Chapter 10

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Mecha Competition Campus Qualifier
rules of the Mecha Competition are to conduct a campus pre-selection first, and each university selects four outstanding team members to participate, and then competes between individuals and schools. Individuals simply count wins and losses, while schools are sorted by total points.

Today's is the first round of the qualifiers of the Imperial University, and the qualifiers are two wins in three games, to avoid being immediately eliminated because of the drawing of seeded players like Du Guzhou, and to select the best people as much as possible.

Yue Chu looked at the situation in this scene and frowned slightly. From the battle with Wei Xianyang, he found that Wei Xianyang's playing style was too official, completely printed according to the textbook, and at a glance, the practical experience was scarce and the shot was too bright. They corrected it many times together, but because the time was too short, the effect was not very good.

Originally, according to his expectations, although there was such a weakness, there should be no problem in passing the qualifiers, but he did not expect that Wei Xianyang's luck was not very good, and the three opponents drawn were very strong, and now he was fighting against one of Du Guzhou's generals, the seeded white knight Luoan.

Luo An held a long wooden warehouse and a shield, attacking and defending, originally very restrained Wei Xianyang. And this time he was even more merciless, and the swift attack completely suppressed Wei Xianyang from the beginning.

With a loud bang, Wei Xianyang was once again flown out by the top of the shield and fell heavily to the ground. The surface of the mech rubbed violently against the ground, leaving long black marks on the golden sparks raised. Such a violent impact was a slap in the face to the warriors operating the mecha, and Wei Xianyang struggled for a long time without getting up from the ground.

However, Luo An didn't give him more time, and flew up in a big stride, raised the long wooden cang, pierced Wei Xianyang's shoulder, and fixed the huge black mech to the ground.

Wei Xianyang was defeated.

Yue Chu thoughtfully swept over Du Guzhou's expressionless face, probably knowing what Du Guzhou was thinking. Du Guzhou didn't want to quarrel with Wei Xianyang, but he didn't want him to participate in the mecha competition, so he simply planned to eliminate Wei Xianyang in the qualifiers. He was well aware of Wei Xianyang's strength and knew the best way to deal with him.

Wei Xianyang stumbled out of the mecha, his lips were pale and colorless, and his fingers trembled slightly. Yue Chu and Du Guzhou held him left and right without giving in to each other, so that he would not collapse on the ground.

Du Guzhou frowned: Don't think that I will look at you more if I do these fake actions!

Yue Chu chuckled in response: At this time, he was on the pole to be courteous, but he was not seen to be gentle when dealing with Wei Xianyang.

Wei Xianyang coughed uncomfortably, originally he was still a little depressed in his heart, but when he saw Du Guzhou and Yue Chu, he knew what it was to be burnt, and it was better to be beaten on the field.

Yue Chu carefully handed over a bottle of water, took out a towel and wiped Wei Xianyang's sweat: "Hurry up and rest."

Wei Xianyang nodded, unscrewed the cap of the bottle, and poured a stream of brain into his throat. His hand holding the water bottle was still shaking, his eyes were a little empty, and his thoughts seemed to be stuck on the battle just now.

Du Guzhou moved his thin lips, wanting to persuade something, but the words came to his lips and were swallowed by him. His eyes crossed Limão, there was no need to say more, as long as the end result was what he wanted.

It was Yue Chu's turn to play, and this time he did not use the "Blue Bird" of the battle, but replaced it with "Shennong", which was a top-level mecha specially tailored by his father in order to show his skills in the mecha competition. The main weapon was made into a huge blood-colored scythe according to Yue Chu's requirements, and with the red and black mecha, it cast a huge shadow under the sunlight, as if death had descended.

When the name of "Shennong" came out, Wei Xianyang almost pinched the water bottle, and Yue Chu's name was too unreliable.

When did Wei Xieyang know that Yue Chu was named abolished? Probably when he reluctantly but inexplicably became accustomed to feeding the stray cats and dogs in the alley with him. For example, the sticky big orange is called "Xiao Hei", the black cat who is not close to his relatives is called "Xiao Bai", and the oldest Sanhua cat who dozes off every day is called "Spirit Guy"... And so on and so forth. It was because the name was so strange, but he remembered it all impressively.

This mecha should clearly be called "Death", but it turned out to be "Shennong", and the sense of violation is not too strong.

Yue Chu fought against Du Guzhou's companion Zeng Bin, his power was not as good as Luo An, but it was okay. Interestingly, Zeng Bin uses a double sickle, and although the weapon is smaller than Yue Chu, it is also more flexible. The two sickles play against each other, which wins and loses, making this game more interesting.

The silver double sickle was like two lightning bolts whistling towards Yue Chu, and it arrived in the blink of an eye. Zeng Bin saw that Yue Chu was motionless, and his heart was full of contempt, sure enough, it was Omega, who couldn't even dodge in the face of an attack, and would only stand motionless in fear.

However, his double sickles were staggered, but he split into the air, and his eyes only caught a black and red afterimage, and Yue Chu was gone!

Such an excellent speed was undoubtedly shocking, even Du Guzhou was slightly stunned, and his expression was a little more serious. There are very few alphas known for their speed, and if Yue Chu is really so good, it can become a winning weapon.

Yue Chu had already arrived behind Zeng Bin, and the scythe in his hand swung a heavy wind sound. Even though Zeng Bin tried his best to dodge, the steel plate was scraped off, leaving a long series of uneven knife marks from the back to the side.

