20. Worse and Worse

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(A/N: This chapter includes death, child sexual assault, and pedophilia. Warning will be placed before the section starts)

[Dylan's POV]

No one had told me, my mom was dead. I had just gotten a phone call from my sister. She's been dead for a week and apparently was suffering from cancer. No one told me, and just now they invited me to her funeral. My mom died just like that. Of course, my mom was shitty but that doesn't mean I don't care for her. She listened when I told her about her boyfriend. Yes, maybe she didn't kick him out because he was sexually assaulting me but at least she did.

My breathing got shaking and my chest started to close when I got the news. "Are you okay, baby?"

I see Astrid look up at me. When she sees my panicked expression she walks over to me and attempts to calm me. She starts to talk about the past few days and makes a few jokes. It takes longer for me to calm down but when I do Astrid rubs my back in reassurance. "What happened?"

"My mom's dead," to be honest I don't know how to feel. I don't hate my mom but I don't love her either. To know she's dead feels weird, I have to go back home. I have to be there for my siblings during this hard time. But I'm unsure if I can do it. No, I have to.

"Baby I'm sorry. Can I do anything?" Astrid asks as she rubs my back.

"Come with me. I need to go home and see my siblings. They need me." I see Astrid nod her head.

"Okay, I'll go." I smile and hug her tightly. "How long will we be here?"

"Maybe a week, is that okay?" She nods her head. "I need to go back home and pack."

"Be safe," she says and kisses me. "I'll pick you up and you can drive."

I head out after saying bye to the girls. My mom's dead and I don't necessarily feel sad about it. I guess I'm just scared to see my family again. I know Mia and the rest of them will be there based on the messages I got. When I get to the apartment I inform Max and Eva and they tell me how sorry they are. Maybe I'm a little sad.

I go to my room and pack clothes for my stay. I called and tried to book a hotel room for us four. I was able to get a room with two beds which was perfect. I decided to give my sister a call.


"Hi, Dylan."

"Hey, hun. I'm coming okay? I'll be there tomorrow."

"Okay, I'm really sad Dylan."

"I know hun, me too," Emma and Mom had a very deep connection, one I became jealous of. Emma is only 13 and just finished middle school. She's too young for this shit.

"Look hun, I'll be there soon okay? I need you to be good for Dad and take care of the rest of them until I get there."

"Ok," her voice breaks and it's clear she's going to cry again. I feel useless here. She hangs up and gets to packing. I wanted to stay for a reasonable time, about 2-4 days. After picking out all my clothes, I called Astrid saying I was ready. I waited patiently when I got a call from my brother.

"Hey kid."


"I'm coming okay."

"I know, Emma told us," Finn, my 8-year-old brother. He's too young for this as well, they all are. I was basically a mom to him and all my other siblings growing up. My heart broke leaving them all. His voice was small and his breath shook.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. You have Dad."

"We want you," after saying that he starts sobbing into the phone. Something tells me they wanted to say something early and I hate that they didn't.

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