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Long minutes passed looking into each other's eyes, their noses touching, they touching each other, their naked bodies intertwined in a tight embrace. It was long months away from each other, without feeling what they were feeling at that moment. Carrying heavy and painful feelings till there. They found the great love of their lives in each other, at the same time that life cursed them with the tragedy they experienced. But their love was so strong, that even with everything that happened, it remained alive, and after so long away from each other, it remained the same, only more intense in that moment of reunion, where longing managed to make both of them overcome any obstacle experienced.

- I never imagined having you like this... again in my arms - Jon whispered - feeling your smell, your skin, your taste... Feeling you alive in my arms - he said and looked into Dany's eyes, then letting it fall a few tears after saying that.

- Jon... - she whispered, pushing his forehead with hers while closing her eyes - I would prefer not to remember that at this moment. Despite what we're going through now, it still hurts me... Do you understand?

Jon heard what she said, looked up at her, and brought his hand to her cheek, stroking it, and then giving a light kiss on her lips.

- I hope that someday we can live without the shadow of what happened to us. I hope you forgive me.

- I love you, Jon Snow. But some things are hard to forget – she replied – What made you overcome the problem of our kinship? – She questioned looking into his eyes.

- The fear of not having you anymore. When you left... - he said, looking down quickly and taking a deep breath, then looking back into her eyes - I realized that nothing, not honor or duty, was worth more than having you. It was better to be close to you and feel you, even though you were mine...

-Auntie... – she completed looking into his eyes.

-Yes – he replied, looking back at her and smiling a little, as if realizing again that she was everything he wanted.

- So if I hadn't died you wouldn't have noticed that? – She asked back. But now smiling slightly, as if she wanted to break the sad tone the conversation was taking.

- I would not have endured this obstacle that I created by being close to you for so long.

Stroking his chin lightly with one of her fingers, she said:

- But whenever we kissed you would stop the kiss and get away from me.

- Sure!

With this answer Dany was paralyzed, afraid of what he would respond to her.

- What do you think would happen if I stayed too close to you after we kissed? I wouldn't resist for long and I would have you in my arms again, and at that moment I thought that continuing to love you was a sin. Something that for me at that moment could not happen under any circumstances. I kissed you and felt like taking off your clothes and feeling your entire naked body again. So I stopped before it was too late – he replied, smoothing her mouth with his nose.

- I thought you didn't want me anymore.

- I loved you.

- I know. But what was the point of loving me and not wanting to have me? – She replied, getting up and sitting on the bed – For me, nothing we were doing was wrong. We Targaryens bond among ourselves. And that's normal.

- But for me it was wrong. I was raised among the Starks and for my family that was wrong.

- And you thought that opinion, honor and duty were more important than our love.

And having heard this, Jon got up and sat on the bed, kissing her shoulder and hugging her from behind while he kissed her neck from behind as well.

- I never thought that. I was just stupid to let these feelings overwhelm me at a time when you needed me most.

And after answering that, Dany turned to him, sitting on his lap while bringing her face closer to his, looking at his lips and then his eyes.

- And now?

- What?

- Will you be with me when I need you? – she asked.

- No matter what happens. You are my life. Wherever you are I will be with you. Along with you and our son.

- Even if it's against your family? – she asked fearfully.

- Even if it's against my family. Against anyone – he answered firmly, looking into her eyes and then to her lips, closing the space between their lips with a passionate and intense kiss, pulling her back to the bed, placing her on top of him while they kissed each other. He brought one of his hands down from the back of her head to her ass, and squeezed her so hard, as if he didn't want to let her out of that hug anymore.

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