I missed you

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- There you are. Did you get any information?

- I don't know if we can say this in front of...

Upon hearing this, Jon frowned and didn't like the situation. He wish he could punch him.

- You can talk.

Daario hesitated a little, but decided to speak:

- It seems, my Queen, they are not really the sons of the Harpy, but some people hired to put an end to you and who pretended to be them, knowing what happened in the past.

- This story is getting stranger and stranger - she replied thoughtfully - Daario?

- Yes, my Queen?

- Is security increased?

- Yes.

- Great - she replied and after thinking a little she said:

- Tomorrow I will make the necessary decisions. For now, let's rest.

- If you want... I know how to make you relax - he said, flirting with the Queen again.

- Daario...we already talked about this.

Jon, overcome by fury, clenched his fists, ready to fight, taking a step forward suddenly prepared to punch him, until Dany didn't let him pass.

- See you tomorrow to deal with this problem further.

- As you wish, my Queen - he replied, bending his knees and lightly kissing her hand.

Jon looked at it all angrily, looking up as if he wanted to calm the anger he was feeling.

Daario then disappeared around the corner.

- Let's go?

Jon didn't respond. He just followed her furiously.

Daenerys then arrived at her room, and before she entered she said:

- I think I'll say goodbye to you now.

Jon waited a while and finally spoke:

- Why do you let him get so close to you?

- Not again, Jon... Daario and I don't have anything else together - she replied impatiently.

- It's not what it seemed to me when I arrived in the throne room and saw the two of you very close.

- Jon...- she said shaking her head - don't misinterpret things.

- Am I misinterpreting things or am I left out here?

- It's not at all what you're thinking.

- No? – He responded sarcastically.

And before she responded, impatiently she decided to enter the room.

- See you tomorrow, Jon Snow - she replied seriously.

- We're not done yet - He spoke loudly, entering the room with her and slamming the door furiously.

Daenerys shuddered at his attitude, and angrily replied:

- We're done! Get out of my room now!

And hearing this, overcome with rage, he began to pant deeply.

- I'm not going to say it a third time...- she said taking a deep breath, her heart pounding feeling how close they were...- Jon...

At that moment, Jon could no longer hold back. He suddenly took her in his arms and kissed her passionately, as if he missed that feeling very much. At first, Daenerys kissed him back, but then she stopped the kiss a little, keeping her forehead against Jon's forehead while her lips panted on his lips, she pushed her forehead on his forehead and he did the same.

- I don't know if I'm still ready after everything that happened - she replied in a whisper.

Even hearing this, Jon began to slowly kiss her neck, her chin, until he gave her another passionate kiss, returning to kissing her neck.

- Jon...I...I don't know if I can...I...Ôhh - she felt an enormous desire to be entirely possessed by him, starting to smooth his hair and rub her nose on his face, until he decided to open her dress little by little, kissing her shoulders as she was loving it all.

-Yes....- she moaned as Jon kissed her down to her breasts, making her go crazy when he began to suck the nipples of her breasts in a lascivious way. Again and again...

- Oh...yes...yessss...

But Jon wanted much more than that. He kissed her lips again, carrying her and placing her legs around his waist, as he walked towards the bed that was there.

Once on the bed, he threw Daenerys onto it, who was ecstatic and panting as she watched Jon in front of her unbutton his shirt.

But before he took it all off, he went towards her breasts again, sucking them, making her moan, and soon after he kissed her down to her belly, until he started to unbutton her pants that were underneath of the already taken off dress. He kissed her intimate area, which made her shudder, and then took off the last pieces of her clothing, leaving her completely naked.

He stood there contemplating the beauty of the woman he loved and whispered:

- How I missed you... - and having whispered that, he couldn't hold back any longer, placing his mouth on her vagina, making her moan loudly and arch her entire body on the bed, then placing one of her hands behind his head, Jon began to intensify his movements, licking her clitoris and her entire vagina, in frantic and uncontrolled movements.

- Jon...yes...like this...ohhh, yes...

Jon then opened her legs wider and feeling that she was close to cumming, he began to lick her more quickly, when suddenly he felt her entire vagina pulsating, and her body shaking.

- Yesssssssss, Yesssss.....

And seeing her reaction, Jon went completely crazy, removing the pants he was still wearing, becoming completely naked and positioning himself between her legs, kissing her madly and stopping to look at her face, like the first time.

- I missed you – she said whispering to him while looking into his eyes.

- No more than me – he whispered too, kissing her back and finally penetrating her, which made them both moan into each other's lips.

And so, they spent the entire night in each other's arms loving each other, meeting again after months of anguish, sadness and misfortune, without thinking about the next day. Without thinking about anything, just that moment they were living.

There, a little far away, some ships were approaching the city.

- Grey worm, tomorrow we land on the coast, I think it's better for you and your men to go and rest.

- No, Yara. I'd rather stay here awake waiting for the day to dawn. I can't wait to see my queen again.

Yara stopped for a moment and thoughtfully replied:

- I wouldn't expect much. But if you prefer it that way... so be it – and responding that way she withdrew, leaving only Grey Worm there.

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