21. Silence

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[A/N: This chapter includes sexual assault. As always another warning will be displayed before it starts]

"Alright ready?" For some weird reason, Astrid keeps making me learn new dances. Yesterday was "The Jerk" and two days ago was the "Electric Slide". Right now, she's teaching me the "Wop" dance. I just came over so we could watch the girls play soccer, now I got Astrid teaching me to dance and the girls laughing at me.


"5, 6, 7, 8," she says before starting the dance. It's not hard, I just really don't want to do it. Unfortunately, I listen and dance because to be honest, I'm afraid of her. The girls laugh at us as we go before jumping in and joining. I'm embarrassed not because I'm dancing but the fact these girls are better than me.

How do two 5-year-olds know how to dance better than me?

After Astrid corrected my every move, I was able to get the dance down. We danced for a while and then we were finally able to leave. The twins started soccer some time ago and now they have their first game. Astrid says she likes putting them in sports to see what they thrive in.

Soon we get to the soccer field, and we find somewhere to sit. Once we get there, we watch the girls and their team warm up for the game. I'm not a big fan of soccer, I don't have the best memories.

When the game begins, I can't help but laugh while the kids follow the ball like a swarm of bees. It is adorable truly but funny as hell. Some kids don't even wanna be here, they pick the weeds from the grass and one kid is just sitting on the field. This little boy from the other team just picked up the ball and ran to throw it in the goal. "I think he's in the wrong sport," Astrid says laughing and I laugh back.

The game was entertaining, June and Aniyah had zero clue what they were doing. At one time Aniyah just started doing cartwheels, and at another June was standing looking like a deer in head lights. It's a great way for the kids to get exercise but it's safe to say this sport isn't for them.

When the game finally ended, the girls ran to us with their snacks. "Did you guys have fun?!" Astrid questioned.

"Yes! Did you see my goal!" Aniyah says and jumps. She smiles big, proud of herself. It was on the other side giving the imaginary point to the other team but "A" for effort, right?

"We did, good job," Astrid replies.

"I'm gonna be a pro!"

"Let's not get too ahead of ourselves," Astrid mumbles and I snort. We head to the car and decide to eat out for lunch. We went to Round Table, a pizza place not too far away. The place had an arcade so while Astrid ordered the pizza, the girls and I went to the arcade. I took out ten dollars and placed it in the machine for coins. I divided them the best I could and gave them the coins in a cup. Astrid had found a seat next to the arcade and said they'd be fine. They've been here before so they knew how to work the games.

"Hi baby," I say and kiss Astrid. I sit across from her and she's sitting with her phone in her face. I sit and wait for her to be done with whatever she's doing. Sometimes I don't feel like being on my phone.

"Dylan? Am I taking you home after this," Astrid asks looking at her phone.

"Can't look up to talk to me? Whatever's on that phone must be more important than me."

"You know you're sassy," She says and looks up.

"I am not sassy, you're just not paying attention to me," I whine, crossing my arms.

"And a little emotional," I roll my eyes and answer her question.

"Yes, I need to do something."

"Okay," before we knew it the pizza had arrived and Astrid went to go get the girls. Aniyah sat next to me while June sat with her mom. When we pizza was plated, we ate. "June, is there any way you can eat your pizza normally?"

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