Chapter 25

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"Keep looking, he must be nearby!"

Yue Chu's exceptionally sensitive hearing caught some sounds, and the message coming from it was obviously not very friendly to him. He struggled to support his body, got up from the ground, covered his chest and kept running forward. His speed is very fast, and he can't see it clearly with the naked eye, but the footsteps following behind him are like shadows, and he can't shake them off.

With a few swishes, several silver arrows pierced the tree trunk next to him. Yue Chu's eyes narrowed, but her steps did not stop. Strange, why do these people always track his location?

He quickly checked his clothes, only to find that there was a mark of a cross on his arm, slowly steaming gray smoke.

Yue Chu coldly hooked the corners of his mouth, pulled out the dagger on his waist, and directly cut off the piece of meat.

The pain pierced his heart like an awl, causing him to clench his teeth, but these were not comparable to the noise coming from the broken heart, one by one, like a drum beating his heart. His teeth were sore, saliva was constantly secreting, and his whole body seemed to be burning.

Without his brutal training, he would not have been able to resist the pain of this physiological need. All reason drifted away like snow, and little by little disappeared into the flames.

If there was a mirror, Yue Chu would find that her eyes were now terribly red, as if soaked in blood, and the tiny blood streaks were constantly beating and spreading.

At this moment, his steps suddenly stopped, as if something invisible stopped in front of him, making it difficult for him to move.

Yue Chu's fangs became more and more extended, and he hunched his back, gasping for breath, and his scarlet eyes stared straight ahead.

It was deserted, and nothing could be seen except the yellow sand.

Yue Chu tried to gather the central god to look around, and the more he sensed, the more he could hear the agitation of his heart, and his blood was boiling like water, as if he was responding to an ancient call.

Yue Chu: "System, what exactly is here?"

Little Bear clicked the switch on his eye and scanned his surroundings: "This is the sleeping place of Rafa, the king of the blood clan." "

King of the Bloods? This person is not mentioned in the background of the story.

Little Bear scratched his head awkwardly, in fact, it was mentioned that it was just that the king of the blood tribe had been sleeping, so there was only one sentence in the whole story - "The king of the blood tribe sleeps quietly, and he can't see the chaos of these three races."

Yue Chu licked his sharp fangs, his eyes were bloody, and against the heavy pressure, he slowly took a step into this sleeping place.

One step, two steps... The coercion of the king of the blood clan is by no means general, only by experiencing it personally can you feel how strong the suppression immersed in the bloodline is.

Yue Chu's flesh and skin cracked little by little, and the white jade-like skin seemed to be cut open by a knife, revealing a deep bone wound. The pink nails on the fingers continue to fall off, grow, fall off and grow again, fall on the yellow earth, and are quickly blown away by the wind.

When he walked to the vicinity of the huge black coffin in the center, Yue Chu could no longer see that it was a person, he knelt on the ground with trembling legs, and with difficulty stretched out his hand with only white bones to knock on the lid of the coffin.

"I'm seriously injured, can I hide from your place?"

There was no movement inside.

Yue Chu said again: "If you don't answer, I will agree to you."
With a
bang, he fell inside and faced the King of the Blood Clan lying inside.

It was a man who could not be described in words, his pale skin was carved like fine ice crystals, his handsome facial features were mesmerizing even in the dim light, and his long silver-white hair was as smooth as silk, quietly draped behind him, like moonlight condensed into bundles.

But no matter how beautiful a person is, Yue Chu's eyes at this moment are nothing, because hunger and thirst have occupied his brain, and the fragrant blood makes him can't help but take a deep breath, and a large amount of saliva drips on the black robe of the king of the blood clan, like a blooming death rose.

He raised his head and without hesitation bit the neck of the King of the Blood Clan. In an instant, delicious blood flowed down his thirsty throat into his body, soothing his pain and heat like a clear spring.

Yue Chu half-squinted his eyes in fascination and sucked uncontrollably, if this was just an ordinary human, I am afraid that he would have already been sucked dry. With the replenishment of blood, the wound that had just been cracked recovered little by little, and the cracked skin returned to its original smooth and beautiful appearance.

However, this enjoyment did not last long, and a strong force struck, and he was thrown to the coffin wall. Before he could react, he was pinched by the neck and pushed to the ground, with such force that it almost crushed his throat.

Yue Chu's eyes were fierce, and he mobilized the strength of his whole body to resist, but his strength seemed to be in a quagmire in front of the king of the blood clan, and he couldn't use it at all.

He was slightly stunned, and the pain of his neck being pinched made him have to raise his head.

Yue Chu quietly looked at Rafa, in those eyes he could not see any hope of escape, but it was not his style to just tie his hands up. He quietly concentrated all his strength at his fingertips, waiting for the opportunity to strike a fatal blow.

