Chapter 3

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It wasn't until the start of the second big class that Zhao Heng and his group of fox friends were late. Yue Chu combed through the class notes quietly, not wanting to separate a little attention from them at all.

Zhao Heng was slightly stunned when he saw Yue Chu appear, and then couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth proudly, deliberately looked at Yue Chu, looked at several companions and laughed, and all the malice was silent. However, when he saw his table, his face suddenly changed, and he cursed uncleanly in his mouth, glaring at Yue Chu viciously, but in the end he didn't say anything, pursed his mouth and sat in his seat.

Yue Chu slightly hooked the corners of his mouth, and he knew that these guys did not dare to blatantly make a move on him. Looking at the time, there are still two hours left before school ends at noon, which must make Zhao Heng angry, and there is nowhere to vent his anger.

He gently turned a page of the book, and the white jade-like fingers slowly slid over the pale yellow page, like a delicate work of art, but the position where he stayed was not so artistic, first he clicked "kill", then "than", and chuckled very connotatively.

The little bear finally eased up at this time, desperately fanned Yue Chu's face with two wings, and the hair all over his body exploded, changing from a little bear to a little lion.

Yue Chu saved his face in time by tidying his hair and bouncing it away without a trace.

Little Bear: "Are you crazy?" Do this mission, don't want to get points! If you don't get points, we can't save the world! In the end we all have to die!!

Yue Chu: "Oh? We?

Little Bear immediately covered his mouth and rolled his eyes uneasily, wishing to turn back time. Seniors have told it that the host must not be let know that the system and their identity is the same life and death, otherwise it will have serious consequences. It was just too excited, it didn't have a brain when it spoke, what to do, will it be threatened? Ahhhh, I really want to die, why did it encounter such a terrible host on its first mission!

Yue Chu: "You should think from another angle, if I can't complete the task, I can't achieve my wishes, even if I am stupid, I won't do such a thing that harms others and hurts myself." At least for now, as long as you don't me off, we're still partners fighting side by side. Yue

Chu turned the pen in his hand, turned his head sideways and smiled slightly, the sunlight shone in through the huge glass window, and coupled with the clean and spacious classroom, he looked like an angel.

It's a pity that such a beautiful smile, Little Bear can't get it, and Zhao Heng can't get it.

The little bear shivered silently, only feeling that the host was smiling with warning, clearly telling it, don't BB, BB again I won't do it.

The little bear bit his furry hand and just wanted to cry: Little cabbage ~ no one loves ah~

As for Zhao Heng, he took this laugh as a provocation and almost bit off his silver teeth.

Yue Chu: "You look at my rating first. Oh

, oh, the bear nodded and quickly brought up the screen, waiting for the result of the calculation. It let out a long sigh, feeling that ninety-nine percent would not pass, and that zero eggs would already be considered a blessing.

"As soon as the task is completed, the dialogue is closely related to the theme, the emotional appeal is extremely strong, the value of pushing the world change is zero, and the protagonist's emotional fluctuations are detected to be negative. Final score, 60.5, pass, reward tea art worth 3 points, please keep up the good work!

Little Bear looked at the screen dumbfounded, stepped forward and slapped it hard twice, only to withdraw his hand unwillingly after receiving a red warning. Is there something wrong with this data calculation? How is it possible to pass?!

Yue Chu thoughtfully, that is to say, there are four aspects of the system score: first, green tea must be green; Second, the degree of emotional fullness; Third, promote world change; Fourth, affect the protagonist's emotions. If he said twenty-five points in each aspect, then his score in the first two items was at least twenty points up, adding up to more than forty points. There are less than twenty points left, and the value of pushing the world to change is zero, then this item should not be scored, so it is said to affect the protagonist's mood.

Obviously, his first shot did not get any favor from Wei Xianyang, but the negative favorability can also be scored, and it is not even low. Yue Chu gently bit his fingernail, so that his C-actionability was greater.

Yue Chu did not continue to entangle Wei Xianyang, after all, the relationship between the two was very distant, and it would not be beautiful if they were so upside down. Therefore, he packed up his things, smiled slightly at Wei Xianyang, and turned away without mercy.

Wei Xianyang couldn't figure out his brain circuits and didn't bother to respond at all. He doesn't eat at school at noon, so he doesn't have to rush to the cafeteria to grab food, so he packs his things unhurriedly.

However, at this moment, he saw Zhao Heng with a gloomy look and took a few people out with Yue Chu. His hand paused slightly, and he immediately realized that the people in Yue Chu's mouth who locked him in the bathroom for one night were these Omegas.

Wei Xianyang was angry, and his big cat-like eyes faded from arrogance to coldness, making his beautiful face show sharp aggression. Omega's situation in the empire is not good, many alpha and beta feel that Omega is the happiest, do not need to go to the battlefield to fight, do not need to bear a heavy family burden, just need to mix up with school, after graduation to find an alpha to marry. But in fact, many Omegas are deprived of the right to work and labor, they do not have the capital to survive on their own ability in society, and they are decorated with alpha like an object. If you are lucky, you can still live a good life; If you are unlucky, it is simply purgatory on earth, but you don't even have a chance to escape.

