Izuku's Story

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[Damn I've done three parts about Izuku now. I hope this story isn't moving too slowly idk]

By the time you get back to the 1-A dorms you can see Izuku frantically running around inside, asking your classmates something.

You push the door open and he immediately runs up to you. "Xio! There you are!" He seems pretty flustered.
"Sorry about leaving — are you okay?"
"No?! Are you kidding me? You tell me you've known All— ah— c-come upstairs!" Your other classmates begin to look over at the two of you curiously, probably after Izuku's frantic display of searching for you and then grabbing both of your arms as soon as he sees you.
"Yeah, that's probably a good idea." You wave at them as he pulls you along by the arm, smiling awkwardly as Uraraka raises an eyebrow at you.

"Izuku, you realise you've just brought shit tons of attention to us, right?" You chuckle, as you follow him into his room, watching him plop down on his bed.
"You can't just leave after you tell me you've known All Might since you were seven!"
"I think I might have been six, actu—."
He ignores that.
"And then tell me you have more to tell me but need to ask Aizawa Sensei first!"
"I mean... I did have to though. Plus, this way I get to tell you everything today instead of later."
"'Everything'? What's everything?"
"God, I've been dying to share this with someone but it's always been 'No, you have to keep this a secret, Xiomara.', 'No, I don't want anyone to treat you differently, kid.'" You repeat the irritating warnings mockingly.
"Oh. Just... my life, I guess."
"Has it really been that... uh, well, I'm not sure. Good or bad?"
"Both, I guess." You shrug.
"Hey — that's just like me!"
"Oh my god, we can exchange life stories." You sit down next to him on his bed.

You actually start to feel excited. You've always had to keep everything about yourself to yourself. It's not like you had any friends to tell, anyway, but now you have someone who knows about All Might's true identity, too, and someone who has a similar sort of story to your own.

"You go first." You urge.
"Oh, okay. Well... I'm not sure where to start. My... my dad wasn't really 'in the picture'... um... ever. So it's always just been my mum and I. Not that I ever let that affect me — I was still dead-set on being a hero anyway. It's just..." He looks down, smiling softly. "after I saw that video of All Might saving all of those people — from that huge burning building... I've never not been able to be a huge fan. I promised myself that day that I'd become the world's greatest hero, no matter what. And then... I was diagnosed as Quirkless. My world came crashing down around me, but... I guess I forced myself to become pretty much delusional so I wouldn't have to face the reality of it."

He looks up at you. "Kacchan always bullied me in middle school for being Quirkless. He... told me to... throw myself off a building, and hope I was born with a Quirk in my 'next life' but..." He chuckles nervously, not noticing the colour drain from your face at his words. Bakugou said fucking what? Anger pulses through your chest and presses against your ribs. Your hearing becomes drowned out for a second as Izuku continues to tell you about the day he had met Toshinori, and the day he saved Bakugou. All you can think is 'He didn't deserve your help.', but you stay silent, hiding the hatred for Bakugou in your face, but feeling it throb in your heart.

"I trained for months to mould my body to be the perfect vessel for One-For-All, but I didn't get to use it until that exam. I got zero points, did you know that?" He grins, glancing at you again.
"Huh? Seriously?" You gape.
"Yeah, but I still got into the Hero Course after they revealed that 'Rescue Points' were secretly awarded, too. I saved Uraraka from a massive zero-pointer, and that's when I got to use One-For-All for the first time!" You can hear his voice brimming with excitement from being able to share his feelings, and you feel your rage eventually fade away at his happiness.
"You really did work so hard for this, Izuku. You deserve every bit of what you've achieved." You place your hand on his own, and he beams at you.

"So... what about you?"

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