3. Pretty Girl

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⚠️(A/N: this chapter will contain mentions of suicide, self harm, pedophilia, and child sexual assault. There will be another warning before you get there. ) ⚠️


"Mama! Look what I made!" My daughter shouted at me, while running. I just got off work and was ready for my favourite part of the day, picking up my two favourite girls. Aniyah and June are my daughters, I had them young, I was foolish and careless. Having kids so young wasn't ideal but I made it work.

"Let me see!" I shouted bringing her into a close hug, my second running slowly after. After reading "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" a classic children's book, she showed me a picture of a caterpillar they had made.

"It's amazing! Did you make one too?" I asked looking at June.

"Yep! It in my backpack, I didn't wanna ruin it," she said and I chuckle. June looks like me, while Aniyah looks like her father. June has my eyes and vitiligo, which I remind her how beautiful it makes us. Unfortunately, she gets picked on but her sister has her back, always.

I take my girls hands and walk to the car. I hop in my seat and make sure they are buckled, and then we head home. We listen to Afro beats and stop to get McDonalds, my girls favourite. When we had finally got home my girls ran to go play. Then I got a text.

 Then I got a text

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Damn. May 24 is the girl's birthday, but I couldn't let her down. I wouldn't want her to have to go by herself or not go at all. She loves Billie Eilish, one time Billie hugged her and she broke down in her arms. Billie just held her there it was a sweet moment and ever since Dylan has been trying to see her again.

But it's my girls birthday that day, and I love spending time with them. I know it makes me seem sad but my girls are my best friends. I had no idea how to answer, then I thought of it. If this was going to continue she needed to know about my daughters, but text definitely isn't the right way to tell her.

 If this was going to continue she needed to know about my daughters, but text definitely isn't the right way to tell her

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(A/N: Don't worry about the times it's inaccurate)

Perfect. I'll bring my girls and we'll have a nice picnic at the park. I'll explain to her the situation with that concert and maybe we can work something out. I want to go with her but I can't leave my kids on their birthday.

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