Chapter 9

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Yue Chu walked through the path paved with goose warm stones in the garden, and saw a familiar figure at the end of the road. He gently hooked the corners of his mouth, and interest flashed in his eyes.

The tall alpha stood there, flowers blooming on both sides, but the weak and beautiful posture did not get half of his pity, but set off his momentum more and more cold.

The little bear waved his wings and looked regretful: What a good target for strategy, what a good alpha, if the target chosen by the host is Du Guzhou, it is estimated that the children will hold two at this time, how can it be so tossed, woo-woo!

The little bear had nowhere to vent his bitterness, so he could only lie on a flower and sway sadly.

Yue Chu chuckled and said hello: "Classmate Du Guzhou, such a coincidence."

It seems that Du Guzhou is not stupid, and he has already seen that the problem is with him. Yue Chu was curious about what he would do, threatened? Inducements? Or whatever, it's really exciting.

Du Guzhou condescendingly examined this Omega, Yue Chu, the top Omega of the Yue family, who was also the existence that all alpha yearned for when he first entered school, but this yearning turned into disgust in his crying weakness.

But I don't know when it started, Yue Chu seems to have changed, but it has not changed. He was still as weak as a petite flower in this garden, and with just one force, he would be trampled under his feet and crushed into the dirt, but something quietly changed, so that the person who reached out would be stabbed.

Du Guzhou: "I heard that you also signed up for the mecha competition?" Yue

Chu did not shy away, her smile became brighter, but the words she said were not so pleasant.

Yue Chu: "Yes, His Highness has participated in the competition, how can I be behind, after all, I am still looking forward to one day being able to stand on the same podium with His Highness."

Du Guzhou sneered: "An Omega..."

An Omega, who can't see his place clearly, always wants to get something he shouldn't get, whether he should say that he is stupid or naïve.

Du Guzhou turned his back to the sunlight, and half of his face was hidden in the shadows, as deep as ink. He walked towards Yue Chu step by step, and the black military boots made a clicking sound, like the approaching footsteps of the god of death.

Yue Chu was not stunned, not to mention Du Guzhou's appearance, not to mention compared to the general, it was a little more tender than him. The smile on his face seemed to be printed, so fake that he could almost depict the corners, until he was completely shrouded in Du Guzhou's shadow.

Du Guzhou: "What is your purpose in approaching me?" To be honest, your confession makes me so disgusting, I don't even look at Omega like you, don't play some tricks in front of me. The only person engaged to marriage in my life is Xieyang, and even if your Yue family calculates everything, it will not be possible to achieve the goal. Wei

Xianyang's mind was simple, and he naturally couldn't see the curves in it, but Du Guzhou knew everything about the Yue family's calculations, and he knew even better that Yue Chu was definitely not as simple and harmless as it seemed.

Yue Chu raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect Du Guzhou to have such an IQ, but it was unexpected for him. However, he wondered why Du Guzhou had an IQ explosion in the face of him, and an obviously contrived guy like Zhou Ran had an IQ of zero.

Little Bear rolled his eyes, this Yue Chu didn't understand, and he had to let an expert like him explain: Simply put, do you think alpha can't understand those careful thoughts? Of course he understands, but he is more willing to enjoy it. So their IQ is high when needed, low when they are not needed, elastic changes, and adapt to needs.

Yue Chu is funny, this is really quite practical.

Yue Chu put his hands in his pockets, his white school uniform shirt made his skin as white as jade, a few wisps of fresh breeze brushed his cheeks, blowing chestnut fluffy hair, standing in the flowers like a little prince who came out of a comic.

It's just that the little prince's gaze is not so friendly, and a faint contempt flashes in the black and white pupils, which can easily provoke people's anger.

Yue Chu: "Do you think too much, sometimes narcissism is also a disease, it is best to go to a psychiatric hospital to take a good look, so as not to delay treatment when it is late."

Du Guzhou didn't expect Yue Chu to be able to say such harsh and sharp words, and the disgust in his heart became more and more intense, and his heroic eyebrows furrowed, bringing out displeasure.

Du Guzhou: "You are an Omega, you don't even know what elegance is, I think the Yue family should really bring you back to teach you again." Yue

Chu stepped forward and approached Du Guzhou. The distance between the two is very close, and if you don't look at the lightning and thunder in your eyes, you still think what a close couple.

Yue Chu: "What's wrong with Omega?" If you have to be elegant, you have to be safe, you have to be obedient? Is your head filled with cement? Will be so stubborn, like an ancient man three thousand years ago, I can't wait to tear out the shroud. Yue

Chu looked at Du Guzhou from the bottom up, her dark eyes were full of malicious provocation, her thin and rosy lips touched gently, but she mercilessly spit out harsh words like a thorny rose.

His voice was very soft, like a whisper between lovers, "I can't look at alpha like you, but whether your marriage contract with Wei Xianyang can go to the end, it is difficult to say."

Du Guzhou looked mocking, Yue Chu said so much, he only heard the last sentence, so in the end, he didn't want to marry him.

