Chapter 7

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Yue Chu sat in the corner, tasted the coffee in her hand, opened another bag of sugar cubes and put them all in without hesitation. How the coffee is made here is so bitter that I don't want to come back a second time in my life.

His location was very hidden, and he could see Wei Xieyang and Du Guzhou diagonally opposite through the leafy gardenias, but he would not be discovered.

Yue Chu leaned on the soft gray sofa, picked up the little bear and pinched its soft little ears. Well, to be honest, green tea is quite difficult to do, painstakingly digging people's corners, and having to keep an eye on people all the time looking for opportunities to take advantage of the void, tired!

If it weren't for the system hanging a big pie for him, Yue Chu really didn't want to do it. He is a casual person, and he talks very casually in love, and if he is not compatible, he will divide, where are so many curves.

Thinking of this, he licked his lips, and his rosy lips were dyed with a layer of bright colors, showing that his lips were red and white, like a beautiful boy who came out of ancient mythology. The slender fingers nodded the side of the face, and I really missed when I was with the general before, the tendon meat, the male dog's waist, and the long legs, and I definitely didn't talk if I was capable, heck, I was much more worry-free.

Before Yue Chu could taste enough, he saw Du Guzhou answer a call and leave in a hurry. He immediately sat up straight, his eyes looking deeply at Wei Xianyang, who was lonely facing a table of dessert snacks.

Opportunity, here it comes.

Yue Chu stood up with a smile and settled his account first. I really thank Du Guzhou for the opportunity to apologize and return this attitude, and sure enough, emotional intelligence matches his name very well.

"Your Highness?"

Wei Xianyang heard this familiar voice, and as soon as he looked up, he saw Yue Chu's surprised face. He raised his eyebrows slightly, appeared here at this point in time, did he want to have a chance encounter with Du Guzhou?

Thinking of this, the curve of the corner of his mouth pulled down again, and a hint of mockery flashed in his eyes, not knowing whether it was to himself or to Yuechu. Unfortunately, it was too late, and Du Guzhou had already left.

In fact, this is his first date with Du Guzhou, romantic coffee shops, delicious desserts, and lovers who chat while eating, seem to satisfy all fantasies about love. But this fantasy did not last long, and in just a few tens of minutes, it turned into loneliness again.

Wei Xianyang thoughtfully did not expose Yue Chu's careful thoughts: "Something? Yue

Chu was also not polite, and sat directly opposite Wei Xianyang and occupied Du Guzhou's position.

Yue Chu: "I was also drinking coffee here just now, and I just saw you here, so I thought of coming over and saying hello." Is His Highness also a person? Then can I sit with His Highness? Drinking coffee alone is actually a little lonely. Wei

Xianyang's hand holding the coffee paused slightly, only feeling that his mood was instantly low to the bottom, and he didn't want to drink a sip. He put the coffee on the table, ready to call the waiter to check out.

Yue Chu naturally couldn't let him go, he smiled and opened his terminal and turned the light screen to Wei Xianyang.

"I have invited you this time, mainly to ask His Highness some questions. I plan to sign up for the Interstellar Mecha Competition, I don't know much about this situation, Your Highness is so powerful, please help me." Wei

Xianyang's delicate handsome face had an unconcealed surprise, mecha competition? Just Yue Chu, this gust of wind can blow down?

"Your Highness?"

Wei Xianyang looked at the registration form that Yue Chu had filled out with complicated eyes, and only then noticed that the seemingly inconspicuous Yue Chu turned out to be a double SS level - physical strength SS, spiritual power SS. Also, if it is not an excellent talent, even if he opens the back door, he will not be able to enter the command department of the imperial university, it is he who underestimates Yuechu.

For the first time, Wei Xianyang looked squarely at this classmate who had been studying together for two years, the same Omega, the same extraordinary qualifications, in a sense, the two of them were quite similar. Of course, the ultimate fate is also inescapable.

Wei Xianyang: "There is no need to ask, although the mecha competition does not prohibit Omega from participating in it for the sake of fairness and justice, the unspoken rule is that no Omega has participated in it for nearly three hundred years since it was held."

Yue Chu was stunned: "Why?" Why

? Wei Xianyang smiled mockingly, because no matter how good the physique and mental strength of Omega, the most important task is to give birth, this value is above all abilities, and no damage is allowed. Although the mecha competition requires no lethal nue kills, the casualties in the battle cannot be avoided 100%, which may cause damage to Omega and is not conducive to maximizing its fertility value.

The mecha competition doesn't even need to be explicitly stipulated, because as long as Omega signs up, his family, friends, and lovers will rush to dissuade him, and the final result will naturally be gone.

Wei Xianyang used to have such a naïve time as Yue Chu, but Du Guzhou's words he remembered clearly: "Xieyang, don't be willful, you are Omega, you are the person I will work with for the rest of my life, I don't want to see any accidents with you, the mecha competition is not for you, give up." The

words of his brother and friend did not shake his will, but this became the last straw that bent him.

Yue Chu is a little confused, this is an individual competition and not a team competition, how to participate still need the consent of relatives, friends, lovers and family? ?

Yue Chu: "I'm not going to kill and set fires, I don't need others to intervene."

Wei Xianyang was helpless to his naivety, it seemed that every Omega would go through such a path, from hope to disappointment, from longing to numbness. He didn't want to splash cold water on Yue Chu, but some things were not so simple.

