Chapter 16

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The four people sat in silence, and the atmosphere was very awkward for a while.

In order to cultivate the camaraderie among the players, the competition requires eating and sleeping together. It was good to sleep together, two rooms, one for Yue Chu and Wei Xianyang, and one for Du Guzhou and Luo An, but they avoided conflict. That's what eats together...

Luo An is Du Guzhou's good friend, and he has heard a little about the relationship between the three. He is not the kind of person who can speak well, and he also has a headache in the face of this situation. But it was really embarrassing to sit like this, and after thinking about it, he looked at Yue Chu, who was smiling softly, and couldn't help but jump two beats quickly in his heart, and had an idea.

Luo An does not like Omega like Wei Xianyang, who is difficult to approach, and prefers the gentle as water Yue Chu, although Yue Chu once admitted to having a secret love for Du Guzhou, but feelings are not easy to say, who will go to the end depends on fate. If you want to pursue excellent Omega, you must take the initiative, and since he has this opportunity, he also hopes to at least have no regrets.

Luo An plucked up his courage, picked up the kettle with flower tea on the table and stood up.

Luo An looked at Yuechu: "The flower tea here is very delicious, I'll pour you a cup to taste."

He was reaching out to take Yue Chu's water cup, but Wei Xianyang's eyes quickly held the mouth of the cup.

Wei Xianyang sneered, his eyes were as sharp as a sword, and he couldn't wait to pierce this guy with evil intentions.

Wei Xianyang: "His water doesn't need to be poured by you!"

Luo An looked inexplicable, he just wanted to pour a glass of water for Yuechu, why... Why does Wei Xianyang look like a girl in bed?

Wei Xianyang's heart rolled, looking at Luo An coldly, he knew exactly what this guy had in mind. Thinking of this, he pursed his lips, not mentioning what it was like.

His Omega is so good that there are always guys who don't have long eyes who want to snoop!

Luo An didn't understand why he was hostile to Wei Xieyang, but with the attitude of playing round, he did not force it, but turned to Wei Xieyang.

Luo An: "How about I pour His Highness a cup first?" Wei

Xianyang had not spoken, but Du Guzhou frowned, although he was now in a tense relationship with Wei Xianyang, but in the end he was still a marriage contractor, where could he allow other alphas to offer his courtesy.

Du Guzhou pressed his wrist and took the pot, "I'll pour it for Xieyang, don't bother you."

Luo An had to let go and let Du Guzhou take the teapot over, and sat back in his seat with an embarrassed look. Forget it, this matter is too complicated for him to deal with.

Yue Chu chuckled, these people were also too interesting. He stretched out his hand to block Du Guzhou's movements, and his slender and slender fingers like white jade seemed to glow in the light, which made people can't help but take a few more looks.

Yue Chu: "Xieyang doesn't drink rose tea, don't you know?" Yue

Chu picked up the pot with boiled water on the side and poured a cup of water for Wei Xianyang, although Wei Xianyang is a rose-flavored pheromone, he himself hates the aroma of roses very much, not to mention drinking rose tea, even smelling the aroma of roses can't help but want to cover his mouth and nose.

Yue Chu smiled and handed the cup to Wei Xianyang's mouth, a smile flowed at the corner of his eyes, and glanced at Du Guzhou quite meaningfully.

Wei Xianyang was a little happy, no, very happy. He never told Yue Chu that he didn't like the smell of roses, and Yue Chu could know that it was completely based on his own observation, which showed how much he cared about himself. Being taken to heart by a lover is definitely a very happy thing.

Yue Chu nodded slightly towards Luo An again, her gaze skimmed over him without stopping for a minute, and she made a gesture of invitation.

Yue Chu: "You are casual.

Luo An squeezed the cup in his hand in disappointment, and there was nothing more to look forward to wanting to drink.

It wasn't until he looked at Du Guzhou that the smile on Yue Chu's face became fake, and he directly poured himself a glass of water and put it to his lips and took a sip.

Yue Chu: "Du Guzhou, let's take care of yourself, now it seems that if anyone wants to be your lover, it's really a little hard."

Du Guzhou's eyes were heavy, and he couldn't spit it out with a breath in his heart, but he really didn't even know Wei Xianyang's preferences, and there was no excuse to justify himself when he was so sarcastical.

Yue Chu hooked the corners of his mouth lightly, his gaze was leisurely, but in Du Guzhou's eyes, it was like a needle prick.

Du Guzhou clenched his fists, but in the face of an Omega, he couldn't punch it directly, and he was simply holding back to the extreme.


Wei Xianyang surged all the way, and his extraordinary fighting methods quickly won him a lot of attention, coupled with the bonus of appearance and identity, it can be said that the focus of the entire game is almost concentrated on him.

But equally, as his opponent grew stronger, his shortcomings were exposed.

Yue Chu thoughtfully watched Wei Xianyang win the next game with difficulty, and already had an idea in his heart.

"Hard work."

Yue Chu wiped Wei Xianyang with a towel, with a faint worry in his eyes.

Wei Xianyang, whose mental power had long dried up, collapsed on the chair, panting with difficulty, his face that should have been red turned pale because of the pain, and his lips became more and more red like blood, and it was obvious that he was not in a good state.

Wei Xianyang slowly moved his fingers, clasped Yue Chu's slightly cool fingertips little by little, and turned his head sideways to spread a smile.

"I won."

Yue Chu touched his face helplessly, looking at the stubbornness in his eyes, and could understand Wei Xianyang's desire for victory. It is easy to fold, Wei Xianyang is exactly this kind of character, he wants to become stronger too much, and he is unwilling to accept defeat with all his strength. But if it goes on like this, it will only fall worse.

