The Morning after

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The morning after the torrid and passionate night he lived, Jon woke up to the first rays of sunlight hitting his face.

Dany's right hand was resting on his chest, as well as part of her body was above his. Her head was resting under his chin, which made him feel her light breathing. Her legs were entwined with his. And seeing her like that, in her natural beauty, vulnerable in his arms, he smiled and gave her a light kiss on her forehead. Seeing the bedroom's balcony door open, he lightly got out of bed without waking her and stood up, still naked. Without putting on any clothes, he went towards the balcony to see the city of Meeren from above. It was a beautiful morning. He saw the city and Slaver's Bay from afar. He raised his head towards the sun and closed his eyes feeling the sun's rays and a cool wind hitting his naked body.

He felt himself being suddenly hugged from behind, which made him snap out of that momentary state of contemplation. He knew whose soft hands were now stroking him and he, smiling, pressed her hands on his body, placing his head on hers.

- The view from here is so beautiful, isn't it?

- Indeed it is – he replied, closing his eyes again while placing his face on hers and smoothing her hands, while she hugged him from behind, both of them naked.

- I'm thinking about getting to know the city better and looking for some information.

- Like this? Today? After everything that almost happened to you? - Daenerys replied, surprised and slightly worried.

- There's nothing to worry about.

- How not, Jon? - and asking this question, Daenerys moved away from him a little, while Jon turned to her replying:

- There's nothing to worry about, I know how to take good care of myself - he replied, smiling slightly, pulling her back into his arms and kissing her.

-It's not that... that easy, Jon - she replied between one kiss and another. And when he tried to intensify the kiss again she pushed him away and said:

- I know what you're trying to do.

- Dany, seriously, I know how to take care of myself. I need to have some information about what my brother is doing... I don't know why all the concern.

- You have got to be kidding? - she replied - not long ago you were almost killed on the streets of the city by people hired by your brother to kill you, to kill us and you tell me that I shouldn't worry?

- I didn't mean it that way...Dany, I...- and before they finished the conversation Dany started to get dressed.

- Where are you going? – He asked her, watching her get ready, but she didn't respond at all.

- Danny?

- I need to sort out things in the kingdom, one of which is to keep you out of danger before you put yourself in danger.

- Nothing will happen to me - he said smiling.

- Not even. My son still needs a father.

- And you? - he asked, looking into her eyes.

- If I didn't need you I wouldn't have sent my men after you.

And hearing this, he smiled at her, who smiled back.

- You're not leaving this palace today, Jon, until I sort some things out.

- Dany, I already said...

And before the conversation ended, Daenerys left the room, slamming the door and leaving him there, thinking he would be safe there.

- Damn it! - he exclaimed as he took a deep breath, looking at the ceiling.

Even though she was worried about everything that was happening, Daenerys was deeply happy. She had spent the entire night in the arms of the man she loved, realizing that the love between them was stronger than questions of kinship or any obstacle that stood in their way. She was overjoyed that Jon had not only managed to overcome the kinship between the two of them, but he also seemed more in love, if that were possible. And every moment she remembered his kisses, his touch, the way he loved her that night, she couldn't contain herself and smiled with happiness.

- It seems that the beautiful day outside has infected my queen - said Daario upon meeting her in the corridor, bringing her back from her memories to the real world - may I know what has made you so happy in months? - he asked, taking his hand to her cheek, caressing it.

And before he answered, she thought about what to say to him without hurting him, because she knew that he was not only a faithful soldier to her, but also someone who still had strong feelings for her.

-Daario... I...- she began to speak, placing her hand over his, thinking about removing it from her face calmly.

- Before you answer, I have a special gift for you - he interrupted her before she could take any action.

- Someone who would do anything for you is waiting for you in the throne room - he replied smiling, walking towards the throne room, she following him with quick steps to see who they were.

Upon entering the throne room, she came across Yara Greyjoy, some immaculate soldiers and Grey Worm, who upon seeing her, even in his intact posture, let a tear fall, all of them soon after kneeling down.

Upon seeing his faithful soldiers and his ally kneeling there, and especially Grey Worm, she hurriedly descended the stairs. And when she got close to them, she walked slowly towards them.

- Yara - she said greeting her with her head, Yara already standing, full of tears and happy to see her there. Alive.

- Grey Worm. You can get up.

And when he heard this, he slowly stood up, looking at her with emotion. And just like intuition she hugged him, and he hugged her back, crying, both having experienced strong emotions in the last few months, in addition to the strong pain they held after losing Missandei, and he not only Missandei, but also after losing her.

- My queen.

They stayed there in a long embrace, until he walked away from her and said:

- I'm ready to serve you again.

- Me too - added Yara.

- I think that now you should rest and then we will talk - said Daenerys smiling.

- I need to do some things first - said Grey Worm.

- What would be more important than resting now? Daenerys replied, smiling slightly.

- Avenge you. I'll bring you Jon Snow's head - he replied confidently, while Daenerys didn't like the idea at all, not knowing how to tell them what was really happening.

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