Chapter 19

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The heavy iron door slowly opened, and a familiar figure appeared at the door.

Yue Chu raised his head, and the white light shone on his smooth skin, reflecting the snow-like skin like fine porcelain. His eyelashes are very long, but he can't hide his smiling eyes, always like spring water veins, rippling with tenderness.

The person he was waiting for finally arrived.

Du Guzhou stepped forward slowly, and the tall figure shrouded Yue Chu, and his deep and cold gaze stared at the person in front of him with incomparable sharpness. Even in prison, this Omega is still calm and elegant, like the jade of the mountain, looking fragile, but actually hard and tenacious.

Yue Chu put down the book in his hand, and the light blue shirt made his temperament look gentle and refreshing. He looked at Du Guzhou, and even had a fake smile on his face, pointing to the opposite sofa as if he was entertaining guests.

"Please sit."

Yes, that's it. Du Guzhou gritted his teeth and clenched his fists deadly, it was this calm and unhurried attitude, every time, every time it made him extremely disgusted, like a punch into cotton, obviously using a lot of strength but could not cause any harm at all.

He tensed his muscles, ignoring this false invitation, his gaze pierced at Yue Chu sharply, with unceremonious questioning.

Du Guzhou: "I know what you are thinking, Xieyang is just confused by you for a while, and one day he will see your true face." Before that, you should reflect here, so as not to go out and harm others again.

Du Guzhou's eyes were contemptuous, and the people he had met in his life were the most disgusting. Like him but can't get him, he tries his best to confuse Wei Xianyang, trying to break them up, scheming, treacherous and cunning.

But now that Xie Yang was blinded by him, even if he revealed his true face on the spot, I am afraid he would not believe it. Therefore, he could only make this decision and temporarily trap Yue Chu in the shelter.

However, he had already communicated with the director of the shelter in advance, closed Yue Chu's screening channel, and did not allow any alpha to enter the match, which was also his last bit of conscience.

He will communicate with the family as soon as possible, marry Wei Xianyang, and when the time comes, raw rice will be cooked and mature, even if Yue Chu uses any more means, it will not help.

Yue Chu couldn't help but laugh, put her hand on her forehead, and shook her head helplessly. Probably idle for a few days, coupled with good food, drink and exercise every day, the abundant complexion made his lips like cherries, like spring peaches, and his smile was beautiful. It's a pity that there are only two disgusted Du Guzhou in front of him, which seems a bit wasteful.

Yue Chu's tone was soft: "Du Guzhou, shouldn't you still think that I came into contact with Xieyang because I liked you?" Isn't

it? Du Guzhou swept at him sharply, such an all-pervasive suitor had seriously affected his life, forcing him to make a heavy move.

Yue Chu applauded him, his eyes were full of playfulness, it is really rare to see such a confident man, and it is really not wrong to say that Du Guzhou is blind.

Yue Chu: "Didn't you think that my target at the beginning was actually Wei Xianyang?" He is affectionate, beautiful, talented, and better than you everywhere, so why should I throw a watermelon to pick up sesame seeds.

Du Guzhou sneered, such an excuse was too ridiculous. If Yue Chu generously admits it, he can still look up a few points, and now such concealment is despised.

Du Guzhou: "I can see clearly what your plans are, don't be delusional and quibbling." I will also make it clear to you today, a scheming and unscrupulous Omega like you, I will not look at it more in my life. Yue

Chu raised his eyebrows indifferently: "Then thank you, I don't want to be disgusted by self-inflicted people all day long."

He slowly stood up, although his figure was far from Du Guzhou's, and he would even feel a little delicate if he didn't look closely, but those eyes carried the fortitude sharpened by the fires of war, and he would not be easily moved by anyone.

Yue Chu: "Whether Wei Xianyang is confused by me I don't know, I only know one thing, that is, he loves me." Du Guzhou, you lost, a clean and neat fuck is what a loser should look like, and it is always disgusting to be entangled like now. Remember, it's not me who wants to let go, it's you.

Du Guzhou pursed his lips, his expression was gloomy, a thousand words could not compare to the word "love", and Yue Chu's words undoubtedly hit his weakness. He lost Wei Xianyang and lost the love he originally had.

But he won't admit defeat so easily, Yue Chu can snatch Wei Xianyang away from him, then he can snatch people back again, this time he will definitely not make mistakes again, as long as Xieyang is willing, he can do whatever he wants, any... Affair.

Du Guzhou held up the brim of his hat, and the wide hat covered his expression, which made it difficult to see clearly for a while.

"This is only temporary, I will complete the marriage contract as soon as possible and spend the rest of my life to win his love again."

Just as Du Guzhou turned and left, Yue Chu spoke lightly: "It's so beautiful, then do you know what Xieyang wants?" The

heavy door separated the two and separated this last conversation.

Du Guzhou paused for a moment, and his empty gaze turned to the wall. As an alpha, he was raised as the proud son of heaven from an early age, and his goal is determined to keep moving forward. In his heart, Wei Xianyang was the tenderness he needed to take care of, but he never thought about what he wanted.

He slowly lowered his eyelids, collected his emotions before strode away, and the tall figure walked through the long passage, and finally disappeared around the corner.

Yue Chu sat back on the sofa again, grabbed the bear that was meditating hard in mid-air and rubbed it in his hand. Well, although this system is not very useful, it is still good as a pet.

Little Bear struggled to break free from his hands, not caring about his messy hair, and asked worriedly: "Host, what do you want to do?"

Yue Chu looked innocent: "I don't want to do anything." But

... But......

Little Bear grabbed his hair tangled, always feeling that something was not quite right, no, it was all wrong!

Yue Chu didn't have the leisure to explain to him, leisurely pinched a piece of pastry on the plate and put it in his mouth, it tasted good, and the shelter could still see this snack.

