Son of Ice and Fire

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Daenerys was walking hurriedly through the corridors of the Pyramid, with a clearly worried expression on her face. Right behind her, Jon followed, trying to catch up.

- Where are we going like this? - asked Jon, without having heard any response from her, which confirmed for him that what had happened was already a known concern of the Queen. He just didn't imagine it would be something so serious.

He thought about trying dialogue again, but before he could speak, he bumped into the Queen who stopped abruptly in front of a large wooden door, where there were two guards standing by.

Taking a deep and anxious breath, Daenerys opened the large door, and went towards a woman who was there holding her son.

- Shhh...mommy is here...shh...- you can leave him with me - she said to the woman as she took the child in her arms and kissed his forehead.

Jon then realized where they were and when he saw that his son was in front of him, he began to smile and feel immensely happy. He approached Daenerys quickly with the look of a child who had received a new toy, stretched out his arms and asked:

- May I?

Before she could hand over the child, she looked at him and saw a Jon there that she had never seen before. His eyes shone with so much love and happiness, his desire to have his son in his arms was visible. She looked back at her son in her arms with a tender look, finding the situation exciting, and decided that now was the time to hand him over to his father.

- Hold him here like this - she replied, handing the child to Jon who, without taking his eyes off that beautiful baby and with a huge smile, took him in his arms, cradling him.

- beautiful he is!..Did you know that you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in this world? - Jon said, babbling to the child, who remained calm in his arms.

That scene made Daenerys' heart melt, leaving her enchanted by everything she was seeing.

At that moment, Jon lowered his head a little, bringing it closer to the baby's body and began to cry, apologizing:

- Forgive me for what I did to you.

He kissed his son's forehead and handed him back to his mother.

- I did not ask. What name did you give him?

- Aemond. Aemond Targaryen.

And hearing this answer, Jon nodded happily agreeing with the name given to his son. Aemond was a strong name and reminded him of the old Aemond he had met on the wall while he was one of the Night's Watch members. Someone very special to him.

- Can you stay with him tonight? - Daenerys asked the woman who was taking care of her son, handing him over to her.

- Yes I can, my queen.

- Excellent.

- Where are you going? - Jon asked her.

- I need to ensure that tonight we can be safe so that we can rest peacefully. Tomorrow I will make the necessary decisions to solve one of our new problems.

- If he needs anything, don't hesitate to call me, okay? - Dany said to her son's nurse, who soon nodded in agreement.

Soon after she left the room, accompanied by Jon, she came across Daario.

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