Chapter 13

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Yue Chu frowned slightly and looked at Wei Xianyang, his face was covered with red light at this time, like a blooming rose waiting to be picked. The proud prince was unwilling to show embarrassment in front of him, biting his lower lip and swallowing the whimper into his stomach.

When he held Wei Xianyang, he could feel the steaming heat on his body, and the hot skin was clinging to his arm with trembling.

Yue Chu knew how uncomfortable estrus was for Omega, because his state at this time was similar to Wei Xianyang. This inducer is very similar to the infectious power of the queen bee, which can amplify people's five senses, so that all emotions are like boiling water, stinging every inch of nerves.

In order to resist the infectious power of the queen bee, the realm of the month and the month had to undergo rigorous training from an early age to temper their will and avoid being controlled on the battlefield and becoming a puppet of the enemy. So the state at this time is nothing to him, and it is even easier to control because of Omega's innate superior mental power.

Of course, Yue Chu didn't want to cheapen Du Guzhou, but he was even more reluctant to see his mission target tortured.

People are not as good as heavenly calculations, he confessed!

Yue Chu touched Wei Xianyang's sweat-soaked hair soothingly, opened his terminal, and began to look up Du Guzhou's number. It was very unfortunate that Yue Chu used to live in misery every day, and he didn't have time to think about the wind and snow, and there was no Du Guzhou's number.

In desperation, he could only whisper to Wei Xianyang: "Your Highness, please tell me Du Guzhou's number."

Wei Xianyang desperately grabbed Yue Chu's wrist, and there was icy disgust in his painful eyes, and he refused.

At this time, Wei Xianyang seemed to have fallen into a sea of ice, surrounded by a bottomless darkness, and the cold and heavy sea water wrapped and squeezed him. The sound and light all left him, and loneliness was like ten thousand insects eating his skin little by little.

He was cold, painful, wanted to roar, wanted to roll, but could only hold himself tightly, leaning in Yuechu's gentle embrace, struggling to absorb some warmth.

But there was always an invisible membrane that separated him from Yue Chu, he couldn't smell the faint aroma on Yue Chu's body, he couldn't feel the soft skin, and he couldn't even hear his voice clearly.

He opened his mouth, wanting Yue Chu to hug him tightly, but he couldn't say such cowardly and miserable words.

Wei Xianyang definitely didn't want Du Guzhou, and even at this time, he wanted to vomit when he heard this name.

"No, don't Du Guzhou."

Yue Chu was stunned, he didn't expect Wei Xianyang to refuse Du Guzhou so firmly at such a time. He locked his eyebrows and tested the temperature on Wei Xianyang's face with the back of his hand, no, it was too hot, and if Wei Xianyang went on like this, something would happen.

He understood Wei Xianyang's pride, but...

Yue Chu looked at Little Bear: "System, is there any other way besides alpha?" I'm taking him to the hospital now, the doctor should have a way. Little

Bear nervously gathered around Wei Xianyang, more anxious than Yue Chu. Ma Ya, this golden egg is related to its world line, if it hangs at this time, it will be all over.

Little Bear: "No, there is no choice but to pacify and jiaopei with pheromones. "


Yue Chu leaned down and sniffed the smell of Wei Xianyang's body. Sure enough, when he let go of his spiritual power, he could clearly smell a rose fragrance, gorgeous and arrogant, like a beauty under the moon, with a proud and charming fragrance.

Yue Chu asked, "Is my pheromone useful to him?"

Little Bear looked strange: "I've never heard that Omega's pheromones will be useful to Omega, so don't dream."

Yue Chu thought thoughtfully: "Then why does the empire ban OO love?"

Little Bear: "That's because, of course..." Because

... Because of what? The little bear suddenly couldn't answer, its eyes were round, staring at the moon chu that slowly released its pheromones, only to feel that the top of its head cracked, and something suddenly shattered.

Yue Chu did not dare to be careless, if his guess was wrong, whether Wei Xianyang wanted it or not, he would call Du Guzhou over.

He slowly released the pheromones, and a faint aroma was entangled with Wei Xianyang's rose fragrance. The aroma couldn't say what it smelled, or even if it didn't seem to be nothing, it instantly made Wei Xianyang's eyes widen, grabbed Yue Chu's arm, and his fingers tightened uncontrollably.


Yue Chu smiled, half pressed on Wei Xianyang, and controlled the pheromones to slowly invade Wei Xianyang's domain. The eyes are as bright as the moon, but they do not have the purity and plainness they once had, but they bring the dangerous temptation of the red moon.

His fingers slid across Wei Xianyang's cheeks, stopping at the edge of the corners of his mouth, and said in a hoarse voice: "Your Highness, can I do that?"

Wei Xianyang looked at him intently, as if there was a fire burning in his throat, and he was extremely thirsty, and Yue Chu was a clear spring for him, as long as he wanted to, all the pain would disappear.

Is Wei Xianyang willing? He himself did not know, the brain was burned like a paste, and it could not turn at all. But at least the person in front of him does not let him ostracize, and that's enough.

