An old enemy is back

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Jon left the palace distraught, panting and bewildered. He heard everything with a lot of doubt and without believing that his brother could be behind everything bad that had happened to him in the last few months.

He still felt very guilty about everything he had done to Dany, and discovered that he had not only harmed his beloved, but also the child she carried of him. That was too much. Even though, days before, he promised Daenerys that if she got out of control he would sacrifice her. Deep down, he knew he had made the biggest mistake of his life. If he could go back in time, he wouldn't have done what he did, nor would he have succumbed to his thoughts that it was wrong to love her, just because she was his aunt.

He turned one of the corners of Meeren and stopped to rest. He leaned his back against the stone wall there and took a deep breath, trying to think better. He remembered how crazy he was about Daenerys, how much he wanted to possess her whenever he was in her presence. And he remembered how much he suffered when Samuel told him the secret that his uncle had kept from him all that time. He wanted it to be a lie, to be just a nightmare. He even preferred that he never found out about this secret. He was in love and happy. Finally he knew what he wanted. And what he wanted had a name: Daenerys Targaryen.

Then, he thought about how hours before the conflict with the others and the Night King, this secret reached him. How much this secret had shaken him. How this secret had shaken Daenerys and how day after day he realized that her beloved was losing her rationality and how he had walked away from her at the moment she needed it most. All because he was afraid to love the woman he loved just because she was his aunt. He also thought about how after she died he was sent back to the Wall, back to wearing black, even when he didn't want to live anymore. And he finally came to think that soon after, Bran became the king of everything Daenerys wanted.

- Would he do that? – He asked himself.

At that moment he noticed some strange looks on him and started walking to get away from them.

However, the more he hastened his steps, the more people seemed to be following him.

That was when he suddenly found himself in a dead end alley. On one side there was a large wall that prevented him from escaping. On the other side there were several strange men, with masks, who began to take out their swords and knives.

Realizing this, he tried to pick up his sword, but remembered that it had been left in the Pyramid. Something told him he wouldn't get out of there alive. He would die far from Westeros. On a strange continent.

He closed his eyes. He took a deep breath. And when he opened his eyes, somehow preparing himself to fight those men he had never seen, he was surprised to see some of Daenerys' soldiers face such men. At that moment, he took advantage of the situation and picked up one of the swords that fell from the hands of one of the combatants and he began to fight together with the Queen's soldiers.

There were many Sons of the Harpy, with only one left alive and Jon made a point of taking off his mask and asking:

- Who sent you after me?

- I'm not going to talk – he replied, smiling, even though he knew he was going to die.

- Who sent you after me? – Jon replied as he slowly cut off one of that man's ears, torturing him.

- Reply!

-If you don't answer, I'll stay with you here until tomorrow, torturing you, cutting off piece by piece – he said, cutting off the other ear.

- It was ordered by a...

- From who?? Who?

- He's not from here... He's from Westeros...

Jon proceeded to cut off one of the man's fingers.

- King of Westeros...

And hearing this response, Jon finally slit that man's throat. Letting all the blood out of him and dropping him to the ground.

He realized that it was time to return to the palace and make decisions that would change his perception of things from then on.

Some time later, already in the pyramid

Daenerys was sitting on her throne, apprehensive, as it had been a few minutes since Jon left the palace. At the same time, she felt that he would be safe, as she had sent her men to protect him, which made her worry go away for a while.

- My Queen, I have good news for you - replied Daario, greeting and slightly flirting with his gaze.

- I imagine you got some response from the Unsullied - she replied coldly, without showing any interest in the captain.

- Yes. My men reported that they left Naath a few weeks ago and should arrive in a few days.

- and Grey Worm?

- He's coming commanding them.

- As soon as they arrive, the first thing I need to do is talk to him. He doesn't know the latest events. I need to avoid a misunderstanding.

- I imagine this has something to do with this Jon...

- Jon Snow - Daenerys replied promptly, which sounded intimate to the captain who still had hopes of having her back.

-Yes... Jon... Snow - he replied with disdain - it seems that you still like him a lot, I see.

- Daario...we agreed that we wouldn't go into this subject again. I..

- You could give me another chance - he said, approaching and placing his hand over hers.

Dany looked down at his hand over hers. She took a deep breath and looked up.

- I still love him - she said, looking into the captain's eyes and pulling her hand from his, his hand retreating, feeling rejected and meaningless.

- We need to talk - Jon interrupted them, misinterpreting the closeness with which the two were.

When she saw Jon, her heart filled with relief and joy. She stood up immediately, wanting to go to meet him, but before she went towards him, she saw him carrying a bloody sword and his men holding something.

- What was that?

- I don't know what or what they are, but my "little brother" sent comforting regards - Jon said ironically, angry and disappointed, lowering his head after responding.

Dany looked from him to her soldiers trying to understand what happened.

So, Jon removed an already frighteningly familiar mask from his robes and threw it on the floor for the Queen to see.

Upon seeing that mask, Daenerys began to pant quickly, not believing what she was seeing, feeling anguish.

- She immediately looked at Daario who also knew what it was about, assenting at her as if he knew what to do.

- While the Unsullied and some Dothraki don't arrive, I'll gather my best men.

- Go fast. And double the security on the pyramid.

Daario nodded and quickly left.

- Who are? Jon asked.

- They're the Sons of the Harpya.

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