Chapter 4

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Yue Chu waited outside the school early in the morning, holding a black umbrella, with a lollipop in his mouth, and standing there with his back straight, if he was not associated with a good crying bag, it could be regarded as a beautiful landscape. Most of the alphas passing by would look at each other with interest, but looked away in disappointment after recognizing that it was Na Yuechu. Of course, alpha likes the delicate Omega, but it is too boring to be so delicate as Yue Chu that he can't be beaten back and scolded.

Here it comes!

Yue Chu smiled, walked lightly on her long legs, and walked to a cool flying machine, neither touching the guard's cordon, but standing aside, so that Wei Xianyang could see him for the first time.

And his kung fu was naturally not in vain, as soon as he got off the car, he saw Wei Xianyang of Yue Chu and instantly blackened his face, and this guy actually came to pick him up.

Of course, Wei Xianyang wouldn't think that Yue Chu came for him, so he liked Du Guzhou so much? People who cut in this early in the morning are really unreserved!

He walked into the school gate without squinting, and did not give alms to Yue Chu at all, but listening to the footsteps that followed behind him unhurriedly still made him a little angry.

Wei Xianyang turned his head: "When are you going to follow?!" Wei

Xieyang: Soon the whole school will know that you like Du Guzhou! His support club must not tear you up! Idiot!

As soon as Yue Chu saw Wei Xianyang turn his head, he immediately quickened his steps and stepped forward, and said with an innocent face: "Your Highness, you forgot that we are a class.

Wei Xianyang choked, he was so annoyed that he really forgot about it. Since the two are on the same route, then there is no need for him to pick people, it's just... It's still very infuriating.

Yue Chu pretended not to see his angry look, took out an orange-flavored lollipop and handed it to Wei Xianyang, "Your Highness, eat sugar?" Very sweet.

Wei Xianyang coldly refused: "Sweets will make people weak."

Yue Chu chuckled: "Sweets don't make people weak, only people make themselves weak." Wei

Xianyang looked over, Yue Chu's delicate white and tender little face shone white under the background of the black umbrella, and the soft smiling face always made people unconsciously let down their vigilance, but as long as they looked closely, they would find that Yue Chu's whole state looked lazy but actually ready to go. But most people don't see this, and they're always blinded by prejudice.

Wei Xianyang took the sugar, peeled off the twisted sugar paper, and took the orange sugar cube into his mouth. The sweetness of the orange spread on the tip of his tongue and penetrated into his stomach little by little.

Very sweet.

Wei Xianyang didn't like sugar, or he didn't like himself who liked sugar, just as he hated Omega's identity, these two things always made him think of his weakness.

Yue Chu took the sugar paper in Wei Xieyang's hand, tied it with his own sugar paper, tied it into a dead knot, and quickly walked two steps and threw it into the bucket of the sweeping robot.

Wei Xianyang snorted lightly, so courteous, who to show it! He said that he wanted to give him an umbrella and a bag, but in fact, he didn't just beat himself, and he knew that this kid didn't have a word of truth in his mouth.

They walked all the way to the door of the class just in time to meet Du Guzhou, and when they saw Yue Chu following behind Wei Xianyang, Du Guzhou's brows furrowed.

"Xie Yang, I want to say two words to you."

Du Guzhou stopped Wei Xianyang, which also caused Yue Chu to stop.

Yue Chu knew that this was a signal, which meant that his approach to Wei Xianyang in the past two days had aroused Du Guzhou's vigilance, and this kind of alpha with a weak possession of the valley would certainly not allow him to continue to stick to his Omega, and then he would definitely find a way to isolate him from Wei Xianyang.

The smile at the corner of Yue Chu's mouth remained unchanged, but he just nodded to Wei Xianyang and sat down in his seat. He would never allow such a thing to happen, and the soldiers would come to cover the water, but he wanted to see what tricks Du Guzhou would make.

"What's going on?"

Wei Xianyang and Du Guzhou stood in the corner of the corridor, the side window was opened, and the cool wind blew in with the fragrance of flowers, which should have been a beautiful and romantic picture, but with the conversation between the two, the smell of gunpowder became stronger and stronger.

Du Guzhou: "Why are you so close to Yue Chu?"

Wei Xianyang: "I don't know where you saw that we were close, just because of a candy?"

Du Guzhou: "Yes, because you never eat what others give."

Wei Xianyang admitted that he was a bit of a ghost at the time, but it was not enough to let Du Guzhou reach the point where Shanggang went online. However, he still gave in, after all, it was not a big deal, since Du Guzhou cared, as a marriage contractor, he should also pay attention.

Wei Xieyang: "Only this once, not the next example."

Only then did Du Guzhou let go of his heart, and his cold jawline relaxed slightly.

Du Guzhou: "I'm not forbidding you to make friends, but Yue Chu is not suitable for being friends." In the same class, you should know that he was ostracized because of his weakness and incompetence, and those Omegas were not willing to approach him, indicating that he had a problem with him. Xie Yang, you are the best Omega I have ever met, and I hope that this kind of excellence that I like will always be maintained, and not spoiled by some fox and dog friend.