Even he, as a prince, was no exception.

Wei Xianyang hated Zhao Heng's behavior, and bullying Yue Chu was just a cowardly act.

"Xie Yang?"

Du Guzhou was about to leave with Wei Xianyang when he saw him striding out of the classroom with his schoolbag on his back, in the exact opposite direction. He couldn't help but frown and looked at his watch, now that there were twenty minutes before the end of the meal, he didn't want to waste time in useless places.

Wei Xianyang was still angry with him, and his footsteps did not pause, and he waved his hand: "You go and eat by yourself, I have something."

Du Guzhou pursed his lips and stared at his back for a while with dissatisfaction, but he still turned around and left without saying anything.

Yue Chu leaned against the telephone pole, and at his feet were several disposable plastic boxes containing leftovers he had brought out of the cafeteria. Nothing good, but white rice is enough for these stray kittens. The yellow and white fat orange is the closest relative, after eating, he cocked his tail and rubbed Yue Chu's trouser leg back and forth, making a scream, hooked him to squat down and touched the soft fur of fat orange.

"Yuechu, you really have the guts!"

Zhao Heng's appearance frightened the kittens, causing them to immediately run away vigilantly, hiding not far away to observe these humans.

Yue Chu stood up, took out a tissue from his pocket and wiped his fingers, and said slowly and methodically: "What are you talking about, why can't I understand?"

Zhao Heng sneered: "It seems that you haven't been locked up enough last night, so it's better to go and experience it again today." Yue

Chu paused, he actually didn't have any extra sympathy, but since he borrowed someone's body, he always wanted to recover some debts.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to how you bring me here."

Yue Chu is still smiling, but this smile is different from the previous Yue Chu, gentleness seems to be just a layer of stiff paint, and what the meaning inside is depends on the person who sees it. Obviously, Zhao Heng only saw provocation.

Zhao Heng: "Tie-up the eldest young master of the Yue family for me!" Wei

Xianyang, who was hiding to the side and witnessing the whole process, was about to step forward to stop it, but saw a scene that surprised him. Yue Chu moved, gracefully like a cheetah, but the power of the punch was like a fierce tiger, and there was no politeness. The most exaggerated was Zhao Heng, who was punched in the face by Yue Chu, directly spit out a few teeth, mixed with heavy blood and water falling on the gray steps, which frightened the group of people.

Yue Chu did not have time to sweat, and the battle was over, and the pain of falling to the ground □□ his victory. Yue Chu patted the ash on his hand and straightened his clothes against the light screen.

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid you won't be able to take me with you today."

After speaking, he looked at the place where Wei Xianyang was, and said lightly: "Brother over there, after hiding and watching for so long, haven't you come out?"

Wei Xianyang walked out, his gaze looking at Yue Chu in a complicated way, and surprise mixed with curiosity frantically hit his chest. Yue Chu actually looked like this, but he underestimated it.

He was stunned when he saw Yue Chu, and seemed surprised that the person he saw would be him, which made Wei Xianyang's face a little unbearable, in the end, the act of hiding on the side and peeping undermined the royal dignity. However, just when he wanted to say something, he saw that the light in Yue Chu's eyes was like the rising sun, getting brighter and brighter, and the cold arc of the corner of his mouth turned into a bright smile, and he stepped directly on Zhao Heng's back.

Yue Chu: "Is His Highness coming to find me?" Wei

Xianyang wanted to laugh a little but had to tighten the corners of his mouth, his gaze swept over Zhao Heng, who was crying a lot, and quickly shifted away, so as not to accidentally destroy his image.

Wei Xianyang: "No.

Wei Xianyang: Even if I came to find you, I wouldn't admit it.

Yue Chu: "Your Highness, you are so gentle, it is my three lives to meet you."

Wei Xianyang twitched the corner of his mouth: Does this guy not understand people? It has been said that it is not for you, don't be sentimental!

Too lazy to pay attention to Yue Chu, who was sick again, Wei Xianyang walked straight to Zhao Heng, condescending, like a god looking down on an ant, with contempt from above. Scum like Zhao Heng is simply smearing Omega, which is really disgusting.

"Zhao Heng, as a student of the Imperial University, you wantonly bully your classmates, I will investigate you in the name of the student union, and if the facts are established, I will punish you."

Zhao Heng was frightened, what kind of person Wei Xianyang was, as long as he had the heart to investigate something, he couldn't find out. His bullying of Yue Chu was originally an indisputable fact, and if it was made public, then he would be finished.

Zhao Heng: "Your Highness, Your Highness, I didn't mean it, it's Yue Chu, it's Yue Chu who is too annoying, I can't help it... Your Highness, you have a large number of people, let me go..."

Zhao Heng kowtowed with his mouth full of blood, but he looked even more pitiful than Yue Chu, who was bullied.

Yue Chu watched this scene quietly, without speaking, he was more curious about Wei Xianyang's decision.

Wei Xianyang took a step back coldly and proudly, not even giving Zhao Heng a single glance. He knew in his heart that such people spoke pitifully, but in fact never repented.

Wei Xianyang: "I will not wronged a good person, and I will never let go of an evil person."

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