The Ride Home

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Your bus journey led you to a small town, the name of which you never took account of. Oh, well. Around you, everyone was laughing, joking and just enjoying themselves. In a creepily wholesome way, it was like you fed off of their happiness to fuel yourself. Seeing them smile gave you life.

Huh. So this is what you had been missing out on, being homeschooled for all those years. Now you felt, albeit a little guiltily, pretty damn happy to be going out behind Shōta's back to have some fun.

You explored the town, peered in the shops, poked at little trinkets, bought some more food — all on you, of course, just like their bus fares — and finally decided it was probably time to go home at around 7AM. The bus journey had been around 40 minutes, so you all felt like it was a good time to head off.

Pretty simple; you just found the bus stop you got off at, crossed the road, and took the same bus back in the opposite direction until you recognised something.

On the way there, you had sat next to Hanta, behind Eijiro and Mina, and talked to all of them the whole way. This time, Shinsou got on first, and sat in the very back corner. You pulled Izuku along behind you and sat next to him, with yourself in the middle of the two.

You were tired, and the other three were being just as loud as before, so you figured staying with those two was probably gonna be the most peaceful option. Pretty quickly, you dozed off, leaning on Izuku.

Shinsou woke the two of you up a couple of stops before you'd be getting off, smiling gently at you. Izuku had fallen asleep too, his head resting on yours.

Oddly, you felt the calmest you'd ever been with Izuku.
The most like yourself. You weren't sure why, but it felt like you two were almost siblings. Could you ever like him romantically? No way. So you guessed it had to be that. He was like a brother to you.

The two of you looked at each other upon waking up, and smiled. You gave him a tight side-hug, and ruffled his hair.
"Thank you."
"For messing your hair up...?"
"No," he turned to face his body towards you, "thank you for inviting me along... for thinking of me. It means a lot. You're a really great friend."
You beamed at him, leaning into his chest as you hugged him. "No problem. It's hard not to when you're just so lovable!" You chuckled, leaning back again.

You felt Shinsou looking at you, and turned around. He was leaning his head against the window, smiling slightly at you.
"I hate to be that guy, but where's my hug?"
You roll your eyes at him and hug him, too.
The rest of your friends were looking at you, now.

"...You all want one too, huh?" You chuckled, and grinned at them.
"All right."

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