On the other side
Wei Xianyang quietly came to the Yue family, his eyes silent. In the past few days, he has been waiting for the Yue family to make a move, not to mention that Yue Chu was fished out intact, at least he also hired a lawyer to defend it. But no, the Yue family was quiet, and continued to live peacefully as if they didn't know anything.

The Yue family can wait, but Yue Chu can't. Wei Xianyang was afraid that the shelter would give him alpha, and he had to ensure Yuechu's safety as soon as possible.

Since the Yue family wanted to pretend to be deaf and dumb, he directly tore this skin!

Father Yue came, still so calm and elegant, and he couldn't see the slightest worry about his son from his face, which made Wei Xianyang's face more and more ugly.

Father Yue: "Your Highness, I don't know why you came here late at night?" Father

Yue's attitude was very respectful, so respectful that Wei Xianyang couldn't fault it, but it was this respectful attitude that represented his lack of concern for Yue Chu.

Wei Xianyang pulled the corners of his mouth coldly, and his black pupils seemed to melt into thick ink, absorbing all the light, deep and cold.

Very good, this is the attitude of the Yue family. Also, that's just an Omega, without this marriage partner, but at the same time to please the royal family and the Du family, only to the Yue family.

Wei Xianyang sat calmly on the main seat, picked up the tea prepared for him by the servant of the Yue family and took a sip of it。 The emerald green carved cup lining the tea inside is clean and refreshing, and when you drink it, it still has a faint fragrance, first bitter and then sweet, and the afterglow is long, no wonder it is said that the Yue family is one of the families that will enjoy the most.

They camped just to make the façade look better, and how many people to sacrifice was not a matter for them to consider.

Wei Xianyang: "I came this time for Yue Chu, hoping that the Yue family can hire a lawyer, find out the truth, and return Yue Chu's innocence." Wei

Xianyang went straight in, not giving Father Yue a chance to avoid the question at all.

Father Yue's face remained unmoving, as if what Wei Xianyang said had nothing to do with him: "The dog is stubborn, and if he does such a wrong thing, he should be punished." As the head of the Yue family, I can only destroy my relatives with righteousness, how can I cover up. I really can't do anything about this matter, and I ask His Highness for forgiveness. Father

Yue's high-sounding attitude made Wei Xianyang's heart tingle, how sad it would be if Yue Chu heard this. A gentle person like Yue Chu is always not treated with the same gentleness, no matter who it is, it seems that he can hurt him wantonly.

With frosty eyebrows, he put the cup in his hand on the table, stood up and walked to Father Yue's side.

Wei Xianyang: "Yes, Yue Chu has indeed committed a big crime, I am afraid that you are still in the dark."

Wei Xianyang faced Father Yue directly, his gaze was cold, like a sword coming out of its sheath, and a cold light appeared.

"Yue Chu and I are really lovers, seducing the royal family, OO falling in love, it is all a major sin that heaven does not tolerate and the law does not allow, and there is no interest in the Yue family behind the support, how dare Yue Chu do such a thing."

Seeing Father Yue's face turn white in an instant, Wei Xianyang hooked the corners of his mouth and stood beside him, enjoying his angry appearance for a while.

Wei Xianyang: "The Yue family has a bad heart, and they want to trick me into seeking the throne and strengthen the family's power. I didn't want to, but I couldn't resist Yuechu's beauty □□, and finally made a big mistake. You say, does Father Emperor hate me more or hate the Yue family more? Father

Yue's lips moved but he couldn't say anything, he had been planning for so long, but he never thought that Yue Chu would hook up with Wei Xianyang, this was simply...

Wei Xianyang pressed step by step: "Yue Patriarch, whether to use this most stable marriage relationship to obtain the skill of the dragon or to become a commoner in one day, you must have a number in your heart." Father

Yue took a step back and left Wei Xianyang's sphere of influence, his face so embarrassed that he remained silent.

This contrarian!

Of course, he wanted to choose the first one, and if Wei Xianyang was an alpha, he would immediately give the entire family power. But that's just an Omega, and no Omega has ever ascended the throne in so many years since the empire was founded. What's more, OO love is absolutely taboo, and the bets are too big to see the future at all.

Wei Xianyang stared at him coldly, and the Yue family was no more than that. But since it is a negotiation, then he should also show sincerity.

He said: "I know the concerns of the Yue family, but risks and benefits always coexist, and if I were not Omega, I am afraid that it would not be your turn to give your courtesy." Do you really want to be pressed on top of your head by the Fang family and the Gu family all the time? As far as I know, the Yue family and the Fang family have a feud, and if my eldest brother ascends the throne, the Yue family will have to clamp its tail and be a person, presumably it will not taste good. Father

Yue's gaze involuntarily followed the young Omega in front of him, who possessed what the Yue family lacked the most - supreme imperial power. The so-called hand can pick the stars, that must also stand at the highest peak.

"The Luo family, like you, has been silent for too many years, so they can't wait to grab the olive branch I handed over, just for such a small possibility."

Wei Xianyang unfastened the cuffs and rolled the sleeves of his shirt all the way to the top. Above that white and powerful arm, a pattern was tattooed on it, and the ink-colored imprint brought out a strong murderous aura, with a shield and dragon pattern, symbolizing protection and glory.

Father Yue involuntarily stepped forward two steps, wanting to get closer and see more clearly, but was lightly avoided by Wei Xianyang. His hands trembled slightly, the surface calmness could not be maintained, his lips moved twice, but he still did not give a definite answer.

Wei Xianyang didn't force him either, just straightened his sleeves, glanced at him coldly, and left directly.

"I only give you one day to think about it, I hope you will not live up to my expectations, otherwise, if something happens to Yue Chu, I will definitely have the whole Yue family to be buried."

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