyone else; they were still your friends, (obviously!) but you really needed to ensure you were spending at least these couple of weeks with those who you knew would put the effort in. They would be your motivation.

Plus, the curriculums from the different years of study had been mashed together at home into a glob of information by Shōta. You needed help deciphering which topics you were supposed to focus on in your first year of highschool.

What better students to help with that than the ones who had been through so many past papers they could probably recite them by now?

Okay, yes, you were stressed. But you also felt excited. A real exam season! You'd never had one before. The one thing that highschool dramas hyped up the most other than gossip, sneaking out, and prom. Yes, you realise (fully) now that (obviously) not everything those American dramas romanticised was actually that interesting or realistic, but hey, it was still something.

And, well, you don't know, but maybe your fear of Shōta seeing you score differently to your near-100%s at home was eating away at you a bit. After all, it had pretty much become expected of you by now. This was different, though. One big test for every subject. Not broken down nearly as much as it was at home.

But hey, maybe that meant it'd be easier?

Whatever it meant, you knew that having a slight academic advantage did not mean you were gonna slack off of studying.

But it also didn't technically mean you couldn't still have some... fun.

As you pulled on your jacket and tied your shoelaces, you hoped to God that Shōta wouldn't find out you snuck out at night.
Especially not this close to final exams.
Especially not with a group of boys. (Oh, and Mina and Kyoka.)
And even more especially not out of campus.

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