Chapter 12

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Yue Chu sat on the sofa, eating snacks while watching anime. Interstellar anime, quality is guaranteed, although the plot is far less funny and bloody than before, but the picture is definitely quite beautiful and looks quite interesting.

Little Bear sat cross-legged on the side, hatefully grabbing a handful of popcorn and stuffing it into his mouth, his mouth bulging and forgetting to complain.

Little Bear: "I actually let those two date, it's over, it's all over, they will definitely get along as before!" You still have the leisure to watch anime here, and in a while we all have to go home and farm! Yue

Chu only couldn't hear it, and looked at the time, so he opened the terminal and began to edit the information.

"Your Highness, go back early, remember to let Du Guzhou send you, it's too late and it's not safe."

Sent successfully!

Yue Chu casually closed the terminal and continued to watch his anime. Although he will not forcefully stir up the two of them, it is still okay to take a look at Du Guzhou.

However, within two seconds, his terminal rang. Yue Chu quickly wiped his mouth and maintained his good image before opening the terminal and preparing to answer.

Looking at the familiar name above, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, it was really not easy for Wei Xianyang to take the initiative to call him. However, he was about to answer, when he saw that the communication that had not yet rang twice was actually hung up.

Yue Chu helplessly poked the cold screen with his finger, this His Highness was really thin-skinned. But it doesn't matter, if the mountain doesn't come, I'll come to the mountain, and his face is very thick.

He dialed back again, listening very patiently to the beeping of the communication until Wei Xianyang's beautiful face appeared on the light screen.

Yue Chu smiled: "Your Highness!"

Wei Xianyang looked at Yue Chu's smiling face with complicated eyes, and suddenly felt that the emotions in his heart seemed to have found a gap, and it was difficult to vent them out uncontrollably. No one knows what it's like to see a few simple words of concern when they stand alone by the lake. At this moment, he looked at Yue Chu in house clothes and shaggy hair in the camera, and only felt warmth welling up in his heart, which made his limbs warm.

Yue Chu sensed that his expression was wrong, and immediately approached the camera and frowned.

"Your Highness, why haven't you gone back so late? What about Du Guzhou? Why are you alone? Yue

Chu's question was urgent and fast, and it seemed that he couldn't wait to break through the screen and come to him immediately. But not only did Wei Xianyang not notice the offense, but his heart was so warm that he involuntarily put his hand into his eyes, not wanting Yue Chu to see his embarrassed appearance.

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry..."

Yue Chu didn't want to talk nonsense with him, so she directly grabbed the coat on the hanger and draped it over her body, and said as she walked: "Your Highness, where are you now, I will go to you immediately."

Wei Xianyang hurriedly stopped him, there was really no need, he was still on campus, it was very safe here, he just wanted to stay alone for a while, so that his chaotic thoughts could precipitate. He should think hard about what the way forward should be, instead of always letting himself get stuck in these chores.

Yue Chu didn't listen to his excuses, how could he meet the standard posture of green tea when Wei Xianyang was vulnerable, and wanted to bring the relationship between the two one step closer, this was an opportunity.

Yue Chu ran out like a flyer, opened the door of the flying machine and jumped in, looking at Wei Xianyang on the screen and smiling slightly: "The long night is long, Your Highness will give me a chance to accompany you."

Wei Xianyang couldn't help him, and in the face of Yue Chu's gentleness, he couldn't say anything to refuse, and finally he could only nod and agree.

The video hung up, and the little bear lazily lay on the pilot of the aircraft, and applauded Yue Chu without saltiness: Ouch, it's really beautiful~

As if it wasn't it who was so anxious to scratch his heart and lungs just now, no way, OO Lian dismantled it CP, and his heart was unhappy and indescribable. But it still dutifully issued tasks to Yue Chu, which can be regarded as fair and fair outside of small selfishness.

When Yue Chu came to the lake, he didn't see Wei Xianyang's figure. He walked back and forth along the agreed place, and everywhere was quiet, as if no one had ever arrived.

Yue Chu suddenly had a bad premonition, and his premonition had always been very accurate. Wei Xianyang was very abiding by the agreement, even if he wanted to leave, he would send him a message in advance, and he would never disappear for no reason.

"System, immediately find Wei Xianyang's location!"

The little bear was also frightened, although it didn't know what was happening, but it trusted Yue Chu's intuition, and immediately called out Wei Xianyang's board and began to check.

This was incredible, and the little bear's face was scared: "It's not good, something happened to Wei Xianyang!" Go to the No. 8 Sports Warehouse and save him!

Yue Chu did not hesitate to follow the path of the little bear's finger and began to run wildly, if anyone could see his speed, they would be surprised that an Omega could run so fast.

"What happened?"

"I don't know, but it's very, very threatening, life-threatening, endangering the entire world line!"

Yue Chu kicked open the big iron door of the warehouse, and the scene that came into his eyes made him dazzled.