However, at this moment, Rafa let go of him, his thick silver eyelashes fluttered like snowflakes, and his scarlet pupils showed some doubt.

"Five generations of purebloods?"

Rafa's voice is low and pleasant, vibrating gently like a cello.

Yue Chu retracted his strength, touched his neck, and distanced himself from Rafa. He had not met such a strong enemy for a long time, and this oppressive power made him wary.

I thought that the system was about to pit him to death, but I didn't expect that the identity of this fifth-generation pure-blood actually saved him.

Rafa looked at the child in front of him, he always thought that there was only one pure-blood, but he didn't expect to meet the second one by chance. The young blood clan in front of him was badly injured, and he could clearly smell the weakness on his body, which should have been injured by a very powerful hunter.

If it weren't for the last resort, this child would not have been able to forcibly enter the sleeping place of the King of the Blood Clan, because the injuries he received here were definitely more serious than the injuries he had just suffered.

Rafa likes ruthless children, this young blood, smart, calm, strong, coupled with pure blood, can be said to be very good.

Thinking of this, he thought of his other child, Xino, who was also a fifth-generation pure-blood, strong and beautiful, and the best heir to his liking. I wonder how he was doing during his absence?

Thinking of this, a trace of imperceptible tenderness flashed in Rafa's blood-red pupils.

Rafa: "Come here."

As the king of the blood clan, Rafa is absolutely protective of the remaining purebloods, he is actually not good at dealing with the cubs of the clan, and those young blood tribes will tremble like chickens when they see him. It was obviously a word of concern, but it came out of Rafa's mouth and it was hard, not like appeasement, but like an order.

Yue Chu raised her face and looked at the person in front of her with concern. The silver moonlight shone through the unsealed coffin lid, casting a faint halo on his snow-like face, short black hair like a raven feather was soft on his smooth forehead, and those scarlet bright pupils were still wary, but it reminded Rafa of the blood pool of the dark ice spring, clear and clear.

The news of the awakening of the King of the Blood Clan immediately caused a shock in the Blood Clan, followed by Yue Chu, the fifth generation of pure blood brought back by the King of the Blood Clan.

Rafa did not specifically arrange Yue Chu, because he knew very well that there was only one heir, and that was Hino. He will bless Yuechu, but he will definitely not let him give birth to thoughts that he shouldn't have.

Rafa's attitude quickly made the blood clans understand Yuechu's status, and the enthusiasm that had originally faced another pureblood immediately dissipated, turning into icy indifference.

Yue Chu followed a maid through a long corridor, gray-white bricks spliced in a typical European style, emerald green rose branches tightly wrapped around the pillars, elegantly spitting out delicate flowers, decorating the ancient heavy castle with a touch of color.

Without a trace, he looked at the castle, the terrain was complex, with winding corridors that wrapped around like a giant labyrinth. From time to time, a black shadow flashed in the corner, which was the eyeliner of the king of the blood clan, and he was staring at the people passing by in the corner all the time.

Yue Chu looked at the tall castle towering in the center, lightly hooking the corners of his mouth, now it seems that he has really been sent to a remote and remote place.

"From today, my lord, this is where you live."

The maid who led him was very young, her swollen little face looked tender enough to pinch water, and she was an E-grade blood clan that had not been transformed for a long time. She is both lucky and unfortunate. Fortunately, she did not become an irrational monster like the F-level Blood, unfortunately, she could only become the lowest Bloodclan forever and engage in low-level work.

The little maid seemed to like this job very much, and she worked very hard when cleaning, but the gaze that swept from time to time at that time was not very friendly. Obviously, this girl who can't hide her mind doesn't like Yue Chu very much.

Yue Chu didn't care, but thought she was very funny, and as for the unfriendly gaze, it didn't hurt him at all.

The curtains in the room were all drawn, and there was no sunlight in the room, only the bright candles on the walls and tabletops, shaking with warm light, decorating the room beautifully and warmly.

He picked up the wine glass made of moonstone and shook it, the smooth wall reflecting a beautiful halo, reflecting the scene in the room.

The good eyesight of the Blood Clan allowed him to see every corner of the room clearly, and the decoration here was not very luxurious, but it was all available. Yue Chu's requirements in this regard are very low, so he will not feel lost.

He walked to the window, opened the curtains and looked out. At this time, it was daytime, and it was also a time when the blood clan did not like it very much, and the square of white flowers was empty, only some blood slaves were diligently cleaning.

Yue Chu rubbed his fingers, the blood in his eyes flashed slightly, too far away was not very convenient for him to move. However, it is now imperative to adapt to his body and strength first.

He moved his shoulders, no wonder humans like to pursue these dark powers in ancient myths, it is indeed fascinating.

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