Chapter 21

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Yue Chu opened his eyes and supported his body with a sense of dizziness, when he heard the crisp sound of metal colliding, only to find that there was an iron chain on his wrist that tied him to the head of the bed.

He raised his eyebrows in interest before turning his gaze to the man who had been sitting there like a statue.

Yue Chu: "Du Guzhou, what do you mean by this?"

I have to admit that he still underestimated Du Guzhou, this person actually keenly discovered his intention to escape, patiently waited on the way through, and directly robbed him.

Du Guzhou was silent, his eyes bright as stars in the dark light, but covered with thin ice, exuding a cold aura.

He spoke, but his voice was hoarse: "Sorry, it was my negligence."

He promised that there would be no accident in Yue Chu, but he did not expect that the plan could not catch up with the changes, and not only did something happen but also something big.

Du Guzhou knew that he could not let Yue Chu return to the shelter, so he could only temporarily lock people at home and strictly supervise them.

Yue Chu shook the iron chain on his hand, and the corners of his mouth hooked a mocking arc. Du Guzhou was still too naïve, thinking that no one could see through his movements, but he didn't know that the Du family had already learned his intentions, not only did not intend to stop him, but also made a ruthless move to avoid regenerating waves.

His eyes wandered, and he said lightly: "Then let me go."

Du Guzhou slowly shook his head, he couldn't do it, if he let Yue Chu go now, then he would return to Xieyang and continue to seduce him.

Yue Chu sat up straight and rubbed his swollen and aching temples for himself, the side effects of the drug made him have some headaches, and half of his face was numb.

Yue Chu: "There is no point in you doing this at all, even without me, Xieyang will not be with you." The problem between you is not with outsiders, but with you.

Du Guzhou's jaw tightened, and disbelief flashed in his eyes.

What's wrong with him? He loves Wei Xieyang so much, respects him, protects him, and does not pretend to be good to other Omegas. In his life, in addition to career and family, the most important thing is Xie Yang, isn't this enough?!

Yue Chu laughed, coughing constantly because of the injury that touched his chest, so that he had to continue to lie back, covering his chest to prevent himself from laughing again.

Looking at the ceiling, he let out a long sigh and looked sideways at Du Guzhou with a faint pity and defiance in his eyes.

"Did you do it?"

If it is done, what happened to Zhou Ran; If it did, why not support Wei Xieyang to participate in the competition; If he did, how could he leave Omega alone by a remote lake?

The so-called love and respect is not lip service, but practical action.

Not to mention...

Yue Chu leisurely smiled: "So you lost, because in my place, Wei Xianyang is the first."

Du Guzhou stood up angrily, strode to the bed, and stared at Yue Chu condescendingly, his eyes filled with choppy denials.

Du Guzhou: "Stop talking nonsense, you are just using these words to deceive Xieyang, I already know your intentions."

Yue Chu was stunned, and helplessly covered his forehead with his hand. Whether the protagonist is too stupid or the world is set, why Du Guzhou can't turn this corner, and he still thinks he likes him.

He reflected on himself and asked himself, except for the punishment mode, he never showed any liking for Du Guzhou, why did he have to admit death and think that he liked him?

Yue Chu: "An arrogant, arrogant, and stubborn alpha like you, I just can't look at you no matter how blind I am."

Du Guzhou didn't listen to it at all, and he felt more and more that Yue Chu's heart was deep and unmissed, and it was really not an exaggeration to describe it with the words hypocrisy.

Yue Chu helplessly spread her hands, knowing that it was useless to say more. Forget it, why fight with him for this, hit the snake and hit seven inches, he knows how to deal with Du Guzhou.

Yue Chu: "Then I'll put it another way, an arrogant, arrogant, and stubborn alpha like you, Wei Xianyang can't look at you no matter how blind he is."

Du Guzhou's breath froze, his face was instantly livid, and he pursed his lips and was unable to refute again. He took two steps back and sat down in his chair, his eyes darkened.

