Love and Pain

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And after hearing his question, she stood there for a while, with her head down, not knowing what to answer, thoughtful. She no longer knew whether or not to trust him.

- You asked me that if something happened, if one day you were to become what you didn't want, which was to be your father, that I should sacrifice you, even though I was against it.

And hearing this she pulled her hand out of his, which caused him more strangeness and daze.

- Don't you remember that?

She remained silent, not knowing what to answer.

- Do you remember or not?

- Of course I remember - she replied with a low and trembling voice, a little emotional, but remaining calm - but until then I thought you loved me, that you would save me from myself.

- But I love you. I always loved you.

- And when I needed you, you weren't there. Your secret destroyed us.

- This is not true.

- And why did you avoid me so many times? - she said with a raised tone of voice - Why did every time we kissed you stop the kiss? Why did you leave me alone when I needed you most? She spoke louder and crying.

- Because I had just found out that you were my aunt! Don't you understand that? - he also responded with a changed voice - You didn't even try to understand the dilemma I was experiencing at that moment. I didn't expect to arrive at Winterfell and discover that the man I called father was actually my uncle. Not even that I was your brother's son.

- We Targaryens always can a loving relationship with each other, this has never been a problem for us - she replied sadly, lowering her head.

- But I wasn't raised as a Targaryen! –he replied, getting up in pain – I was raised as a Stark! And for a Stark that's wrong. Can you imagine how many times I wish I could kiss you and love you and I couldn't? - he replied fiercely, approaching her - can you imagine how many times during our kiss I wanted to take off your clothes and feel your body and I had to stop before it was too late? - he replied looking at her body and then looking into her eyes - Do you know what it's like to be close to you and not be able to do anything?

And after saying that, there was silence and tension in the air, until they both felt an immense desire to close the space that existed between their lips, pushing them towards each other. But before that happened, Dany suddenly stopped, avoiding the kiss. At that moment, Jon looked at her without knowing what happened, questioning her with his eyes.

- I thought... - Jon said in a whisper.

- You sacrificed me after a kiss - Dany replied, her eyes filled with tears, raising her head to look into Jon's eyes.

- Dany...that person wasn't you anymore...I wanted to be able to feel your lips on mine one more time before having to do what I did.

- Kissing me and then sticking a dagger in my heart?

- Would you have thought of a better way to do what you would never do? – Jon asked with a sad look.

And hearing this, Dany didn't know what to respond.

- I don't know how to explain it... at the same time that I saw you and felt that you were there, I also saw someone else...- he said, remembering and slightly shaking his head as if wanting to understand what had happened. ..

- You don't understand...that wasn't me...

- I know...and as much as I didn't want to keep my promise, I had to do were out of your

-So you don't know - she replied, feeling surprised and at the same time relieved.

- What don't I know, Dany? - he asked without understanding anything.

- Ouch...

-Jon! - Dany ran worried and put her hand on the wound he had.

- I am fine.

- No. You need to rest - he said, stopping him from moving.

- I will call a maester to take care of you.

- Don't forget that it was you who caused this.

- You deserved it - she replied, smiling.

And noticing this, Jon smiled back.

- And I needed to do that – she replied – You will understand why.

- You didn't say what I don't know.

And hearing this, she rose from the bed where she sat and replied:

-It's a long story - she stopped and thought if she should answer his question.

- But I believe that I should not respond in this environment without being careful. Anything we say or do can be used against us.

With this answer, Jon was even more confused about what was happening. To him, Daenerys' words made no sense.

- I'll let you rest. Then I'll tell you everything that happened. I hope you trust me.

And answering this and seeing Jon's face without understanding anything, she left the room where Jon was.

Jon adjusted himself as if he was going to rest. However, he couldn't close his eyes thinking about what was happening. All he could do was wait, even if he didn't trust Daenerys' soldiers, especially Daario.

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