Bring Me The Child

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- Majesty...

- I already know. Let him in - ordered Bran, knowing Bronn was back.

After this he entered the hall, in an attempt to explain what had occurred to the king.

- Why did you come back?

- I... needed to go back...

- You failed.

- Your Majesty did not say that there would be someone else there.

- I thought that the mercenary you had hired and your men could handle a single man.

- You didn't see him in your visions, did you? Bronn asked in a doubtful tone.

- That's none of your business. Are you doubting my power?

- Not that I doubted it..- and before he finished the sentence he felt a huge headache as if someone was trying to take control of his mind. He fell to his knees on the floor trying to control himself but he couldn't, and before anything worse happened, all the pain stopped and he felt himself back in control of his mind, breathing quickly as if he were out of breath.

- What did you do?

- Do you still doubt me?

-N..No maj..majesty ...- he replied stuttering still feeling pain.

- I beg you one more chance...

- There's something I really want.

- Say I'll do it...

- I want you to bring me a certain child. For that you will have to go to Essos. Bring me this child alive.

- I will bring you...

- I do not accept failures.

- Yes sir - Bronn replied knowing that this new mission would have to be accomplished or else he wouldn't make it out alive.

Before he left, Podrick entered the room.

- I asked you to wait outside.

- It's just that Queen Sansa wants to talk to you.

- She'll have to wait...

- What will I have to wait brother? - replied Sansa entering the hall even without Bran's permission.

At that moment he nodded for Bronn to leave the premises immediately so that he could comply with the order.

Sansa could see that Bronn was scared and nervous, as well as he was limping.

- What's going on Bran?

- I will reconvene the council to report the latest developments. - he responded.

- But we almost finished getting together.

- They need to know that a big threat is coming. We will have to use all our strength against her.

- You are scarring me.

- Podrick, get everyone back together. Tell them the Dragon Queen is alive.

After having said that, Sansa's mouth dropped open and she lowered her head in despair, knowing what would come. Because of her, Daenerys had lost the throne and because of her, everyone found out Jon's secret.

- Still think it's not urgent sister?


After a few hours of pain, he slowly opened his eyes. He didn't know if he had died or not. Until he remembered the last thing that had happened to him. He remembered that Daenerys was alive and that she had stabbed him, but apparently he had survived. He was lying on a bed. Even though he felt a little pain, he raised his head a little to look at the place in his body where he received the dagger. To his surprise, there was a bandage there. He didn't understand why. Why Daenerys stabbed him and left him alive. Not only alive, but she even let them take care of him.

In the midst of these thoughts he remembered the kiss she had given him. He never imagined how much he would miss her kisses, her skin and her smell in his life. And even knowing that she was his aunt, he felt that this condition no longer mattered.

During the year he spent living with the wildlings he had many thoughts and reflections. He began to question certain taboos and social conveniences that he had learned, only to discover that it was more worthwhile to live a great love than to avoid it for social and family reasons. He saw how the wildings lived their life and how certain customs it had only served to keep up appearances, which even he often did not agree with. However, when he finally concluded that, he thought it was too late. Until that moment, the woman he loved most in his life was dead, having died by his hand. He didn't think she could ever be back, or that some miracle would happen. He happily discovered that he was wrong. He just didn't know if they could ever be together again. Not after everything that's happened.

And thinking that, he remembered the words of Maester Aemond Targaryen: "What is honor compared to a woman's love? What is duty against the feel of a newborn son in your arms?...Love is death of duty".

Remembering those words, he thought about what Tyrion had told him, reversing the sentence, concluding that the dwarf made a fool of him. He just didn't make a complete fool of it because of the promise he had previously made to Daenerys, a promise he never imagined he would have to fulfill, even reluctantly and only understanding after talking to Tyrion and seeing the situation, and even being confused of the decision he had made.

- I see you're awake.

And hearing that sweet voice, he lifted his head to look at Daenerys who was standing beside him watching her.

- Are you already better?

Not understanding what was going on, he questioned her with a look, but didn't answer.

- From your reaction I see that you are already better. The, I must go. I can't waste too much time here.

And before she left, Jon struggled a little and held her hand, preventing her from leaving the place, finally saying:

- Why are you doing this? What is happening?

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