Chapter 8

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The spacious training ground is intertwined with two black and blue lights, and the fierce collision sound is constantly roaring. The blue mecha is tall and handsome, in addition to the heavy artillery that kills with one hit, it uses more cold weapons, holding a silver-white scimitar, unstoppable. The black mech is proud and full of firepower, and every attack will bring a deadly threat to the opponent.

Yue Chu drove his mecha "Blue Bird" to constantly attack, his speed was fast, and the blue afterimage constantly appeared beside Wei Xianyang, mercilessly wielding a sharp steel knife, waiting only for one opportunity to break through all of Wei Xianyang's defenses.

However, Wei Xianyang did not show weakness, his prediction was very accurate, although the speed was not as good as Yue Chu, but he was able to cleverly block his attack, and the cannon fire with his own aiming locked on Yue Chu, forcing him to retreat and open the distance.

With a bang, Yue Chu's knife plunged deep into the ground on the side of Wei Xianyang's head, and he manipulated the mecha to roll over and win the battle. The smiling face reflected on the communicator is particularly brilliant, and sweat slowly slides down the snow-white skin, lining the skin crystal clear, making people want to pinch it.

Yue Chu: "Your Highness, I won again."

Wei Xianyang gritted his teeth and stood up, panting huffing, the intense exercise consumed a lot of his physical strength, but a pair of eyes were amazingly sharp. He really didn't expect Yue Chu to be so powerful, and almost all of these confrontation exercises pressed him to fight, whether it was speed or skill, it was far above him.

In the past, he was proud that his mecha combat effectiveness was no less than that of alpha, but now... Wei Xianyang laughed at himself, he was really a frog at the bottom of the well, so he had been self-styled for so long, and naively thought that no one had surpassed him. And in fact, just when he was addicted to the so-called love, others had already quietly caught up.

Wei Xianyang: "Don't be proud, I will defeat you sooner or later."

Yue Chu: "I'm looking forward to it, but while His Highness is improving, I won't slack." The

two looked at each other and smiled, one proud, the other tolerant, and the tacit understanding was all silent.

At this moment, the communicator at the door rang, and Wei Xianyang's eyes were cold, and he confessed that he did not see anyone during training.

Guard: "Your Highness, it's Du Guzhou's classmate who came to find you."

Wei Xianyang was stunned, the coldness in his eyes slowly dissipated, and his beautiful face raised with anticipation.

Yue Chu curled the corners of her mouth without a trace, and her black and white eyes were full of smiles, like a warm spring sun, soft and moving. However, if you look closely, you will find that there is a teasing hidden in the depths of the gaze covered by the fine eyelashes, and the cat that seems to be playing with a mouse is lazily sharpened with a fatal blow.

The two got off the mecha, and Wei Xianyang brushed his wet hair behind his head a little uncomfortably, his eyes dodged slightly, and he did not dare to look at Yue Chu squarely. He bit his lower lip in annoyance, damn it, what is going on, obviously he is the real contractor, why is he so weak at this time.

Yue Chu seemed to see his embarrassment, gently put her hand on his shoulder, and smiled closer, without the slightest conclusion.

"Your Highness, let Du Guzhou see your training results, presumably he will be proud and honored for you."

Will it?

Just across this door, Wei Xianyang suddenly became unconfident. Once Du Guzhou's impatient and harsh appearance when he spoke appeared in his mind, making him can't help but clench his fists and tense all over.

Seeming to feel his nervousness, Yue Chu turned her head to look at him puzzled. The distance between the two people was very close, so close that Wei Xianyang could clearly see the doubt in the pure pupils. He wiped his face with a wry smile, his slender eyelashes obscuring the emotion in his eyes.

The door slowly opened, and Du Guzhou's tall figure appeared at the door, he was still holding a hat in his hand, obviously he had just come down from the training ground, but the cold expression was not the encouragement they imagined at all. When he saw Wei Xianyang wearing a combat uniform and sweaty hair, the corners of his mouth were flattened into lines of dissatisfaction, and his heroic sword eyebrows were raised, showing monstrous anger.

Du Guzhou asked in a deep voice: "Xieyang, do you know what you are doing?" The Mech Contest is full of dangers, and you an Omega shouldn't be participating in it at all. Withdraw the registration form immediately, and we will treat it as if it had never happened. Yue

Chu was deliberately stunned, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, in fact, he had already smiled in his heart, and he couldn't wait to double-click a 666 for Du Guzhou. He still underestimated Du Guzhou's strength, he was simply a great god in terms of death, the merciless questioning, the order that could not be refused, not to mention Wei Xianyang, even if he had a good temper, I was afraid that he would be angry.