Du Guzhou held his breath and was unwilling to admit defeat: "You two Omega will not last long..."

Yue Chu smiled lightly and did not take this question to heart.

"If you can't change yourself, then change the world, I believe Xieyang has this ability."

Du Guzhou couldn't help but glare angrily, his fingers clenched, and a roar came out of his throat: "He is an Omega, he needs someone to protect, not to protect others!" Yue

Chu fiddled with the iron chain on his wrist, his eyes flashed Li Mang, and he unceremoniously pointed at him: "You are wrong, he needs to be protected by others, and he can also protect others." Yue

Chu suddenly felt a little bored, a flash of interest flashed in her eyes, silently lowered her eyelids, and no longer looked at Du Guzhou.

Du Guzhou and his thinking are not at the same level at all, the two people are completely not speculative for more than half a sentence, as long as they say two sentences, they can talk to death.

He closed his mouth and lay back down, his eyes closing, suggesting he could roll.

Du Guzhou's face turned red with anger, and the violent green tendons twisted and spread on his neck. I wanted to say something to confront him, but I found that no matter what I said, I had a bit of a price drop, so I could only purse my lips tightly, and there was nowhere to vent my anger in my chest.

After taking Du Guzhou away, Yue Chu opened his eyes and called the system out. The stage has already been set, and now the protagonist will appear.

Lu Yang's death put the shelter on the cusp again, following the scandal that seriously injured the top Omega and framed the civilian Omega for forced custody some time ago, the big hat of "killing and destroying" was buttoned on its head.

Although Lu Yang is not a top alpha, the Lu family he backs is also one of the great nobles, and if he dies, if he doesn't react, he will really be ridden on top of his head.

The wall fell and everyone pushed it, the director and team leader of the shelter were all removed, and they would face the dilemma of being prosecuted next, which can be described as embattled.

At the same time, the rationality of the shelter's existence is questioned, not only by Omega, but also by sympathy from the middle-class beta.

Even though everything was developing in a good direction, Wei Xianyang was still frowning. The huge brown square desk made his emaciation more and more obvious, and his originally black and white eyes were already covered with red blood, so sharp that people did not dare to look directly.

Didi, his communicator rang.

Wei Xianyang was stunned for a while, rubbed the corners of his forehead before slowly turning on the communicator, but the information inside made his eyes widen instantly, and he stood up in disbelief.

The heavy wooden chair rubs against the deep black marble floor, making a scalp-numbing screeching sound. The sound of hurried footsteps highlights the anxious heart of the parties, and people can't help but cast their doubtful eyes on the figure that hurriedly left.

"You can't go in, this is a private house!!"

The security guards who arrived anxiously wanted to stop Wei Xianyang, who was breaking in, but were mercilessly pushed away by the strong guards.

Wei Xianyang didn't even look at himGive alms to these people, hurry forward, and wait to shrink into inches to reach their destination immediately. His heart was beating extremely fast, as if he was going to jump out of his chest and find Yue Chu first.

He couldn't remember how he spent his days without Yuechu, he only felt that every day and every day was like the walking dead, the soul was out of □□, and the brain mechanically directed the physical activity, just for one goal - to find Yuechu.

He couldn't imagine what he would do if the end result turned out to be worse than he expected, because every time he thought about it, his heart hurt like a knife, making him breathless.

With a bang, he broke through the door, and the scene in front of him made him dazzled, almost leaving blood and tears.

Yue Chu fell on the bed with his eyes closed, the snow-white sheets reflecting his pale skin, and he couldn't tell which was whiter. The thin eyelids covered the star-like eyes, and you could even see the lilac blood vessels on them closer. The slender eyelashes cast a fan-shaped shadow under the eyes, fragile like a butterfly in winter, and its wings will fall off with the slightest movement.

Wei Xianyang trembled and picked up Yue Chu's wrist that was locked in black heavy shackles, put it to his face and rubbed it gently, printing a kiss on his pale pink fingertips.

Yue Chu opened his eyes in confusion, and after seeing someone in front of him, his first reaction was to shrink back, but he was grabbed by Wei Xianyang's wrist.

