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Authors note# Alright people, for the next few chapters we're going to go deeper into Diana's abilities and where they come from, so buckle up and here we go. This chapter will mainly be switching to third person then first person, if you want to watch the whole video, like I said before, you can go to this link and watch the whole episode.


After a well-deserved rest, I was up and leaning against the edge of the skiff as Goliath steers the skiff so that it doesn't wander in any wrong direction.

"You know, there's two things I'm looking forward to when we get home. One, is explaining to everyone where I was, and my friends. And getting a nice, fat hotdog from the guy on the corner." I say patting Bronx on the head, he looks at me and starts begging a little bit. "Alright Bronx, two hotdogs, that sound nice?" I say bending to his level, he lets out a happy bark and then a sound rang through the air.

"That doesn't sound anything from Manhattan." I look at the scenery in front of us and there was a mountain in front of us.

"What is this place?" Goliath asks mainly to himself. Damien looks off to the side and there was something underneath the water, "Goliath, something's moving in the water." Damien says and it bumps into the skiff and we fall in the ocean. We swim up for air and I swim towards the skiff that was upside down, and a sea monster erupts from the ocean and Goliath was on its neck. The sea monster then barrels into the ocean again but it was closer to me than I thought.

"Goliath! Hel-" I was saying, but the ocean drowns me before I can say anything else. I flip around in the water a few times and my head hits something and all I see is the darkness of my subconsciousness.

Damien swims to the sea monster and grabs some daggers from his jacket and digs them into the sea monsters flesh and was dragged up out of the water. But when he got a good grip on the sea monsters neck, a splash of water hits him and the daggers unlatch themselves off of its flesh and he lands into the water.

of myth and legend | GARGOYLES | BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now