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As you make your way over to the Teacher's dormitory building, you spot your favourite short, white and fuzzy Principal. You jog a little to catch up with him, and he smiles up at you once you enter his peripheral vision.

"Hello, Xiomara!" He says gently, walking over to stand by the wall of the building so you two aren't in the way. You follow him.
"Hi, Sensei."
"Well, we are in school."
"Nobody will hear you." He smiles, tilting his head.
"Oh, true. I just wanted to say hi, really. How have you been? I know the... the USJ incident probably caused you a lot of stress. I'm sorry about that."
He waves a paw dismissively. "Oh, no need to be sorry. You didn't disclose the information to those villains. And Yuuei is back on its feet due to the recent installation of dormitories, now."
Your eyes widen and you lower your voice.
"I... didn't disclose...? Nezu, do you mean to say someone else has... well, is a spy for villains? In the school?"
His silence tells you everything.

"I... probably can't tell anybody about Kayama Sensei or Aizawa Sensei and myself, then... can I?"
"You were planning to?"
"I see. May I ask what for?"
You smile guiltily. "I kind of owe it to him after... messing with him a bit."
"I assume about One-For-All?" He smiles a little back at you.
"...Yeah..." You murmur.
"I take it that's why you were headed this way? To speak to Aizawa?"
"Have— have you seen...?"
"Yes, I believe he entered just a few minutes ago. I'm sure he'll be in his room." You nod, and go to move towards the door.
"Oh, and Xiomara?"
"Yes, Nezu?" You pause and look over your shoulder.
"Midoriya is most likely the one and only person you will be able to share this information with. Your other classmates... I am not certain about."

You nod again, and thank him, holding the door open for him before taking the stairs to the third floor. You find Shō's door and knock a few times. There's some shuffling, and the door opens.
"Xio? Everything okay?" He leans against the door, making way for you to step in, which you do, and plop yourself down on the bed.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just wanted to ask you something."
He shuts the door and sits next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you into him.
"What's up, kid? Want to quit already?"
"Huh? No, no. Not that. It'd feel pretty shitty to leave everyone so soon after getting this close to them, you know?" You lean into him.
"I'm... really glad you're making friends, Xio. And I can see they all think of you as family already, even if it's only been, what, three weeks?" He leans his head on yours, and you immediately feel relaxed.

Even though you two will never technically be related, it's safe to say that Shōta is and has always been the closest thing to a father figure in your life. You two share cat videos with each other on a daily basis, cook together regularly, sing together sometimes, and he definitely gets the most hugs from you out of anyone you know.

"What did you want to ask about?"
"Hmm...? Oh, right, yeah." You sit up. "Can I tell Izuku that I'm related to Nemuri?"
"What? Why?" He sits up too, facing you.
"Uh... I kind of might have... messedwithhimaboutoneforallandhadtotellhimiknew." You mumble, squishing your words together.
You take a breath and repeat yourself.
"I messed with him about One-For-All and then had to tell him I knew about it so he wouldn't get panicked."
"Why are you like this?" He sighs, and pinches the bridge of his nose.
"What? It was funny."
"You're going to tell him about us as well, aren't you?" He ignores your previous comment.
"Yeah... if I'm allowed."
"Sure. Just don't— don't tell him too much, okay?"
"I will not tell him about the cat memes."

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