Chapter 18

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Flowers and glory surround the trio on the podium.

Wei Xianyang's face was like a frost flower, with a cold pride in his beauty, and he only softened slightly when his gaze was on the same page as Yue Chu. And Yue Chu smiled, waved politely in front of the camera, and a pair of starry eyes were as bright as a silver sea, which made people involuntarily fall into it.

Only the third place, Du Guzhou, was full of indifference, as if he had not won an award but had been eliminated, and his dark eyes were extremely indifferent, and he directly refused to be interviewed.

Yue Chu held Wei Xianyang's arm, and as soon as he arrived at the place of the celebration banquet, he was surrounded by a group of people wearing black uniforms.

The leader quickly looked at him, showed his documents, and stopped Yue Chu coldly.

"Yue Chu, you are now being summoned for interrogation on charges of intentionally harming others and instructing others to commit harm, please cooperate."

Before the trophy in Yue Chu's hand was hot, he fell from the clouds into the mud. The people around him looked at him with a strange expression, doubting in curiosity, and began to speculate.

Wei Xianyang recognized this as someone from the patrol at a glance, he protected Yue Chu behind him, grabbed his hand tightly, and wanted to question what these people meant, but was pulled away by Yue Chu.

Yue Chu was not afraid, squeezed Wei Xianyang's hand and shook it hard, and whispered: "It's okay, it's just a normal transmission, I know in my heart whether I have done it or not, don't worry." Yue

Chu stuffed the trophy in his hand into his arms and quickly hugged him before nodding politely to the patrol and leaving.

Wei Xianyang hugged the trophy in his hand, his heart was filled with worry, and he couldn't care about the other and rushed out.

What the hell is going on? He didn't believe this so-called accusation at all, someone must be operating behind it.

His eyes were cold, and he turned on the communicator and began to find someone to investigate. After Yue Chu was taken away from him, it seemed that the air also left, and even felt that he couldn't breathe well, so he could only unbutton it irritably and adjust his breathing in large gulps.

He looked out the window, his face reflected in the cold window, and the worried and anxious expression exposed his inner emotions.

Wei Xianyang leaned against the glass, his breath hitting it covered with a layer of white mist, and he wrote Yue Chu's name on it with his finger, and firmness flashed in his eyes.

Yue Chu thought that the summons would bring him into the patrol, but the direction of the aircraft was getting more and more off. Tall and modern buildings become low, densely packed low buildings, passing through a field of countryside, and finally flying directly into the mountains.

Omega shelters?

Yue Chu thought thoughtfully, it was obvious that this matter was not so simple as summons.


The people in the patrol team were still very polite, but this politeness was tinged with coldness, as if Yue Chu no longer had anything worthy of their attention.

The routine check was also very simple, just check Yue Chu for prohibited items and then take him in.

Yue Chu's footsteps stopped in front of a room, the heavy iron door was tightly closed, and there was not even a small window, which was not like treating a suspect like him, but more suitable for serial killings and madness.

Yue Chu turned to look at the patrol member: "Didn't you say summons?" What does that mean?

The man swept over him with a slight hint of pity, took out an arrest warrant from his pocket, and handed it to Yue Chu.

Yue Chu read it carefully, but it was Zhou Ran who pointed out that he hired alpha to violate him, and the human and physical evidence was conclusive, and the patrol team arrested him after investigation.

Yue Chu was amused: "Isn't it too casual to arrest me just because of this?" I always have the right to defend myself.

The man was noncommittal and nodded very coldly, "In a few days we will be responsible for contacting your family, and if necessary, you can hire a lawyer."
heavy door slowly opened in front of him, and the room was surprisingly clean and tidy, with all the furniture that could even be called comfortable. The flyers are covered in light blue, with a faint water pattern printed on it, which looks simple and elegant.

On the dwarf group next to it are also placed lily of the valley flowers, and small white flowers are waiting to be placed, quietly waiting for the arrival of the owner. The white wool carpet and crystal chandelier add some beauty to this simplicity. On the side of the wall stands a large cabinet filled with books. It's not like a prison, it's like a home.

The man: "Please take off the terminal and give it to us for safekeeping." Yue

Chu did not resist, and calmly untied the terminal and handed it to him.

The delivery of the terminal means a lot to the Imperials, and can even be called a social erasure. That is to say, from now on, Yue Chu will slowly become an invisible person, he will no longer appear anywhere, on any network, and this name will slowly be forgotten over time.

It was the first time that the man had seen such a calm and cooperative Omega, and in the face of such a beautiful and gentle face, he couldn't help but feel pity in his heart.

He looked left and right, and whispered at the moment of handover: "Don't resist, you can live better." Yue

Chu slowly raised a smile, which was regarded as a reply to his kind reminder. He straightened his back and walked into the room, sitting on the soft sofa and watching the iron door slowly close, completely isolating him from the world.

Picking up a book casually and placing it on his lap, his white jade-like fingers sliding across the pale yellow pages, he was as casual as a noble prince sitting in the study.

Yue Chu summoned the system out: "Are there still many things you haven't told me?"

Little Bear was also innocent, so anxious that the hair on his back exploded, and he picked up the thick book set in the background and began to rummage inside.

It was about to collapse, originally thought that the host only had to walk a youth campus AO love, but he was going to play the OO love of conquering the stars and the sea, and the original simple story background became more and more complicated. Now this situation has completely exceeded its expectations, and it has to dig deep into the setting of this world.

Got it!

