18. Her

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(A/N: To be honest the beginning isn't that sexual but may be to others so there is in fact a slight sexual scene in the beginning please skip to the three lines if you cannot read. Another sexual scene at the end as well)

"Ok stop!" Dylan and I have been having sex all morning. Doing different positions and testing out limits. It felt so good I started to get overwhelmed. I felt like I could explode if she kept going. Dylan doesn't stop and she continues to leave the vibrator on my clit while thrusting deep inside me. The pain and pleasure happening throughout my body scrambles the word I need for her to stop. "Red!"

Dylan calmly removes the vibrator and her cock. My legs shake and my breathing is heavy. I find the sheets and cover my body. I start to feel my eyes start to swell and then start to blur. Why I am getting like this?

I'm supposed to enjoy it and I did so why am I crying? "Baby, are you alright? Drink this."

I shake my head when she passes the water to me. She looks at me with curiosity and spots my tears. She sets the water down and I curl myself into a ball. I feel her hand wrap around me and I start to cry. She pulls me to turn and I do. I place my face on her neck as she rubs my back. Her warmth brings me comfort. "I'm sorry. I'm acting ridiculous. I have no idea what's happening."

"You're not being ridiculous baby. It's a sub-drop. It just gets too intense and you have some wild orgasms before. Crying in normal, especially after what we did," She says and kisses my head. I feel so safe with her, I wanna be with her forever.


After what happened at the park with the girls and Caleb. Dylan has been questioning non-stop. I told her there was nothing to worry about. She doesn't need to know. After I told her that's enough questioning she told me she loved me and if that man ended up hurting me she would never forgive herself.

I told her not to worry then we ended up realizing that we were in love with each other and had amazing sex then more sex in the morning. Now Dylan and I have to go and pick up the girls from my sister's. Dylan can also meet her, properly. After showering and getting dressed, we make our way to get the girls. Dylan won't be joining us after though. She got a text from Eva saying "Max Emergency".

Dylan rests her hands on my thigh and squeezes it occasionally. "I know you said to drop it but-"

"Dylan stop," I say clearly annoyed.

"I think I deserve to know why he was in jail and why he was calling you his wife?"

I shake my head and roll my eyes. "Dylan, we were never married because we couldn't. But we made a promise that when we got older he would propose and we would get married. He was in jail for drugs." I lied, I had to. I couldn't tell her that he had beaten me too many times I had to call the police. I'm not ready for that, I don't think I ever will be.


"He's not taking me from you. If that's what you scared about," I hear her laugh and I laugh back. We soon reach my sister's house and get out. Dylan is only meeting her briefly because we have graduation soon. After graduation, Dylan will meet my family at my parent's home. "Hey, little sis!"

"By 5 minutes!" I responded. She always does this. I hug her hello and Dylan shakes her hand. The girls come running and hug me.

[Dylan's POV]

"So you treating her right?"

"I'd like to think so," I say then chuckle.

"What's your major?"

"Human physiology," I answer back. I see her impressed face and nod. We both walk in and she gives us both soda. We sit down in her home. I met her before but we only said hi and got each other's names. Aniyah looks just like Astrid with the only difference of a patch on her nose. They have the same hair as well. We talked for about ten minutes, I got to know her sister a lot more.

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