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After a flashback of random memories, he finally realized that he was in a large dark and empty hall, where it seemed he had never been there. This place, although dark, was not cold and freezing like where he used to live. On the contrary. It was quite hot and dry.

With a sudden change of image in his mind, he felt herself being in another place, still in the same environment, only a little less spacious, like a room, also dark, but illuminated by beams of light that entered through the sparse windows of the environment.

He heard a newborn's cry that echoed throughout the room and that entered his mind like a splinter. Still with the shrill cry in his mind, in another sudden change of memory he heard the roar of a great beast that took flight and fiercely began to burn the whole place he was. It was Drogon. That fire spread. And just like that, hearing a baby's cry and feeling the heat of the fire taking care of everything, he woke up.

Jon Snow woke up panting, sweating and bewildered.

- What's up crow? Another one of your nightmares? – Asked Tormund, who was beside him and woke up with the noise.

Jon didn't answer. He just kept looking around to make sure he was right there in the freezing place he had been living for about 1 year.

- It looks like this time she burned you in the dream - With this comment, Tormund let out a light laugh, but realizing that Jon didn't like the joke, he immediately stopped laughing and apologized:

- Sorry crow, you know how it is. I'm not very good with these things. But if you're happy, those nightmares you've been having these last few months, someday they'll go away. Even more so if they are repeated, you will soon get tired of them and ...

- This time was diferente - interrupted Jon.

- How different? Apparently you woke me up the same way you've been waking me up lately. Getting up suddenly from the bed and panting with a scared face. The difference is that this time you seem scared of the place you've been sleeping for months. I thought by now I was used to it.

- I was somewhere else - Jon answered quickly.

- I already know, in the room of that strange iron chair that all you fool...

- Not this time - Jon interrupted Tormund again. – This time I was in several different places at the same time. And suddenly I heard a baby's cry that still can't get out of my mind. And finally, Drogon appeared in another place and set everything on fire. Maybe that explains the heat I was feeling.

- I just didn't understand the baby part - Tormund replied with a puzzled expression. - What does that mean.

-I don't know - Jon snorted as if once again he was having problems with his sleep. - It must be bullshit- he replied as he got up from his bed.

- Where are you going? Outside it's still dark. Hey!... - Exclaimed Tormund quickly in an attempt to stop Jon. Seeing no result, he got up, grabbed his things and followed him.

- Crow! You won't get rid of me that easy. -And he ran towards Jon out of the hut thinking: "The memory of the dragon woman will still kill him if he doesn't forget her. I hope he doesn't take me with him". And so they both entered the forest in front of them, losing sight of each other.


A man from the Night's Watch entered a dense dark forest accompanied by his white direwolf and another large red haired man. Like an observant crow, he landed on a branch behind, watching the men and the great beast walking away. He was preparing to fly when he was interrupted.

- Your grace...I...I...I'm sorry if I interrupted you in something...- Tyrion stammered as he entered King Bran's chambers.

- I just came to inform you about the royal matters and needs of the capital ... -

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