Wei Xianyang smiled angrily, and his eyes, which were still a little softer just now, instantly became as cold as cold stars, as if he knew Du Guzhou for the first time, looking at him with unfamiliar eyes.

Wei Xianyang: "Have you investigated?" So it gave Yue Chu a conclusion.

Du Guzhou frowned, but he didn't expect that Wei Xianyang was still maintaining Yue Chu at this time.

Du Guzhou: "Almost everyone in the entire class isolated him, isn't this enough to show that he has a problem?"

Wei Xianyang quietly looked away, and when he saw Yue Chu, who was sitting in the classroom with his back straight and carefully reviewing, he suddenly felt that he was pitiful. Everyone in the class was talking and laughing, only his side was like a vacuum, separated from this lively world. And the person Yue Chu liked bitterly belittled him even more mercilessly to degrade him to dust.

He has always known that Du Guzhou is not a caring person, but in order to get a marriage contract, he is also willing to lower his figure to cooperate with Du Guzhou. However, Du Guzhou brought him disappointment again and again.

Wei Xianyang said coldly: "If a person is incompatible with a group of people, it does not mean that this person is an outlier, or there may be a problem with this group of people. Without investigation, just by virtue of the small number of people to define a person, Du Guzhou, you disappointed me too much.

Wei Xianyang didn't want to say anything to Du Guzhou anymore, and for the first time he discovered that this man who had been omnipotent in his heart was actually an ordinary person.

Du Guzhou pursed the corners of his mouth and looked at Wei Xianyang's background, and suddenly had a bad premonition, as if something was constantly out of his control and developing in an unknown direction. Through the window, he saw that when Wei Xianyang walked into the classroom, Yue Chu immediately raised his head and showed a bright smile. This scene made him particularly irritable in his heart, and he only felt extremely dazzling.

As an alpha, Du Guzhou certainly wouldn't have thought that the two Omegas would have any love entanglements, but Yue Chu's influence on Wei Xianyang made him dissatisfied in his heart.

Investigate? Instead, he wanted to see what kind of situation Yue Chu could make Wei Xianyang defend so resolutely.

Yue Chu tapped the pen to write, and her thoughts were already drifting away. Just now, Wei Xianyang and Du Guzhou came in one after the other after speaking, and their faces were very ugly, and it was obvious that they were unhappy. He was a little curious about what Du Guzhou had said, which could make Wei Xianyang, who had always been reasonable, angry like that. If he came up now and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I don't want you to fight because of me", will it add extra tea value?

Yue Chu smiledTurning the pen in his hand, it was really green tea, and the green tea made him almost angry.

Zhao Heng and they were expelled from school because of bullying classmates, which was the official answer given by the school, but it was a little changed in the eyes of everyone. Because as we all know, Yue Chu cries every day, so weak that even an ant does not dare to step on to death. Zhao Heng, they may just be loud and will scare Yue Chu to cry, if this is all bullying, it is too exaggerated. However, this matter has already been concluded by the school, plus Zhao Heng and they did not defend, and finally calmed down. But most of them still think that the Yue family is too short-sighted, forcing Zhao Heng to drop them out of school, but they are quite sympathetic to Zhao Heng and the others.

Yue Chu stirred her honey water, and the silver long-handled spoon and ceramic cup collided lightly together, making a pleasant sound. He is still comfortable and relaxed, indifferent to the increasingly cold and exclusionary attitude of those around him.

At this time, a beta ran in excitedly, his cheeks were dyed red, and he shouted excitedly: "Everyone go to the gymnasium, His Royal Highness the top Omega Wei Xianyang will fight against the top Omega Zhou Ran Young Master, and fight for Du Guzhou!"

Everyone was stunned at first, and then immediately rushed out, as if they were afraid that if they ran slowly, they would not see the wonderful picture.

The spoon in Yue Chu's hand stopped, he looked at the lively classmates speechlessly, this is clearly the title party, no matter what, it is impossible for an elegant and arrogant person like Wei Xianyang to fight with another Omega.

But...... He still had to go over and take a look.

Little Bear was equally excited to fly in Yue Chu to bid, both eyes turned into red lasers, three mouths grinned, and kept waving magic wands, eager to make Yue Chu faster.

"Green tea survival system open, task two, please use 'he didn't mean it, don't blame him' to dialogue, the number of words is not limited, the style is not limited, the intention should be high, and the content should be closely related to this sentence to unfold." The system scores based on their impact on the world. Don't be careless, I'm sure you can!
As soon as
Little Bear heard this, he immediately held Yue Chu's fingers and begged with teary eyes: "Brother, shall I call you brother?" You must be on the right object this time, don't scare me anymore!

Yue Chu chuckled: "What kind of skill is it to call brother, call dad."

Little bear was stunned, this faceless guy!

Yue Chu ran fast, obviously looking weak enough to blow down with a gust of wind, but Beta, who was huffing and panting next to him, found that this Omega quickly surpassed them from behind, approaching the speed of alpha.

Beta people have a look of doubts about life: when will there be such an anti-heavenly Omega again, can you leave them a way for Beta to live!

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