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Authors Note# For this episode, it's going to be fairly different than the episode from the tv show, not only that, it will be switching POV's so, apologize ahead of time for the confusion. It will explore more on Diana's abilities.


We sail on the water, and I was leaning on the side on the skiff, my fingers trailing in the water. I look over at the fog and let out a sigh. "Well, we're not in Avalon anymore, please tell me we're in Manhattan." Damien asks to Goliath.

"This is not Manhattan." He says to him, and I stand up fully and see that he was correct.

"He's right, it's way too quiet." I say, and I look down at the water. "Not to mention that the water looks way too clean." I say and after maybe a few minutes, Bronx starts growling and then turns to a growl. "Easy Bronx, it's going to be alright." I say as I soothe him. then, something swam underneath the skiff, which makes us almost falling out of the skiff. We steady ourselves and I was clutching the sides of the skiff. "Okay, what the hell was that?!" I ask them as I look in the water.

"I'm not sure. It looked like it was made of metal." Damien says and I look at him.

"Metal? Could it be a submarine?" I ask myself. We look in the water, and we see nothing there anymore. "Whatever it was, it's gone now." I say to them. "But it was huge, how can something so big, that it almost tipped over the skiff just suddenly vanish?" I ask, and Damien looks over at me.

"Maybe magic?" I look over at him and gave him a look. "Or maybe not."

"So what do we do?" I ask Goliath.

"We go ashore. We'll have a better vantage from there." He says as he guides the skiff to the shore. We made it to the shore, both Goliath and Damien put the skiff on the shore as well so that we don't lose it.

of myth and legend | GARGOYLES | BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now