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After kissing her passionately while making love to her, Jon stopped the kiss to admire the beauty that was in front of his eyes. Daenerys was to him at that moment the most beautiful woman he had ever seen before. And even though he was in her arms, he felt an immense desire to have her, wanting more and more of her.

In an explosion of feelings, as he looked into her eyes, he accelerated the movement of their bodies feeling an insane desire to consume her completely.

- Yes...Yes...YES JON!

And feeling that he was also reaching his climax, he held her tighter and in denser and more passionate movements, kissed her as if he was going to suffocate her, wanting to feel the intensity of that passion and love that he was feeling, just letting her breathe when finally both cumed at the same time without taking their eyes off each other.

Both continued in the same position they were, only now panting, trying to recover from what had happened seconds before. When they looked at each other, they started to smile. Both were happy with what was going on between the two of them.

Not that they were virgins and finally discovered the pleasures of sex, but because they had never felt that feeling before. Not in the way they were feeling. It's like finally one completes the other. Even before that, to be together, both did not feel complete. But now it was different.

- What was it? - Still panting, Daenerys asked, smiling at Jon as she caressed him. Jon didn't answer.

He seemed transfixed looking happily at her.

- OK then. Looks like the cat got your tongue. - She replied smiling as she analyzed his gaze. So, Jon finally replied:

- I've never seen you smile like that. You look even prettier when you smile.

And hearing that, Dany gave him a small affectionate kiss, leaning her forehead against his and shyly answering:

- you too - Both were happy in each other's arms.

Jon then finally laid down and pulled her next to him, making her lay her head on his chest.

- I know you're a queen, but why do I almost never see you smile? At least not the way you are now.

- Aren't my affection and my kisses enough for you Lord Snow? - She responded with a slight smile as she caressed his scars and chest.

- No.

And with that answer Dany froze and her smile faded.

- I want more from you - Jon laughed as Dany patted him lightly on the chest, feeling relieved at the same time.

- And I thought you were more serious too - she joined in his laughter. But soon after he repeated the question:

- I am waiting for my answer.

Dany then shifted her gaze downwards, and remaining that way as they caressed each other. Dany finally looked up at him and replied:

- I act as a queen should act, you well know that ruling the North. - And so there was a brief silence. And before he answered anything, she added:

- Also because I'm afraid - She responded by lowering her head and resting it against his chest.

- Fear of what? - He turned to her and lifted her chin so she could look at him.

- I don't know anyone who's gone through what you've been through and is still as strong as you are. I don't understand - He responded by caressing her nose and mouth with his nose and mouth and leaning his forehead against hers.

- Jon, do you love me?

- Still not obvious to you? I'm crazy for you.

- You still haven't answered me.

- Of course I love you. But why this concern? Don't you feel it?

- That's why I need to ask you something in addition.

- Ask.

- If I asked you to do something for me would you do it?

- If I can do it I will.

- Promise me that you will, even if it means sacrificing myself.

- What? If it's something that hurts you or puts you in danger I won't do it... I...

- Promise, Jon.

And with those last words, Jon, woke up abruptly as if he were drowning.

- I thought you weren't going to be conscious anymore, so I decided to wake you up - Daario replied with the bucket of water he just emptied on top of Jon.

- I think you're still sleepy. I'll give you another little help - he said taking another bucket full of water and throwing it over Jon again, who choked a little, making it even harder to get up. Still half choking he asked:

- Where am I?

- You don't know what a boat is? - He asked sarcastically.

Still struggling, Jon got up slowly, supporting himself.

- You should worry about where we're going, not where we are.

After this answer Jon stopped and faced him with a questioning and worried look. Realizing the situation, Daario then said:

- I see that you still don't understand what's going on. But I understand - he stopped for a while and replied:

-You are going to Essos. More specifically to Meeren.

And hearing this Jon was paralyzed.

- I also realize that you should never have been there. But it does not matter. We are not going for a walk. It will be a long way there - he finished the dialogue waving to two of his soldiers who promptly hit Jon until he fell.

- Take him to the basement and tie him there. Until then, we'll see what we're going to do with it.

And so the two men complied with what was determined, taking Jon to the hold of the ship that would take them to Meeren.

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