Chapter 17

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Imperial University sang all the way this year, and the selected players Li Yuechu, Wei Xieyang and Du Guzhou all reached the semifinals. And this time in the draw, Yue Chu faced Du Guzhou, and the winner among them will advance to the final.

Yue Chu's fingers gently brushed over his nameplate, and the dazzling golden light shone on his black hair, haling a soft warm color. Under the slender eyelashes are a pair of eyes as gentle as water, and the light is reflected in them like a starlight. The corners of his mouth still had a charming smile, and his rosy lips were slightly hooked, as if there was no aggression.

The dark blue mecha suit perfectly outlines his lines, slender waist and long legs, seemingly weak but flexible, and his beautiful muscles show that he is by no means an ordinary person.

Opposite him, standing was Du Guzhou, who was wearing the same battle uniform. His crisp short hair exposed his aggressive facial features, and his eagle-like sharp gaze was unabashedly cast towards Yue Chu.

He pursed the corners of his mouth and did not look down on him because of Yuechu's identity as Omega. His eyes burned with fighting spirit, and his tense muscles were ready to strike, like a hunter hiding in the forest, keeping an eye on his prey and about to attack.

Du Guzhou knew that this was a duel between him and Yue Chu, and he could only succeed and not fail.

Yue Chu turned sideways and looked at Wei Xianyang, who was standing in the contestant seat looking at him nervously, and his eyes seemed to melt into the crumpled starlight, making Wei Xianyang involuntarily step forward two steps, eager to rush across the police cordon to hold his hand.

Yue Chu: "Xieyang, do you think I will win?"

Wei Xianyang replied without hesitation: "Of course, the victory must belong to you.

There was only the figure of Yue Chu in his pupils, so profound that it seemed to imprint people in his heart, and he could not erase it even if time passed.

Yue Chu's red lips hooked, and her smile was charming, like a blue moon. His fingers touched his lips lightly and gave Wei Xianyang a flying kiss.

Yue Chu: "I will win for you." Yue

Chu glanced at Du Guzhou with a deep smile, his gaze was firm, and he was completely defiant. He put his helmet on, waited for the machine to be detected, and then entered the mech.

Du Guzhou snorted coldly, he and Yue Chu looked at each other, such provocations had long been accustomed. He looked at Wei Xianyang expectantly, his heart jumping slightly, and he also wanted to be encouraged.

However, looking at it like this only made his heart slowly sink to the bottom, because Wei Xianyang's gaze was completely on Yue Chu's body, and there was no intention to give it to him at all.

Du Guzhou's eyes narrowed slightly, and a trace of loneliness flashed in his dark pupils, and he quickly covered it up.

Perhaps, if he wins, Xie Yang will be willing to look at him again.

The tall black and red mecha exuded an eerie cold aura, and the blood sickle in his hand was extremely sharp, like frost and snow. In a breath, it disappeared in place, leaving only a black and red afterimage, like a devil stained with blood twisting its body.

Du Guzhou was already familiar with Yue Chu's playing style, and when he disappeared, he also moved quickly. As an SSS-level alpha, his acumen is unmatched, and he is already defensive when he catches the traces of Yue Chu out of the corner of his eye.

The two shadows on the arena were intertwined, and it was impossible to see clearly, only the loud sound of metal clashing could be heard, and sparks burst out from time to time.

With a loud bang, the black-red mech was caught and kicked out, hitting the protective shield hard, and the impact was so great that the protective shield lit up red. However, before he had time to catch his breath, Yue Chu immediately drove the mecha over on its side and raised the blood sickle in his hand to block Du Guzhou's attack.

Wei Xianyang stood up uncontrollably, his eyebrows locked and squeezed out the deep ravine. There was undisguised concern in his eyes, but he could only clench his fists tightly to control himself from rushing into the arena immediately.

Yue Chu...

Yue Chu's mecha was stabbed in the right shoulder, and in the face of the energy cannon opened by Du Guzhou, he had to dodge immediately to avoid defeat. But it was obvious that he had been completely suppressed at this time, and it was almost impossible to dodge.

The audience saw the ending, some rejoiced, some shook their heads helplessly, only Wei Xianyang was still staring at Yue Chu, without the slightest intention of giving up.

Little bear sat cross-legged in mid-air, stretched out his furry hand and picked his nostrils, bored and just wanted to yawn: "Have you played enough?" Is it fun?

Everyone imagined that Zhongyue Chu's embarrassed appearance did not appear at all, and he easily controlled the mecha, with a mask-like smile on his face.

Yue Chu: "It's okay, it would be better if it was more miserable." What

is the meaning of crushing all the way, but it seems that he has bullied Du Guzhou for two lifetimes, but this kind of Jedi counterattack drama is more interesting. He must pretend to be pitiful, but he must not be too pitiful, he must make people feel distressed, and he must not be looked down upon.

Yue Chu sighed with difficulty, this green tea is really too difficult.

Little bear twitched the corners of his mouth, forget it, I didn't see anything difficult for him at all. It just wants to give young Du Guzhou incense now, and it is really unlucky enough for him to meet a god like Yue Chu.

Little Bear still warned: "Don't play the protagonist badly, no matter what, Du Guzhou is one of the main forces supporting this world."

Yue Chu said leisurely: "Don't worry, I know what to do."

However, sometimes the protagonist also has to go through some trials and tribulations to grow.

Yue Chu smiled, and the inky pupils were like night descending, devouring the last ray of light on the horizon.

