What About Me?

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You paused before starting.

"Well, I guess my story starts off a little like yours. Kind of, anyway. My Quirk manifested when I was four, and I think pretty much right after that my parents just... abandoned me, kind of. I don't know why, and honestly I don't really want to. I don't want to find them or know them at all. All I know is they left me, and if they want to find and know me, then they've already ruined any chance of that. But, anyway, somehow some government officials figured out I was loosely related to Nem— uh, Midnight, so I went to live with her." You wait for his reaction or input to that information, and when you figure out he's just intently listening, you carry on with a little more confidence.

"Well, a year after I'd been living with Midnight, during term-time Shōta — damn — Aizawa Sensei would have me live with him, and he'd tutor me. After he taught his classes, anyway. We got really close pretty quickly. The only thing is I've had... uhh... separation anxiety... 'Cause of getting abandoned, or whatever, so when he was at Yuuei I'd hang out with other Pro Heroes."
"Is that how you met All Might?" He asks eagerly.
"Yeah, but not for another year. Nah, before then it was between Tsunagu — Best Jeanist, I mean — Taishiro, that's FatGum, and sometimes the 'Wild, Wild Pussycats'. But, yeah, I was never alone. And then, Midnight and Hizashi — uh, Mic — came over on weekends, too. More recently I've gotten closer to,"

You try to pause before you start naming everyone, making sure you say their Hero names so that Izuku actually knows who you're talking about. You list them on your fingers as you speak. "Snipe, Hawks, obviously, Ryukyu, Hound Dog, Mirko — love her — Mount Lady, Sir Nighteye, Gang Orca..." You realise you're rambling a little. "just... a lot."
Izuku's eyes are shining. Huh, you guess he's not just an All Might fanboy. No, apparently he's a complete Hero fanatic in general.

"But... yeah. I'd been getting homeschooled by Aizawa Sensei until a few weeks ago, obviously, but I didn't really want to... uh... come here."
"What?! Why not?"
This was the part you were worried about — of course, not seriously worried about, since it wasn't really that significant. But it was the fact that he had worked so hard to be in this position, and had risked his life for it, too, whereas you couldn't care less, and yet had comfortably fallen into the same situation. You wanted such different things, and yet you were in the same predicament. Shō saw potential in both of you, and so here you both were.
"Izuku, I don't really know if I want to be a Hero. I just... I've seen how all of my friends get affected by it. I know they do it to make everyone else feel safe, but I don't think I'm cut out for it, you know?"
He's silent, at least for a few seconds as he seems to think about what to say. "I understand that... But, I'm confused then, why did you join Yuuei?" He furrows his brow.
"Aizawa Sensei wants me to try it out. And..." You admit sheepishly. "I kind of loved the idea of being in a high school. Like in the American Dramas. It romanticises high school; makes it seem like some fantasy land — and don't we all want a little fantasy in our lives?"
Izuku is smiling gently at you.
"I get what you mean. I'm guessing that Aizawa Sensei made Yuuei the only option for you if you wanted to join a public school?"
"Yeah. Lucky me."
"You're... not considering leaving, are you?" He asks, worry seeping into his tone.
"Oh, god, no. I've gotten too attached to you all, now. Especially you. I feel like I've got a brother in you, Izuku."
He looks at you, almost surprised, before smiling sweetly. "I've always wanted a sister."

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