There is a sweet smell in the air, with a faint smell of fat powder, tempting people to take a few more breaths. Under the warm yellow light, Wei Xianyang's eyes were confused, gasping in pain, his face was as white as snow, his lips had been bitten, and a little blood bead flowed down his lip flap, dripping on his snow-white shirt, and the eyes of the stabbing person hurt.

Three strong alpha evil smiles stood in front of him, two people put Wei Xianyang in an unbearable pose, and one person stood there to take pictures. Their eyes were red, and they did not hide their evil valley hope, like hungry wolves drooling, forcibly enduring in order to eat delicious food.

There were also three familiar figures standing not far away, with strange devices on their noses, enjoying this scene with great interest, it was none other than Zhou Ran, Zhao Heng, and Zhao Heng's henchman Yang Lu.

Yue Chu rushed over quickly, kicked one alpha into the air, and smashed the branch he picked up on the ground on the other alpha's head, holding Wei Xianyang in his arms.

Yue Chu found that Wei Xianyang was in a very bad condition, his hands and feet were weak, he was confused, and he looked like he had been medicated.

He patted Wei Xianyang's face: "Your Highness, how are you?" Wei

Xianyang was actually very conscious, but he was just tortured by Gu Yaowang. He was hit by an inducer and went into estrus. The crazy Gu Yao Wangwang burned from the soles of his feet to his fingertips like a tongue of fire, roasting every inch of his skin as if it were painful, if not for the lack of strength, he really wanted to curl himself into a ball.

However, in this fiery heat, his heart was desperate as if falling into an ice cellar, and the cold snow and frost covered him layer by layer, and loneliness, numbness and pain gradually engulfed him.

He saw the disgusting gazes in those alpha eyes, heard Zhou Ran's smug laughter, but he couldn't even move a finger, he could only wait for doom to come.

However, Yue Chu came!

Wei Xianyang didn't know where the strength came from, and grabbed Yue Chu's fingers with difficulty, almost squeezing out a word from between his teeth: "Go..."

Omega's estrus will induce other Omegas into estrus, and if there is no blocker on Zhou Ran's mouth, Yue Chu is finished.

Yue Chu held his hand and looked at those people with cold eyes, these, damn guys!

Zhou Ran was startled by Yue Chu's gaze, and then remembered that he didn't have to be afraid of him at this time, and even... He laughed playfully and approached Yue Chu triumphantly, admiring him condescendinglyOur embarrassment.

Zhou Ran: "I didn't expect it, it didn't take any effort to come, you actually came by yourself, just so that you can be a companion with Wei Xianyang and have a good experience of this soul-destroying taste." Yue

Chu smiled lightly, not half afraid: "Is it?"

Wei Xianyang went crazy, and grabbed Yue Chu's hand desperately to let him leave, but he had to come to Yue Chu and patted his back comfortingly. His vision was a little blurry, and he could only see the small half of Yue Chu's face from a young age, and that face especially had an indifferent smile, and he didn't take the crisis at this time to heart at all.

Zhou Ran clapped his hands and signaled that alpha could go on, and he laughed grimly: "Look how proud you are from now on!" Yue

Chu raised his chin slightly: "I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you." "

The talent of the people of the Moon Realm - to create illusions, which is possessed from birth, and will continue to grow stronger as their abilities grow. Yue Chu's illusion realm can already create divine transformation, but this ability is very limited and cannot be spread out at will. But in this not very spacious warehouse, it is a good space to play.

Zhou Ran found that those people did not move, and turned his head in anger, and saw that they were constantly spinning like a headless fly, but they couldn't get out of that circle.

Zhou Ran shouted their names in a sharp voice, but those alphas seemed to be deaf and completely inaudible. Alpha, who has been induced by Omega's estrus, is like a hungry lion, violently trying to find food, but can not find an exit. They were also uncomfortable, their faces flushed, and their green tendons burst out, as if they were about to explode at any moment.

Zhou Ran staggered back a few steps and looked at Yue Chu with some panic: "You... What did you do?

Wei Xianyang's condition was bad, and Yue Chu didn't have the heart to answer his questions here. He gently put Wei Xianyang down and whispered two words in his ear, seeing that he slowly let go before rushing to Zhou Ran's side with a brisk stride, and violently pulled off his blocker.

Zhou Ran covered his mouth and nose in panic, but still inhaled the pheromones and fell to the ground weakly.

Yue Chu also took off the other two's blockers without pity, took a few steps back to pick Wei Xianyang up, and closed the door with a slight smile.

The illusion was withdrawn, and the piercing screams and the low roar of Alpha were remembered inside, which soon intertwined into a yin song that echoed leisurely in this hidden corner.

Yue Chu asked Little Bear: How did he deal with this situation? Do inhibitors work?

Little Bear shook his head: No, this is an inducer, it can only let him vent.

Speaking of this, it looked at Yue Chu with some sympathy: You have to find him an alpha, and it must be fast, he will not be able to hold it immediately.

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