The temptation was clear, and the next Yue Chu's attack was no longer hesitant. His speed was so fast that Zeng Bin could only stand still, fending off attacks from all directions. His mecha was already scarred, the double sickle had turned into a single sickle, and the other one was kicked by Yue Chu and flew into the distance, cha into the ground, extremely desolate.

In fact, Zeng Bin could already admit defeat, but he didn't, and still gritted his teeth and insisted. Yue Chu had a little admiration for the students of the Imperial University, at least this kind of heart was still very useful if he went to the battlefield.

However, at this time, Zeng Bin is his opponent, so he will definitely not show mercy to his subordinates.

With a wave of Yue Chu's scythe, the sharp blade scraped through Zeng Bin's head, and Sheng Sheng cut it down. There was also an electric flash at the junction of the head and neck, making a sizzling sound, and the silver-gray mech head rolled for a moment, hitting the edge of the shield before stopping.

Yue Chu Sheng!

Wei Xianyang looked at Yue Chu who walked down easily and felt a little sad in his heart, now it seems that the gap between him and Yue Chu is even bigger than he thought, not only Yue Chu, those alphas can also easily cut him off the horse. In the past, he was always pretentious and felt how unfair fate confined himself to this Omega's body, but now he found that it was not the injustice of heaven, but his own incompetence.

Du Guzhou saw Wei Xianyang's frustration, and his dark eyes were as cold as glass balls. That's right, as his Omega should stay like a noble rose in a safe greenhouse to grow and bloom, instead of stretching out its branches to experience the wind, frost, rain and snow that should not be.

He patted Wei Xianyang's shoulder: "Xieyang, this is not a place that belongs to you, you should understand it by now." Wait until the qualifiers are over and promise me not to mention these things again, okay? You are my betrothed and I will protect you from anyone.

Wei Xianyang's back straightened, like a full bow, and it would break with a little force. His lips pursed, revealing a bit of unwillingness to surrender to fate. The heat agitated in his chest made the corners of his eyes sour, and he couldn't wait to roar so that the emotions in his heart could be vented. However, years of aristocratic etiquette made him unable to act rudely, and could only stand there like a stone.

Yue Chu narrowed her eyes, walked over with a smile, grabbed Du Guzhou's hand and took it away from Wei Xianyang's shoulder.

His fingers were very cold, and when he touched Du Guzhou's slightly hot skin, he made Du Guzhou look suddenly cold and shake it away fiercely.

Yue Chu withdrew her hand without much concern and sat beside Wei Xianyang very affectionately. Two beautiful faces put together, one proud as a rose, the other as soft as a magnolia, this scene made the alpha who was not playing in the scene can't help but turn his head.

Yue Chu smiled and said: "Your Highness, this is just a defeat, you still have two games, I believe you can turn defeat into victory."

Wei Xianyang turned his head to look at Yue Chu, Yue Chu was very close to him, and he could clearly see the confidence in those eyes, so firm and sincere. It was like a gurgling spring pouring into the bottom of his heart, swallowing the restlessness, embarrassment, and depression into this cold spring, and slowly precipitating to the bottom.

Wei Xianyang suddenly smiled, he rarely smiled, always had an arrogant and cold look, which made people not want to be close. But at this time, his smile was as bright as the rising sun, and his innate pride and confidence shone like gold, making people involuntarily focus their eyes on him.

Wei Xianyang: "So confident in me? Yue

Chu nodded affirmatively, of course, this is the protagonist, and he can fight with the protagonist when his identity is limited, this little thing is nothing.

Wei Xianyang hooked the corners of his mouth, and his eyes shone like stars again. Yes, it was just a small failure, and if even such a small setback could defeat him, the rhetoric he once made would be a joke.

Yue Chu glanced at Du Guzhou obliquely, and deliberately leaned into Wei Xianyang's ear in front of him and said "whispering": "Your Highness, I also have a special training method, just for your situation, do you want to try it?"

Wei Xianyang was a little amused, but still nodded seriously, taking care of Yue Chu's face. He knew that Yue Chu was deliberately trying to attract Du Guzhou's attention, but strangely... Wei Xianyang felt his mood, and he didn't even have the slightest sourness. He couldn't help but praise himself, it seemed to be getting bigger and bigger recently, which was a rare quality.

Wei Xianyang: "Yes."

Du Guzhou's face turned black, and his icy gaze couldn't wait to pierce Yue Chu, this despicable and shameless guy didn't know how to deceive Xie Yang. Every day pretended to be innocent, speaking loudly as if he was bullying him, but in fact, he was scheming and had many means. However, Xie Yang, who has always been clever, does not know what evil has fallen into, but is close to him.

Du Guzhou: "Xieyang, you don't know Yue Chu's thoughts, he won't really be good to you at all!" "

Ming Ming Yue Chu and Wei Xianyang should be opposites, why are the two people friendly, so good that Du Guzhou's contradiction point cannot separate them. Du Guzhou was extremely strange, and sometimes he even felt as if he was the superfluous one.

Of course, Wei Xianyang knew, because Yue Chu had never hidden that feeling, but...

Wei Xianyang: "I know best whether Yue Chu is good to me or not, Gu Zhou, I don't want to hear these words from you again."

Du Guzhou looked at Yue Chu who was leaning on Wei Xianyang's shoulder with a chuckle, and only felt a wave of anger rise up in the sky, burning him almost completely irrational.

Moon, Chu!

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