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She was so beautiful. She had curly hair, an innocent smile. A unique beauty. In his condition, he never thought he could ever touch her.


-Hey, Grey Worm! it's time - he felt being touched on his shoulder. It was Yara waking him up from his memories.

- I'll let my men know that everything is ready.

He nodded, turning to his men calling them to follow him to the pyramid.

Before he left the ship, he looked at the pyramid in the distance where he had lived for years, remembered his queen, took a deep breath, and then headed towards it.


- Podrick?

- Yes, my King? - he replied fearfully, lowering his head.

- I need you to send a message to Bronn. And it has to be now – he said, slowly turning his head towards Podrick.

- As you wish, Your grace - he replied, kneeling down and then hastily leaving, just as Tyrion entered the chamber.

- I didn't imagine the situation would be so serious - he replied ironically when he saw Podrick leave in a hurry.

- I see you still don't believe my words - Bran said coldly, still with his back turned, looking at the window.

- That's not it, my King - he promptly replied, fearing his reaction - But I believe...

- Tyrion...- interrupted Bran the dwarf, turning towards him - If you were killed because some of your allies or advisors turned against you and planned your death and you suddenly came back to life, what would be the first action you would take?

A brief silence passed, until Tyrion replied:

- I would take revenge on all those who stabbed me - he stated after thinking for a while.

- Do you understand? – He asked the dwarf, who nodded after a while, although he still seemed suspicious.

- Then we better prepare ourselves, because she will come with everything. She is fire and blood in the true sense - he said, ending the conversation, both looking out the window, waiting for what was to come.

However, Bran knew much more than he told him and the others. Contrary to what Tyrion thought, Bran had already planned everything. Even before the destruction of Kingsland. He just didn't count on Daenerys' return. Much less that she would team up with Jon Snow again. Not even if they had a child together. And before things got out of control, he needed to put an end to it by eliminating the last living Targaryens once and for all.


Bronn had just read the message Bran sent him. He closed the scroll and stood there thinking for a while.

- Captain.

Bron turned to his subordinate to find out what he wanted to say, asking.

- What happened?

- The big woman...

- What about her? - He asked.

- She...

- Say it, man.

- She's gone - he finally said.

And hearing this, Bronn pushed him, taking him out of his way to see with his own eyes.

He looked everywhere without finding anything, finally shouting:

- Everyone goes after her. She can't be far away – he said tiredly after going around the entire ship. He just didn't know how she managed to escape.

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