It's true that the competition is not murder and arson, but for some it is scarier than killing and setting fire. They will painstakingly enlighten you at first, and when they find that you are stubborn, they will use a cry, two troubles, and three hangings to force you to compromise. Can you watch your family suffer and grieve? Therefore, in the end, it is only yourself who compromises.

Wei Xianyang: "I know you don't believe it, but you can communicate with your family first and see what they mean." Yue

Chu pondered for a moment, and chose to dial his father's phone, the top alpha of the Yue family, the Grand Duke of the empire.

"Father, I want to participate in the mecha competition."

Yue Chu's father is very handsome, and it can be seen that Yue Chu has inherited good genes from him. Hearing Yue Chu's words, he seemed a little surprised, and looked his son up and down suspiciously before frowning and flatly refusing.

Hearing this, Wei Xianyang had both a calm calm and an infinite loneliness, and sure enough, no Omega could escape such a fate.

However, Yue Chu did not obediently admit his fate.

Yue Chu: "Father, I approached Du Guzhou on your order, but he doesn't seem to be very interested in me. He does not like the effeminate Omega, but prefers the strong and self-reliant Omega like His Highness. In order to reverse his opinion of me, I must participate in the Mecha Tournament and take a good rank so that it is possible to snatch him away from His Highness.

"Du Guzhou is the top alpha of the empire, with extraordinary ability, and the future is limitless, even the royal family has to win him over. If I can snatch him from His Highness, this will definitely be a good thing for the Yue family. If I don't try, I will feel unwilling, after all, the next person who can raise the Yue Family to the height is not yet known when it will appear.

"I know what you're worried about, but the so-called surprises are always few, and it's worth my bet."

Yue Chu gently hooked the corners of her mouth, and her beautiful eyes were full of ambition. He is originally a top Omega, with a prominent background and good appearance, which is the best marriage tool for the Yue family, and it can even be said that unless the Yue family has an SSS-level alpha, the effect on the family is far less than him. This is the Yue family's weapon, and naturally it must play the greatest role.

Yue Chu: "Father, I have defeated Zhou Ran of the first-class count family, gained the trust of His Highness, and confessed to Du Guzhou in public. The road has been paved, just a word from you.

Wei Xianyang watched in shock as Yue Chu turned black and white upside down, no, what Yue Chu said was the truth, but how could it sound so strange. His face was complicated, if Yue Chu did this in private, then he would definitely be extremely disgusted and keep this scheming guy far away. But Yue Chu said it directly in front of him, so that not only could he not be disgusted, but even wanted to clap his hands and praise.


Yue Chu's father was silent for a moment, and when he spoke again, his tone was already loose: "I still need to think again and give you an answer later."

When the video hung up, Yue Chu turned her head to look at Wei Xianyang with a smile. His eyes are black and white, clear like a lake in spring, and he looks especially good when he smiles. However, if you look into the depths, you will find that despite the wind and rain, the lake is always calm, soft and unwavering.

In fact, the father has already agreed, but he still has to investigate again and consult with the clan elders before making a decision. However, Yue Chu can be sure that in the end, he must get a satisfactory answer.

Yue Chu took the pastries on the plate and placed them in front of Wei Xianyang piece by piece, filling the snow-white plate. The beautiful pastry has a sweet taste that will whet your appetite.

Yue Chu: "Your Highness, when there is nothing on this plate, you will easily make the decision to throw it away. But when he fills up with these expensive desserts, you will want to eat all the desserts and decide where to keep the plate. It's the same with people, it's hard but easy to be yourself, as long as you have enough leverage to attack and even win in negotiations. Never

underestimate the value of Omega, perhaps in the eyes of many people they can only be used as a marriage tool, but even marriage tools will play a key role at some point.

Yue Chu looked at Wei Xianyang's thoughtful appearance and smiled indifferently, now the royal family has three alphas, all of them are Wei Xianyang's own brothers, they are equal in terms of inheritance, and the forces between them are not much different, Wei Xianyang is the object they need to fight for. What's more, Wei Xianyang also made a marriage contract with Du Guzhou, and the power he represented was by no means small.

Wei Xianyang stared at the plate for a while, picked up the top dessert and put it in his mouth, the slightly bitter almond flavor mixed with the silkiness of chocolate brought taste enjoyment. He narrowed his eyes slightly, his slender eyelashes covered his round pupils, and his fair face was still indifferent, but it was dyed with sharp and vigorous vitality.

Wei Xianyang: "You are very smart. No

, it's not just smart, Wei Xianyang thought. Every Omega is bound by their identity because the education they receive from birth keeps them in prison. But Yue Chu is different, he always has so many strange ideas, and he can skillfully turn them into reality.

In the past, Wei Xianyang always felt that he was the most sober, and he had a sense of loneliness that everyone in the world was drunk and awake. But now, his heart has fallen back to the ground, allowing him to examine himself more accurately.

Yue Chu: "Thank you Your Highness for the compliment, it is my honor." Saying

that, Yue Chu used the terminal to issue a registration form for His Highness for the Mecha Competition, smiled and stretched out his hand to hold His Highness's slightly cold hand.

"Your Highness, I won't show mercy to my subordinates~"

Wei Xianyang ignited a raging fighting spirit, and his arrogant eyes carried a hot fighting intent. He was never a man of contentment, and even his father often lamented that if he were an alpha, the throne would no longer need to be contested.

Wei Xianyang was very confident in his mecha combat power, but he really wanted to see how powerful Yue Chu was.

"Don't cry if you lose!"

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