The Council Meeting And The Conveniences

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- I hope your journey was peaceful and comfortable my queen - said tyrion greeting Sansa who just arrived in Kingslanding.

- I wouldn't say that comfortable was the most appropriate word, but given the urgency with which my brother called me here, it came out as expected - she smiled at the dwarf and soon after added - I see that the city is still recovering after all what happened.

- Your brother, King Bran, is making great efforts to restore it to its glory days. Be patient. I would recommend you to rest after a long journey, but he is already waiting for you in the council room.

- It must be something really urgent. Take me there then.

- Come.

And accepting Tyrion Lannister's invitation, Sansa entered the place.

Brienne of Tarf, Samuel Tarly, some other lords and King Bran were already waiting in the council room. King Bran accompanied by Podrick, who helped him in everything.

While waiting for the arrival of the queen of the north, those present noticed the restlessness of King Bran, especially Brienne, who was suspicious of certain attitudes of her king.

It didn't take long and Tyrion entered the room, which soon after everyone settled in knowing who would enter soon after.

Sansa Stark entered the room, having been greeted by everyone shortly after being introduced.

After all the formalities and after taking his seat, Tyrion began:

- King Bran Stark has called all of you here to tell you about something important. I know that many here have just arrived from long and tedious journeys, but I assure you that your presence is necessary. It's all about rebuilding this city and strengthening our relationships. But I will let the King himself speak to you.

And after a long silence Bran spoke:

- I called you here not just to talk about business. Unfortunately, the news I have for you is not very good - he spoke coldly, something that did not go unnoticed by Sansa and Tyrion, who did not understand the change in dialogue.

- A few days ago I've been monitoring certain groups that were allied with Queen Daenerys, like the second sons, and I noticed a great movement from them after her departure. I hear them say that she wants revenge.

At that moment everyone started talking at the same time and panic started to appear until they were interrupted by Bran.

- Don't panic. I'm already taking action.

- My brother, I mean, my king, she is dead. If you wanted to know if she had survived, you would just have to see it yourself, wouldn't you?

- I can't see her like any other of you.

- That means then that she is dead and that we must only contain those insurgents who appear in her name. But if that's true, that they want revenge on her behalf, shouldn't we send a parchment to Jon? He's in danger.

And after saying that name, Bran was even more nervous and then he said:

- And if he is also a threat and joins her cause by showing regret for what he did? Bran replied.

- He wouldn't do that. He knows her sacrifice was necessary.

- He loved her. What would stop him? – strangely He said that, as if he knew something else, forgetting that the dragon queen had gone mad, which led to her downfall.

- And yet he killed her to save us. Which is why the men who would do anything for her would take revenge on him. They are blinded by it. Brother, do something.

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