The black and red mecha stuffed a punch into Du Guzhou's barrel, sacrificing half of his arm in exchange for a chance. With the other hand, he grabbed the blood sickle and mercilessly cut off his left arm, and the energy on the soles of his feet suddenly burst out, taking him and Du Guzhou to distance themselves.

Yue Chu jumped up, and the blood sickle in his hand struck towards Du Guzhou with a sassy cold wind, and launched the most violent attack as if burning life.

This despair and poignancy made everyone present couldn't help but stand up and gaze at this Jedi counterattack.

Wei Xianyang clenched his silver teeth and made an uncontrollable gurgling sound. He couldn't bear to look any further, and he had to force himself to keep his eyes open. Because this is Yue Chu's battle, it is Yue Chu's battle to win him.

He held his head high, and his beautifully curved chin carried a proud and sharp arc, as if a rose had opened its thorns to stab anyone who dared to approach. But this rose will only bloom on the moon, and in the face of the gentle silver moonlight, it will take off all its guards and release its beauty to the fullest.

The huge blood sickle finally hit Du Guzhou's throat, and the blade flashed a cold light, like the arrival of Venus, representing the God of War, and sounded the trumpet of victory.

Yue Chu was covered in scars, and the mecha was already dilapidated, but he still stood there indomitably, defeating the strong opponent with his tenacious will.

The audience erupted into enthusiastic applause, like thunderous agitation, representing praise for the winners.

Yue Chu's black and red mecha was bathed in light, and Du Guzhou, who was cut to the ground by him, could only remain in a shadow.

After the referee announced that Yue Chu had won, the black and red mecha staggered down, and the field immediately sent staff to help Yue Chu out of the mecha.

Yue Chu waved his hand, declined the kindness of the two staff members, and staggered out towards Yue Chu. His hair was already soaked with sweat, clinging tightly to his snow-white skin, his breathing was short, he couldn't even speak, but his eyes were like morning stars, amazingly bright.

Wei Xianyang could no longer control himself, and ran to Yue Chu in a big stride, grasping the fingertips that were stretched towards him. He wanted to bring these hands to his mouth and kiss them, but in front of everyone, he could only hold them tightly and hold them against his chest.

Proud as Wei Xieyang had a fear for the first time, he was not afraid when he was hit by the inducer and faced the attack, but at this time, he was afraid in the face of only one arena.

He was afraid that Yue Chu would be injured, and he was also afraid that his impulsive behavior would bring harm to Yue Chu, so he could only carefully restrain his feelings and did not dare to make any unnecessary movements.

However, there was a surge of unwillingness in the bottom of my heart, why not? Why can't he kiss Yue Chu in a bright and honest way?

He answered himself himself: because he was not strong enough to protect the people he wanted to protect.

Yue Chu finally eased up, and although the voice was small and almost inaudible, it allowed Wei Xianyang, who was so close, to see clearly.

Yue Chu: "I won, can you hug me?"

With heartbreaking beauty in those inky eyes, Wei Xianyang could no longer suppress his emotions, grabbed Yue Chu's hand and forcefully embraced the whole person into his arms.

Bang bang, the hearts of the two people leaned together, beating equally violently.

Yue Chu's chin rubbed twice on Wei Xianyang's shoulder, and he looked slightly sideways at Du Guzhou, who was standing alone not far away, and the corners of his mouth slowly and slowly raised a rich smile.

You, lost.

Not only lost the game, but also lost Wei Xieyang.

Du Guzhou stood there quietly, the applause and cheers around him were lively, and he was the only one who fell into loneliness alone, unable to integrate into this noisy world.

The handsome face also slowly became depressed, and the thin and tangible lips pulled down slightly, telling the loneliness in his heart. But no matter how much he expected it, the man would never look at him again.

Du Guzhou didn't know why he and Wei Xieyang got to this point, obviously they shouldn't, he and Xieyang also had a beautiful and peaceful relationship. However, I don't know when the two people began to hurt each other, opening each other's thorns to each other, and arrogantly raising their heads unwilling to compromise.

He tried hard to mend the relationship, but the result was unsatisfactory.

Du Guzhou is not good at dealing with such a complicated matter, and some time ago he was crazy into training, only looking forward to forgetting his troubles. He did, and the lot of study practice really left him no time to think. But when he turned back, he found that Yue Chu had quietly entered Xieyang's life, squeezing out his existence little by little.

Du Guzhou left, without alerting anyone, retreating silently like a shadow, not leaving a trace in this world.

He returned to the hotel, took a shower, and refused Luo'an's call request, just wanting to be quiet and alone for a while. Take out the beer in the cabinet, unscrew the cap directly with your hand, and frantically pour it into your mouth at the mouth of the bottle.

Du Guzhou looked out the window coldly, the tall buildings blocked the moonlight, and only the lights were bright. The bright light reflected in his eyes, but it could not reach the bottom of his heart.

Didi, his terminal rang twice, showing an unknown number.

Du Guzhou frowned and put down the bottle, this was the person he hired to check Yuechu, and now it seems that there are results.

However, when he clicked on the picture, his eyes widened instantly, and he suddenly stood up in anger, the table he brought shook violently, and the empty wine bottles placed on it all rolled to the ground.

Several photos on the terminal are put together, which are full of smiling Yue Chu and Wei Xieyang, who has expressionless eyes but is hot as fire, and the most conspicuous one of them is two beautiful Omegas kissing together affectionately, which is extremely beautiful but also dazzling.

Du Guzhou's deep black eyes burned with rage, his fingers were clenched until they turned white, and he gritted his teeth and called out the name in his heart: Yue Chu!

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