He nodded invisibly, stretched out his arm with difficulty and put it on Yue Chu's neck, his eyes fell on the top of the black flying machine, and his thoughts flew to an unknown place.

That's it.

Yue Chu's smile narrowed slightly, and at that moment he saw despair from the depths of Wei Xianyang's eyes, and the only candlelight in the deep, thick black fog was extinguished. He felt something, and the synopsis of the story that Little Bear had given quickly passed through his mind, Omega...

Wei Xianyang seemed to be particularly disgusted with Omega's identity, and he desperately wanted to get rid of the shackles, but after a circle, he was still trapped in place. His ideals, his pursuits, and even his life were shattered by such an identity, making it impossible for such a proud and hard-working person to accept it.

The hero wept only because he was born at an opportune time. If Wei Xianyang and Du Guzhou's gender transition, Yue Chu believes that he can also easily stand on the highest point.

Yue Chu raised his eyebrows lightly, held Wei Xianyang's waist and flipped the position of the two over.

Well, as a hedonist, he doesn't care about it.

Yue Chu pulled her fingers into Wei Xianyang's soft hair, and her slender and straight legs opened and hooked his strong waist.

Yue Chu chuckled: "If His Highness still has strength, it will trouble you."

Wei Xianyang was stunned, and his soul seemed to return to his shell, hot and panicked. The pitch-black eyes seemed to be illuminated by the sun, radiant, and before his sanity returned, he couldn't help but hold Yue Chu's legs, gasping heavily like a wolf dog.

The moonlight is infinite.

Du Guzhou ran frantically, and the white walls of the hospital were like spreading out, mocking his fear. All the sounds around him left him, only the violent heartbeat in his chest, pounding his eardrums like a defeated drum.

He didn't know how ugly his face was at the moment, he just wanted to hurry up and hurry up again to see the person who worried him.

However, when he ran to the door of the ward, what he saw was Yue Chu coming out from the inside, gently closing the door and stopping him in front of him. That nasty face faced him coldly, like a knight on guard, not allowing anyone to approach.

Du Guzhou only felt a burst of anger explode in his heart, and he strode to Yue Chu, his voice cold and fullWith a warning: "What are you doing here?!" Yue

Chu was so despicable that he didn't forget to come over to see the joke when Wei Xianyang was most embarrassed!

Yue Chu was still wearing the pajamas at home at this time, her hair was messy like a chicken nest, the corners of her mouth were torn, bright red was dazzling, the clothes on her body were rubbed like messy hemp leaves, and a total of four buttons were also two off, revealing a piece of white flowers' chest.

He didn't listen to Du Guzhou's nonsense at all, and directly punched him in the face.

Wow, cool!

The little bear was so frightened that he stuffed both paws into his mouth: Oh my God, the host actually beat the protagonist!!

Yue Chu sneered: "Now so domineering, where did you run when His Highness was in danger?"

Du Guzhou's silver teeth clenched, wanting to let Yue Chu get away, but he had to face sharp questions.

"I thought there would be no danger on campus."

Yue Chu: "You think?" If it weren't for your date, the guards around His Highness wouldn't have left at all. Everyone believed in you, but what did you do? Leaving an Omega alone by a remote lake in the middle of the night would not be done by an alpha. Do you not think that there will be danger, or do you pretend not to think about it, or do you not care at all?

Du Guzhou clenched his fists, there was deep pain in his dark eyes, he wanted to refute Yue Chu's words, but in the face of such a result, all the defenses turned pale.

Yue Chu walked up to Du Guzhou and grabbed him by the collar to make him face him.

"Du Guzhou, you remember, it was you who ruined Yue Chu and ruined the relationship between you, and this guilt and self-blame will always follow you."

Yue Chu let go of him, picked up the wet wipes with some disgust and wiped his hands, as if he had touched something dirty. He threw the tissue into the trash with precision, and watched Du Guzhou kneel at the door of the ward with his legs limp, the corners of his mouth slightly hooked.

Du Guzhou said with a hoarse voice: "Please let me see Xieyang again." Yue

Chu stood hugging the wall, leaning lightly against the white wall, and did not block it again.

"He just slept for a while, if you have to make him face the nightmarish reality again, then please."

Du Guzhou was silent, the corners of his eyes were red, densely crawling with red blood. The man, whose back had always been as straight as a sword, also stood up slightly, paused for a moment, and then slowly got up, his figure swayed uncontrollably, and he quickly stood firm, not exposing his vulnerability by half a point.

From this point of view, Du Guzhou and Wei Xieyang are really too similar. Some similar people will come together because of the same interests, but some similar people will go further and further because of the spikes that both sides have erected.

Du Guzhou: "Take good care of him, I'll come to see him in a few days."

Yue Chu was noncommittal.

Du Guzhou's gaze moved to Yue Chu again, he was not worried that this person would stay by Wei Xianyang's side, but at the moment there was no other choice.

Du Guzhou warned coldly: "If you dare to hurt Xieyang, I will definitely not let you go."

Yue Chu smiled mockingly: "It's only you who hurt him." "

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