Valar Morghulis - Valar Dohaeris

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- I see you got what you wanted – a familiar male voice approached.

- Not exactly what I wanted – and answering that, with a slight smile, Arya Stark turned to see her former master, Jaqen h Ghar.

- So the training wasn't enough. Or the fact that you didn't want to leave your old life behind hindered your decisions.

- Some of them – she replied, followed by a long silence – I went out into the world trying to find answers, new places, but I saw that there is nothing more than some islands - And again after a silence she replied:

- And I feel like I messed up my brother's life by not supporting him when he finally found someone.

- You judged without having the power to do so. Only the many-faced God has this power. And you know how to please him – replied Jaqen.

- I offer it to the God of many faces. But I'm still Arya Stark and some things don't change.

- If you think so, I don't need to say anything more – replied Jaqen - But what is Arya Stark doing here on this side of the world?

- I came to know more about Essos. I didn't have enough opportunity to find out more about here. And you? You must have come to seek some lives.

- I can't say more than our conversation.

- I understand.

- Even more so now that Essos is in an uproar, suspecting that the Mother of Dragons seems to be back. Many offerings will appear to the Many-Faced God.

And hearing this, Arya was shocked, stating:

- But she died. She got what she deserved – she replied angrily.

- This world holds many surprises.

- I imagine everyone here is scared of news like that, even though I'm sure she's dead.

- Here on this side of the world she is loved. People are in an uproar here because they want her back – replied Jaqen.

- How is this possible? – she replied without believing what Jaqen told her.

- Anyway, I know she's dead – said Arya, confidently.

- Why don't you find out? Tip: start with Meeren – replied Jaqen, turning around.

- Where are you going?

- I'll do what I came here to do - he replied, leaving.

And after hearing this, Arya became worried and thoughtful: "if she is alive, we will be lost. It must just be a rumor." And even though it was a rumor, she knew where she should go.


After spending a few minutes apprehensively with his eyes open, tiredness had finally overcome him, and Jon finally closed his eyes and slept. But these minutes of sleep didn't last long, as a baby's cry had woken him up.

He got up from the bed, finding that newborn cry strange. He then wondered how there would be a child in that place and where its parents were to leave that baby in despair. And thinking this, he decided to follow the sound of the baby's crying, having arrived at a large door that was ajar.

On the ground he saw two bloodied guards. Realizing that something bad had happened, he quickly approached the men on the ground and discovered that both men had just been killed. And still hearing the desperate cry of a baby, he took one of the swords from the two guards and entered the room.

Upon entering the dark place, only lit by the moonlight, he found himself in front of a cradle and was frightened by a macabre figure that was close to this cradle. And seeing that this figure that resembled a shadow was trying something against that child, he attacked it with the sword he held.

At this minute, the unknown being that was there ran to the balcony that was there and disappeared.

Seeing that the macabre figure had disappeared, Jon returned to the place where the crib was and saw a beautiful child who was still crying in despair.

Without waiting, he picked up the child that was in the crib and brought it close to him, comforting the newborn who soon stopped crying. It was then that while cradling that child, he strangely began to feel a great affection for that baby he had never seen. He felt the greatest surprise when the baby opened its eyes and looked at him. He felt an immense and inexplicable love. Not resisting, he gave him a slight smile as he rocked him.

And at that exact moment the doors of the place were opened, and several soldiers entered and as soon as they saw Jon holding the child and after having passed the dead guards on the floor, without questioning they went towards him.

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