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Brienne and a few soldiers were on board a vessel that was heading towards the continent of Essos. Until that moment she only knew that in Essos she might find some answers.

However, even without many clues, days before her venture, she decided to follow Bronn, as she knew that he and the king had been very close lately. She imagined that by discovering the secret between them, she would understand what was really happening and could decide what to do.

Brienne was a loyal knight, however, she had been suspicious of certain attitudes of her King. Although she condemned herself for it, she suspected whether this time she would be serving the right person and even reflected on the words that Jamie Lannister had once told her about the attitude he took when he killed the Mad King.

- Hey, captain! Why do we dock here?

The ship's captain was standing still with his back to her.

- Didn't you hear what I said?...

At this moment, when she saw the ship's captain turning around, she was shocked to see Bronn turning him around, with his hand on his stomach holding a dagger full of blood. The captain of the ship, who was now also spilling blood from his mouth, was then dropped to the ground.

- What do you do here?

- Did you know that he sees everything we do? – Bronn replied, cleaning his dagger and putting it back in its sheath.

- Guards, stop him!

At that moment the guards moved and when she thought they would help her stop Bronn, they all turned on her.

- What is that? – asked Brienne, surprised and frightened – obey!

- It's no use. They now obey me.

- You can not do that.

- Yes. I can. Look at this: guards, you know what to do. Beat her and before she dies, put an end to her.

- What?? You can not...

And having said these last words Brienne was beaten until she was unconscious.

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