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Already on the ship, after a few days, Daario asked:

- Did you really think you could escape? – He asked with sarcasm.

- Why don't you put an end to this once and for all? - Jon replied to Daario, who did not understand the question - You can have your revenge. Go ahead, kill me now.

And hearing this Daario burst out laughing and replied:

- No friend. It looks like you didn't understand anything. If it were up to me, you would already be dead. Oh how I would like to torture you to death. Unfortunately I have sworn allegiance to the person who will have her revenge. Daenerys eagerly awaits you. She and Drogon are waiting for you. Worse revenge than that my friend I really didn't want.

And hearing that Jon smiled sarcastically.

- I didn't understand the joke - Daario said.

- You use her name to certify your actions. She's not alive and you know it. This is true because you went after me and think of some revenge. You don't know before everything happened I made her a promise. If she were really alive you would know something since you claim to have taken orders from her.

After Jon's speech there was a brief silence, until the noise of a huge beast was heard.

Having heard this, Jon knew it was Drogon and prepared for the worst.

At that moment, one of Daario's men informed him that they had docked in Meeren.

- It's time for you to see with your own eyes friend. I advise you not to try to escape this time. - Daario spoke feeling confident when arriving in Meeren.


Jon was taken by Daario and the second sons through the streets of Meeren to the Pyramid there. During the walking he noticed that the place had a drier and warmer climate. Totally different from the climate where he lived. Not even the capital of Westeros was as hot and dry as Meeren.

He also noticed that the people who lived there also seemed to be different, and the culture was quite different from what he knew.

Upon arriving at the entrance to the Pyramid he noticed that there were also some soldiers guarding the area.

He looked up to the top of the Pyramid and saw a huge flag of House Targaryen waving, at which point his heart started to beat faster and his mouth started to dry up, when suddenly he saw Drogon flying and circling the highest point.

- Hey, come scoundrel - said one of Daario's men who pushed Jon to enter the great palace.

Already inside the Pyramid he looked at everything around him with great surprise and contemplation. He had seen huge palaces and castles before, but nothing compared to this one. But he strangely remembered the dreams he had had and felt as if he had been there before, even though it seemed to make no sense. He remembered that in the dream the place was exactly like that and he began to feel even more anxious.

Upon entering the great hall he was awestruck by the environment itself. He saw that there was a staircase leading to a chair at the top. He wondered if that was some kind of throne.

- She should be here soon.

And hearing this he laughed again and replied:

- Who are you kidding?! What's all this acting for? What else do you want?

And while he spoke everyone were silent and knelt down.

- You, Jon Snow - said the voice of the woman he thought he could no longer hear. And in that moment, as he turned toward the top of the stairs, he saw her.

It was herself, Daenerys Targaryen herself. And he was standing there watching her without believing and in contemplation.

He thought "It can't be. It must be some trick of my mind. I saw her die. I caused her death. I saw Drogon take her body away... How?"

As he thought this he was paralyzed looking at her panting. At the same time, he was happy to see her alive and, unable to bear it anymore, he smiled.

- Dany... - Jon said in a whisper.

- I had you brought here for a reason. Revenge - she said angrily and loudly as if she wanted someone else to hear.

Jon just continued to stare at her. He remembered the day he'd met her on Dragonstone. Although the situation was quite different, he looked at her like the day he saw her for the first time. She was still the most beautiful woman he had ever met. And trapped in this memory he stood there paralyzed, not noticing that she had descended from the throne towards him, approaching him very closely.

- Give me the dagger - she asked Daario for the same dagger that took her life.

At that moment Jon realized that Daenerys was different and that something bad was about to happen when he finally saw the same dagger he had used to take her life in the hand of the woman he loved. He looked into her eyes fearing what she would do. He knew there was no escape.

Danerys approached him and ordered her men to remove his shirt. At that moment she approached him. She touched his scars tenderly and kissed him passionately.

He knew what was coming next, given the fact that he'd done the same thing to her himself. He kissed her passionately and then stabbed her. Now, in the present day, however, even knowing that it could be their last kiss, he took advantage of the situation and surrendered to that emotion as if it were the last. So, he felt that same dagger had crossed him in the belly, but still conscious he heard her whispering in his ear:

- I still want you alive. Not over yet.

And before he fell to the ground he felt that they carried him and took him somewhere.

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