Yue Chu: "You're great, really. No matter what others think, whether you lose or win, you are the most powerful in my heart.

Wei Xianyang's eyes burned: "I will protect you."

Yue Chu squeezed his hand: "I believe you." However


Yue Chu combed his hair lovingly, leaned over to him, and said softly: "Your Highness, if we have time, let's have a fight, I haven't fought with His Highness for a long time, I still miss it a lot."

Of course, Wei Xianyang would not refuse his request, and agreed in one bite.

Yue Chu let his head rest on his body and cast his gaze into the distance.

Training ground The
black mech was caught by the huge scythe and fell to the ground
, and Wei Xieyang tried his best to break free, but was fixed by Yue Chu with a clever force.

Wei Xianyang constantly squeezed his spiritual power and wanted to mobilize the mecha, but he gritted his teeth and struggled for a long time but still couldn't resist.

Yue Chu turned on the communication, and laughter passed through the headset.

"Xie Yang, I won."

Wei Xianyang relaxed in discouragement, he thought that he was already very powerful, but he didn't expect that he still couldn't beat Yue Chu.

Yue Chu knocked on his mecha: "Come out, let's talk." The

two people came out of the mecha, Yue Chu was fine, although a little tired, but it looked quite relaxed. And Wei Xianyang was a little embarrassed, his white face was full of sweat, and there was a sense of chagrin in his eyes, and he clenched his silver teeth unwillingly.

Yue Chu put one arm on Wei Xianyang's shoulder and deliberately raised his eyebrows: "Lost, not happy?" Of

course, Wei Xianyang was unwilling, but this tone was smooth after seeing Yue Chu. He weakly brushed his hair behind his head, and there was a sense of decadence in his dark eyes.

Sure enough, it still doesn't work.

He looked at his hand, shook it in the void, but still didn't grasp anything.

Yue Chu stretched out her hand to cover his fist, and her slightly cool fingers were like spring raindrops falling on Wei Xianyang's hot skin.

Yue Chu: "Xie Yang, the reason why I took you to participate in the underground mecha gladiatorial fight is because I want you to accumulate combat experience as soon as possible. Only by experiencing the meaning of mortal combat in actual combat can you use the moves you have learned more flexibly.

"But underground mecha gladiatorial fighting also has drawbacks, it pays more attention to the visual effects of the battle, and fights the game with the bloodiest and most violent means to get more bonuses and honors."

"In reality, however, this way of fighting is not dominant in a real battlefield. Since you're not facing just one enemy, but two, three, or even a group, all you have to do is kill the enemy as much as possible and save your stamina.

"Xie Yang, you are struggling in the battle now, precisely because the moves are too complicated and waste a lot of mental and physical strength. When your opponent is equal to you, the battle time is longer and you will fall into passivity. Yue

Chu opened his fingers and interlocked them with his five fingers, his gaze melting like spring breeze and rain.

He spoke smoothly, spoke unhurriedly, and looked at Wei Xianyang with a smile and encouragement in his transparent eyes, making him unconsciously let go of his arrogance and seriously memorize his words in his heart.

Yue Chu: "Good steel should be used on the blade, simplify the complex, and kill with one knife, which is the key point of victory." Of course, this is just my personal opinion, whether you need to listen to it or not has to be weighed by yourself. Speaking

of this, Yue Chu smiled, held Wei Xianyang's hand and put it to his mouth and kissed him gently, his star-like eyes looked at him from bottom to top, and there was a charm between the corners of his eyes, so that Wei Xianyang couldn't help but move his throat, his thoughts instantly drifted, and he ran to the unspeakable place.

Wei Xianyang grabbed his hand and directly pulled the person into his arms, his burning breath hit Yue Chu's face, his eyes were as hot as the sun, and Yue Chu was imprinted under his eyes.

He said in a hoarse voice, "I want to kiss you." Yue

Chu was funny, it turned out that this could still be reported in advance.

As for the answer, there is no need to say any more.


"What are you thinking?"

Luo An patted Du Guzhou's shoulder, feeling that he has always been preoccupied recently, and sometimes even training is distracted, but it is not what it should be.

Du Guzhou's face was gloomy, and he stared at the blue and white striped gloves in his hand for a long time before he slowly spoke: "Do you think that Yue Chu is too close to Xie Yang?" Luo

An's second monk scratched his head, Omega is not all like this, slimy.

Du Guzhou's eyes flashed with light, but it was not. Wei Xianyang doesn't like to be close to people at all, whether alpha or omega. Born noble, he always has a sense of distance from people and rarely acts intimately, but all this has completely changed when facing Yue Chu.

Luo An still felt that Du Guzhou thought too much, a gentle and beautiful Omega like Yue Chu, who didn't want to be close to him. Obviously, the two are good friends, and it is normal to behave intimately.

Du Guzhou's face was indescribable and gentle? Beautiful? Can these two words be used to describe Yue Chu? That was obviously a scheming, hypocritical and despicable villain, he really didn't expect that even Luo An was confused.

Du Guzhou was so angry that his chest was stuffy, and he stood up without saying a word and strode out, leaving Luo An confused, and he still didn't understand what was going on.

Du Guzhou called: "Hey, help me check the moon Chu, the moon of the moon, the Chu of the Han realm of the Chu River." Right...... It's that top Omega of the Yue family..."

Hanging up the phone, Du Guzhou's eyes were cold, he wanted to know what Yue Chu was thinking.

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