Welcome back my Queen - Part 2

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A brief silence followed. Daenerys, although panting, seemed to be calmer. She looked around until she saw the same dagger that took her life. This vision was enough for her to take the same dagger and suddenly attack Kinvara, who, without understanding what was happening and desperate with the situation, began to scream for help. At this moment, the priestesses who were in the temple entered the great hall and arrived in time to contain Daenerys and save Kinvara from the fury of the Queen's fury, who, despite being contained by the other priestesses, still struggled and cried, shouting something that they did not understand.

- Do something to make her stop! We won't take it!

- I don't know what is happening...I...

- Do anything.

Amidst her despair, Kinvara began to chant another kind of incantation, something that could calm her down.

- She's still out of her mind... I think we should m...

- No! If she came here, it's a sign that the Lord of Light is sending to us.

-Jon...- finally, in the midst of all the confusion, Daenerys babbled just one word, crying, slowly calming down as she cried.

- Who...who is this my Queen? – Kinvara asked, slowly approaching and looking at her expression and of the other priestesses who were holding her.

-He kissed me passionately and...- she stopped talking and crying concluded-and hit me with it- she spoke angrily and crying while pointing to the dagger that was taken from her chest.

- I don't know who he is, probably the father of your son but...

- No...No...No...- she remembered again and returned to the previous state of outburst, causing the priestesses to hold her again.

- Madam...this is not normal...

- That's not her. Someone did this to her by stunning her mind, controlling her. Hold it!

And giving this final order she began a new ritual to take away what was on Daenerys' mind, even as she struggled trying something.

After finding out that Daenerys came back to life just like him, Jon still didn't understand the part that Kinvara told him about something that controlled Dany's mind. He heard everything still feeling guilty, and every word that was said made him remember the worst day of his life. Still, he felt like a miracle happened and brought the woman he loved back. He also discovered that when she died, Daenerys was pregnant with his child, which was even worse for him. And with this mixture of feelings that made him feel moved to the point of dropping a tear and even more sorry for what he did, he said:

- So this boy I just saved is my son?

Daenerys just responded by nodding her head as she looked at him and then lowered her head.

- And...I...killed our son too? – hhe said, babbling in a desperate tone.

- Apparently he was still alive when she arrived in Volantis – Kivanvara replied coldly.

-No, no...- he repeated shaking his head and crying.

- You didn't know, Jon – Dany replied, swallowing her tears and not knowing how to react.

Still feeling terrible about what he did, he said:

- What did you mean by something controlling her mind?

- I wouldn't say that controlling would be the exact word for what happened to her - Kinvara replied, looking at him and understanding the confusion that was now in his mind - What actually happened was that the ancient magic penetrated her mind and stunned her. Something that hasn't been seen in a long time and that made her do things she would never do.

- That means...- and hearing that made him even sadder, because this revelation made him think that what he did was even worse.

- There was no way. What you did...was necessary - Dany replied, lowering her head and looking away, letting a tear fall. Jon then approached slowly and hesitantly, lifting Dany's chin so he could look into her eyes as he stroked her face with his thumb.

-I'm sorry - he replied with the sad puppy look he had - I hope that someday you forgive me for the horrible thing I did to the love of my life. I hope my son forgives me too.

- You did what you had to do - she replied, stroking his hand that was on her face - You did what I had already asked from you - she said without controlling her emotion, because deep down she felt hurt and resentful, even knowing that this It was the alternative he had found to stop her from doing even worse things than she had already done.

- At that moment, this choice you made may have been the best - said Kinvara - what could have happened if you hadn't done what you did?

- I wouldn't have almost killed my son - he replied, lowering and shaking his head - And the fact that I ended up practically killing my son too will haunt me for the rest of my life, something I will never forgive myself - he replied, shaking his head while swallowing the cry.

- I think you shouldn't forgive whoever did this to her and caused all this in the lives of you two and others, and whoever will harm her.

At that moment Dany put her hand on his shoulder, as if she was supporting him, even after what he would hear, even if it hurt.

- Who is behind this? – Finally he asked to Kinvara.

- Your brother. The Night King – Dany replied immediately.

Without understanding what Dany meant, Jon was paralyzed without knowing what was happening, questioning the two women with his look and his reaction.

- And he already knows you're here. That she is alive. And that you two have a child together.

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