7. Just Leave Me Alone

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It's been two weeks since Astrid and I have spoken with each other. The day is full of classes so I spend all day at school. I just finished one class and I'm spending my time studying for my test for the next one. I'm currently sitting with 3 other people I barely know. I mean when they see me or I see them we sit together but we don't talk or study together. We are all pretty much loners who sit and be loners together. The only thing I know about them is their names and physical characteristics.

Daniel wears glasses and is bilingual like me. I know this because when he does speak it's mainly in Spanish. He always has a bow tie and looks like your typical nerd. He's chill though, there was one time when he brought cookies, that was probably the only time we talked. It was about school though nothing else.

Zara, speaks pretty often and I share a class with her. Her computer screen usually blocks her face. She is pretty though and usually wears a green hijab. I am not quite sure but I think she's engaged or married, due to the ring on her left ring finger. She's also bilingual and speaks Arabic often. She's cool and I think it would be nice to get to know her.

Caleb, he doesn't talk at all. He's mute, I don't know if he doesn't talk or can't. I know this because he went to high school with me. He avoids eye contact and bounces his legs as he studies. He's a loud typer too, smashing those keys like he's angry. We usually wear headphones so it's not that bad. What I know for sure is that he's gay, I saw him kiss a boy on campus and he also has a rainbow keychain. I wish I could get to know him more but I think his anxiety wouldn't let him.

As I study my phone goes off, Astrid. I shake my head and click the power off button to hang up the phone. I can't talk to her, not because I'm studying but because I'm mad. I have every right to be, right?

I studied and went on my phone until it was time to go. I knew this because Zara got up and we had the same class. I got up and we walked next to each other in silence. When we got there we separated, she liked to be up close to the board while I liked being in the back. That was the last time we interacted in any way for the day.
"I don't know, dude. I- I feel like I would have just done what I said," I tell Eva. We're sitting in her room and I complain to her about what happened for the 15th time. Eva just sits there and listens, I'm glad she's not the type to judge, except for my Billie Eilish obsession.

"Yeah, I know what you mean and I get why you're upset. But think about it, Astrid is a mom, a single mom. Even if she likes you, she loves her kids and that won't change," she says.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I mean you're always right," I say as I roll my eyes and laugh. I've always come to her for advice and she always knows what to say.

"Why don't we order something," she asks as she grabs her phone. "Then I can tell you about my boy problems,"

"Yes, definitely, and the fuck do you mean boy problems?!"
[Astrid POV]

(A/N: I'm going to try my best with "Twi" a Ghanaian language and Spanish. If you can correct pls do!)

I've called Dylan a bunch of times now. She hasn't answered once, I thought I was supposed to be mad at her. This is so annoying and frustrating. I wanna tell her I'm sorry once more, then ten more times after. I didn't mean to get so upset, but no one tells me how to parent my kids.

Maybe I was overreacting.

After my second class, I headed over to my friend's house. My girls are getting picked up by my mom and will spend the night there. I bought a change of clothes because after studying we are going out to a new bar that just opened.

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