Omega shelter, which specializes in accommodating Omega with criminal records. For the sake of the development of the Empire, Omega did not commit the same crimes as Alpha and Beta, but was institutionalized according to the severity of the crime.

During the containment period, eligible alpha can apply, and the Imperial Omega Shelter will screen and match, and those who successfully match can get the temporary right to mate and mate with the convicted Omega, and the convicted Omega cannot be refused.

Yue Chu smiled, no wonder this world will be destroyed by the protagonist, it turns out that it is rotten from the root. Although Omega crimes should be punished, they are by no means arbitrarily dominated like a female branch. It's shameful that those alphas are on top and brazenly stripping Omega of their power and playing with them like toys.

Yue Chu: "How much has the world line saved now?"

Little Bear then smiled a little, and the three-petal mouth split, "Sixty-seven percent, I have confidence in you."

Yue Chu put the book on the table, put her hands behind her head, lay comfortably on the sofa, and closed her eyes lazily.

Yue Chu: "You don't have to, just let this world be destroyed."

The little bear was stunned, so anxious that his head sweated, and flew to Yue Chu's side and hummed like a fly.

Little Bear: "Host how can you give up halfway, break your word, do not believe your words, deceive the young..."

Yue Chu's head twisted, but he didn't hear it.

Little Bear was almost out of breath by his wayward appearance, why was it so unlucky, and he met a grandpa on his first mission!

Little Bear: "Well, even if not for this, you have to think about your world." As long as you complete the task and get points, you can get a chance to be reborn, it's simply for nothing, do you want to give up?

Yue Chu's face did not move, and said lightly: "Forget it, in fact, I don't really want to do it again." "

Groove! Little bear spit out the classic two words and almost died of myocardial infarction, this is really oil and salt!

Seeing that the host was about to be passively on standby, Little Bear racked his brain and finally came up with a saying: "Well, you don't care about yourself, then you have to think about Wei Xianyang." He now gives you both people and hearts, but you pat your ass and leave, are you worthy of him? Yue

Chu suddenly opened his eyes: Wei Xianyang...


Wei Xianyang looked at the report in his hand in disbelief, and with a loud bang, it was he who overturned the table. Those proud eyes were already filled with anger and burned with fire.

Zhou Ran... How dare he...

This is slander!

Wei Xianyang couldn't be clearer about the so-called facts, and he pushed open the door and hurried away, intending to go to his father to explain the truth.

"My good brother, where are you going?"

Wei Xianyang's second brother, Wei Jin, stopped him, and the fox's eyes bent into an arc, revealing the schadenfreude of watching a good show.

Wei Xianyang's footsteps did not stop, but he glanced at him coldly and continued to walk forward. Although he has no power disputes with his three older brothers, the relationship is not much better because of his half-father.

Wei Jin didn't hold back, just leaned against the pillar with his arms folded, and said the most piercing words in a tone that was neither salty nor light.

Wei Jin: "Father Emperor won't see you."

Wei Xianyang stopped suddenly, turned to look at him, his icy eyes were like polar ice, under the illumination of the aurora, there was a brilliant cold silence.

Wei Xianyang: "You know all about it?"

Wei Jin spread his hands: "Of course, how could I not know about such a big thing."

Wei Xianyang walked up to him and stared at him for a moment, his gaze was so fierce that Wei Jin felt that he was not facing an Omega but a powerful alpha.

Wei Xianyang: "What do you know?"

Only then did Wei Jin come back to his senses, snapped his fingers, leaned into his ear and said, "Father Emperor will never allow anyone to break your marriage with Du Guzhou, so I can only pity your little friend for being guilty." But don't worry, he'll be released after a while. After all, you should understand that Omega shelter is a place..."

Wei Xianyang's eyes widened suddenly, so red that he almost cracked his sockets, and his heart shrank violently, as if he was strangled by someone, and the pain was so painful that he couldn't breathe, so that he could only lean over to relieve this sharp pain.

Wei Jin sighed twice, unable to understand how his brother's brain circuits turned. Anyway, it was also his love rival, was it necessary to take it so seriously? Omega's friendship is inexplicable!

Wei Jin patted him on the shoulder, hoping that he would take care of himself, after all, the forces that Wei Xianyang and Du Guzhou combined together were still very much needed by him. The eldest and the third are from a mother in the end, and they work together to deal with him and make him hinder everywhere.

Omega should honestly serve his alpha at home, catch Du Guzhou, and catch the Du family, which is Wei Xianyang's responsibility.

After Wei Jin left, Wei Xianyang stood there for a long time, like a statue, standing alone in the gorgeous hall, cold and dim. He clenched his fists, blood dripping on the gray marble floor, but the pain of his fingertips piercing his palm was far less than the pain of his heart as if it had been shattered.

His shoulders and back trembled uncontrollably, and his eyes widened to the extreme to prevent himself from shedding weak tears. In order not to be seen, I didn't even dare to bite my lower lip, so I could only bite the tip of my tongue so as not to whimper.

His Yuechu, for a trumped-up charge, for the so-called inability to break his marriage, was locked up in a dark shelter. He didn't even dare to imagine what would happen to him there, because just thinking about it, the hatred in his heart was like erupting volcanic lava about drowning out reason.

He moved slowly and returned to the room, the dim light pulling his shadow into an old elder and twisting into a hideous appearance on the wall.

After the intense pain, it was clear and awake, Wei Xianyang converged all his emotions, and his pupils were pitch black, like a night without stars and moons, so black that it was about to engulf everything.

He called his most trusted guard: "Go, invite my grandfather." No, when I don't get here, tell him to go to my favorite place to play as a child. "

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