Wei Xianyang's face was like a reef, extremely cold and hard, and the little happiness that had just been raised a little had long been swept away by the monstrous waves, and only a cold one remained. He looked up at the alpha and realized that he had never really known him.

Wei Xianyang's heart was cold, shivering with cold, but he had to straighten his back without revealing a trace of vulnerability. Du Guzhou trampled on his sincerity, and he couldn't send dignity to his feet.

Wei Xianyang: "I will participate in the mecha competition, this is my business, it has nothing to do with you."

Du Guzhou couldn't understand Wei Xianyang's thoughts, why did he have to do such a dangerous thing again and again, and he couldn't stay at home and drink tea and shop at ease like those Omegas? The matter of participating in the mecha competition has stepped on his bottom line, he will not agree, and the royal family and the Du family will not agree.

Du Guzhou: "It doesn't matter what it means to me, I'm your betrothed, can you not be willful!"

Wei Xianyang answered this question clearly for the first time, his eyes were indifferent, and his dark pupils were like a cold night starry sky, deep and cold: "Can't."

As if he didn't know him, Du Guzhou's hand holding the brim of his hat burst out, and the terrifying momentum gushed out, causing the two Omegas in front of him to turn pale. He is using Alpha's natural advantage to suppress Omega, which is almost the same as intimidating with pheromones.

Wei Xianyang's eyes roared, and the flames in his heart soared, almost unable to restrain the beast that released his chest. Not to be outdone, he confronted Du Guzhou head-on, and his disadvantages as Omega were removed little by little, and he was on par with the strong alpha-for-tat.

However, at this moment, he felt Yue Chu leaning on his body, and the weak trembling called back his reason, and when he turned his head, he saw Yue Chu's uncomfortable appearance. Those clear eyes were shocked and disappointed, the snow-white face was covered with sweat, and the lips were tortured to the only bloody color, which was particularly dazzling in the miserable white.

The fire on Wei Xianyang's chest turned into a cloud of ashes, and the flying smoke slowly dissipated, leaving only a sane coldness.

Wei Xianyang closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he was calm: "Enough, guard, please invite Du Guzhou out."

Du Guzhou looked at him in disbelief, until he realized Wei Xianyang's resoluteness, he slowly took a step back with his momentum, stood up straight and put his hat on.

He sighed: "Xieyang, we are all uncalm now, this will only get more and more noisy, I don't want this." After a while we've all calmed down, sit down and talk about it, okay?

Wei Xianyang let out a "hmm" and watched Du Guzhou leave with an indifferent expression.

They are like two wedges that do not match, obviously not suitable but trying their best to put each other together, and they don't know whether it is right or wrong.

Wei Xianyang held the coughing Yue Chu, carefully let him lean on his shoulder, took out the water cup and handed it to his mouth. Looking at Yue Chu's helpless and confused eyes, his heart couldn't help but tremble, and gently straightened the wet hair stuck to his forehead.

Yue Chu slowed down, raised his head to look at Wei Xianyang, and asked puzzled, "Why?" Doesn't Du Guzhou like strong Omega?

Wei Xianyang mockingly hooked the corners of his mouth, "Strong Omega"? Only now did he really understand what Omega Du Guzhou wanted, and the so-called strong means staying at home honestly and not making trouble for him or dragging onHe hinders his legs, not walks side by side with him, supporting each other.

He felt uncomfortable in his heart, but the pain seemed to be less intense than when he was denied two years ago, especially after seeing Yuechu's appearance when his faith was broken, and his grief turned into sympathy.

How hard Yue Chu tried to get close to Du Guzhou, he saw it in his eyes, but in the end, it was clear that victory was at hand, and the goal he had been chasing had already been unrecognizable, and that despair was really painful.

Wei Xianyang comforted: "Du Guzhou is actually not that annoying, but he can't understand what we think.

Yue Chu: "Why can't he understand?"

Wei Xianyang thought for a while: "Because he is alpha.

Yue Chu let out an "oh" and said disappointedly: "Then I don't like alpha." Finally

he could take back his confession, and he didn't want to be labeled like this again.

Wei Xianyang was funny, how could this sentence be so like a child's temper. However, he quickly tightened his face so as not to stab the child's fragile heart.

Wei Xianyang couldn't help but tease Yuechu: "I really don't like it?" Yue

Chu looked at Wei Xianyang seriously: "If none of my lovers can support me and understand me, then why should I like him?" I don't need much help from him, all I need is a simple affirmation.

Wei Xianyang wanted to say that he was too naïve, but this mockery could not be said, because Yue Chu was right, two people who really love each other should be like this, but too many Omegas were only caged by the word love in the end, becoming the canary of alpha.

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