Wei Xianyang's voice was trembling: "Xiao Chu, it's me..."

Yue Chu only then saw the person in front of him, a trace of uncertainty flashed in his eyes, and after touching Wei Xianyang's skin, he knew that this was really him.

He raised a smile, stretched out his arm and hugged Wei Xianyang's neck, causing the chains on his hand to collide together and make a crisp sound when he moved.

"Xie Yang, I knew you would come to my rescue."

A bloody color flashed in Wei Xianyang's eyes, like a bladed sword, exuding a piercing chill. But his voice was very gentle, even with a hint of unconcealed choking.

Wei Xianyang: "Don't be afraid, everything is with me."

He asked people to take tools to cut the shackles on Yue Chu's hands, held him tightly in his arms, and felt the temperature on his body.

Wei Xianyang: "I'll take you out first, and after you rest for a while, I'll tell me who took you away." Hearing

this, Yue Chu's face hesitated, and his eyebrows were a little embarrassed, and only after a moment he slowly nodded, as if it was difficult to speak.

Wei Xianyang frowned in his heart without a trace, who was it that made Yue Chu hide from him.

"Who are you? Who allowed you to break in? A

familiar voice sounded, which instantly made Wei Xianyang turn his head and saw Du Guzhou standing at the door.

It was, Du Guzhou!

Wei Xianyang's chest burst with heavenly anger, causing him to ache, as if he had been severely scalded by a soldering iron, making a sound of nourishing lala skin and flesh. He glared angrily, eager to eat the tall alpha in front of him.

How dare he?!

Why did Du Guzhou hide Yue Chu? Did he find that as a top-level Omega, Yue Chu wanted to be gentler and more beautiful, so after realizing that the marriage contract between the two might not be maintained, he made the first move! He's really... Despicable!

Wei Xianyang was also temporarily stunned and fell into the conventional misunderstanding - alpha only loves Omega and nothing else. In fact, as long as you think about it, you can know that Du Guzhou has never been disgusted with Yue Chu and has no like.

Yue Chu seemed worried, gently tugged on Wei Xianyang's sleeve, and comforted softly: "Perhaps, Du Guzhou didn't mean it..."

However, the red mark on the slender wrist made this sentence look particularly pale, and just listening to it made me feel sad.

Wei Xianyang was so distressed that he couldn't wait to take the person into his arms, and the two of them hugged each other with their chests against their backs, curled up and hugged until the end of the world. Perhaps in this way, Yue Chu would not suffer any more harm.

Wei Xianyang stretched out his hand to cover Yue Chu's small face, and looked at Du Guzhou with a cold gaze, no longer as warm and moving as before.

The undisguised hostility made Du Guzhou almost unable to stand, and he stumbled back a step until he held the wooden frame to stabilize his figure.

He took a deep breath and opened his mouth to explain something. But in the face of this situation, it seems that all explanations have become a cover-up.

Yue Chu leaned his head into Wei Xianyang's arms, hooked the corners of his mouth without a trace, and grabbed his sleeve with one hand and shook it, not letting Du Guzhou have any chance to explain.

Yue Chu: "Xieyang, let's go, I don't want to see you arguing for me."

Wei Xianyang's heart was as soft as water, and he gently touched Yuechu's soft black hair, and tightened the person into his arms again.

He held Yue Chu and walked to Du Guzhou, his eyes were indifferent, without a trace of emotion, as if looking at a stranger, no, even not as good as a stranger.

They have become enemies.

Wei Xianyang: "Our marriage contract is dissolved, if there is another time, there will be a battle between us!"

Du Guzhou's eyes widened in disbelief, and he stretched out his hand to grab Wei Xianyang's sleeve to keep him, but only grabbed it.

He stood frozen in the empty doorway, his face as white as snow, and finally he could only slowly tighten his fingers and hang them on the side of his legs, and his tight thin lips revealed a trace of stubbornness.

He will never break the marriage contract!

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