I am so sorry.

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I'd hate to say this, but I don't like this book. I'm not enjoying it anymore. The reads have MAJORLY decreased and like, I don't have fun writing this anymore. I might discontinue this book tbh. It feels like a burden to write and one of my favorite parts of this book was the comments. I enjoyed reading what everyone here thought about how I wrote this book and how I portrayed Heizou and everything... but I never get that anymore. It feels like no one cares and writing something I dont care for? it's stressful. I literally like drive myself insane even thinking about having to update here. I just posted the first chapter of my newest book and I had so much more fun writing that one than I have for this one in a long ass time. I want to thank everyone who ever supported this book with my special thanks going to people like AngeryCloud for motivating me to continue. Everyone reading this means the world to me and I'm sorry this has to happen. I might post the end still but other than that, I'm done here. I want to move on. I want to get this over with. I'm really, really, really sorry. And I hope I'll see you somewhere else. 

~With much love, Astra.. 

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