Welcome back my Queen - Part 1

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**scene above made by NBS Studio.


- No...that's not how you should do it. You have to feel it. Only then the Lord of Light will respond.

- Kinvara! That gentleman who came here two days ago asks you to go to his palace. It looks like he's going to pay well – One of the red priestesses said to Kinvara, who interrupted teaching the spells she knew to a beginner.

-That's good – she replied with a smile on her face – Hey! Once again. What do you see in the flames? – Asked her pupil.

Her pupil was standing still, staring at the flames that were before her. She wasn't sure if what she saw made sense.

- Let's go. What you see?

- I think it's a... dragon... carrying a silver-haired woman in its claws... it seems... here..???

And before she finished the sentence, the frightening noise of a creature was heard, as well as a rumble being felt throughout the temple.

- Kinvara! You need to see it!

And with this call, Kinvara and the other priestesses who were with her ran to the entrance of the great temple. When they got there they were in for a big surprise.

- It can not be! - The priestess stopped in front of the lifeless body of someone they didn't want to see dead. Someone they had great admiration for and thought was sent by the Lord of Light.

- Daenerys! – She exclaimed, crouching down and confirming that the Mother of Dragons was dead. Without thinking much, she called the other priestesses who were with her:

- Please help! Pick her up and take her immediately to the hall on the great board.

- What do you think to do?

- You'll see. But we don't have time. Now!

After a few seconds:

- Place it on the stone table.

And hearing this, the priestesses did so.

- Now get out!

-I'm going to bring you back – she spoke to Daenerys' inert body that was there in front of her.

And soon after, she lit the entire stone table where the body of the Dragon Queen was, chanting a ritual that only the red priestesses and a few more followers of the Lord of Light knew. As she recited a few words, she removed the dagger from just below the Dragon Queen's breasts, placing it next to her body. The moment she touched Daenerys's belly she noticed something different and then said:

- I see you're not alone. I will not only bring you back, but I will bring your baby back to life too.

And having made this discovery, she returned to the ritual.

Some time passed until there was silence and all the fire in the place went out, leaving everything dark.

In the midst of the deafening silence she finally managed to take a weak, spaced breath. All the fire that had been put out lit up again at the same time, lighting up the entire place.

Queen Daenerys woke up suddenly, breathing again as if she had almost drowned. Already sitting still breathing heavily, after calming down, she heard:

- Welcome back my Queen!

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