The wind blew gently, bringing a pink petal to fall on Du Guzhou's inky blue sleeve, and the golden cufflinks shone brightly, blending with the pink petals.

He picked up the petals and rubbed his fingers, and the originally delicate flowers turned into pink juice, which fell on the pebbles and no longer became brightly colored.

Du Guzhou passed by Yue Chu sideways, leaving a sentence in a low voice: "Then we'll wait and see." The

curve of the smile at the corner of Yue Chu's mouth did not change by half a point, and the black shoe stepped on the flower that stuck to the pebble, and left abruptly.

He's looking forward to it too!

Little Bear said that as a bystander, he really, really wanted to digress: Didn't these two realize that they were not on the same channel at all???

Also, probably Du Guzhou couldn't think of Yue Chu trying to dig his wall foot if he wanted to break his brain.

At the end of another day of training, Yue Chu quickly rinsed off and put on her usual civilian clothes. After folding the school uniform neatly, he put it in the cabinet and locked it, and when he turned around, he saw Wei Xianyang, who had also just been washed.

Yue Chu smiled and bent his eyes, to be honest, Wei Xianyang deserved to be the protagonist of this world, and he was really a charming guy.

Wei Xianyang's hair had not yet been dried, and it was wet in front of his forehead, but it made him fade some of his usual arrogance, showing a bit of fragile softness. He wiped his head with a towel, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he saw Yue Chu's cabinet.

Wei Xianyang: "Your way of folding clothes is really the same as Du Guzhou."

Yue Chu said lightly: "Is it? I just stack on top of it.

Wei Xianyang was funny in his heart, the gentle and gentle Yue Chu on the surface was actually very vengeful, since the last time Du Guzhou scared him, that attitude had simply dropped by three thousand, and when he saw Du Guzhou, his nose was not a nose and his eyes were not eyes, and he almost wrote his dissatisfaction on the top of his head.

He really can't dislike such a simple and straightforward person, and even thinks that Yue Chu's awkward look is quite cute.

Wei Xianyang couldn't control such thoughts, although he also felt that he seemed to be strange, but he always had a more tolerant heart in the face of Yue Chu.

He thought to himself: My little love rival is actually quite interesting.

Yue Chu found that Wei Xianyang's mood was particularly good today, his eyes were shining, like starlight, and the corners of his mouth, which had always been indifferent and curved, also raised a soft arc, making his whole person seem to be glowing.

He suddenly had a bad premonition...

Yue Chu asked tentatively, "Your Highness seems to be very happy, is there anything good?"

Wei Xianyang turned around uncomfortably, and his long eyelashes flickered, showing his weakness.

It's so strange, obviously he is the main palace, why is he as weak as a third party every time?

Wei Xianyang pulled the towel on his head, and the half-large white towel almost completely blocked his face, making it difficult to see his expression. It has always been full of arrogance and firmness, without the grace and calmness of the nobles, and when he speaks, he is small and fast, if it were not for Yue Chu pricking up his ears to listen, I am afraid he would not have heard it clearly.

Wei Xianyang: "Du Guzhou, he changed his mind, supported me to participate in the mecha competition, and helped me convince the Du family."

Yue Chu smiled: "Is it? That's great! Yue

Chu's smile remained unchanged, but his heart was aroused. He knew that this was Du Guzhou's battle post, which was really a little unexpected to him.

Wei Xianyang turned his head in surprise, facing the smile that was more dazzling than the incandescent lamp in the last month, and sighed in his heart a little helplessly, but he was really angry.

He walked over and grabbed Yue Chu's shoulder: "I know it's not fair to you, and I don't want to affect the relationship between us because of Du Guzhou, but... If you can't stand it, let our friendship end here, I don't want to watch you suffer because of this.

Wei Xianyang suddenly felt that he was very mean, and what he said was high-sounding, but in fact, he just didn't want to give up Du Guzhou in his private heart.

Yue Chu was stunned: "Your Highness, did you misunderstand something?"

Wei Xianyang didn't feel that he was misunderstood, he stared closely at Yue Chu's black and white clear eyes, knowing that these eyes would not deceive him.

Wei Xianyang: "Did you get angry just now?" Yue

Chu blocked his face a little embarrassed, but still nodded honestly and admitted.

Wei Xianyang knew: "So I don't want you to suffer because of me anymore."

Yue Chu: "How can I suffer because of Your Highness, I will only be happy because of Your Highness." Yue

Chu's gaze was sincere and firm, and only Wei Xianyang's figure was reflected in the black pupils, persistent and deep. The thick eyelashes slowly blinked inexplicably, like the wings of a butterfly, fanning the sudden arrival of a hurricane thousands of kilometers away.

Wei Xianyang couldn't help but take a step back, as if he had been suddenly hit by something. He didn't dare to look at Yue Chu's eyes again, he always felt that there seemed to be a monster hidden inside, and the next moment it would jump out and bite his throat.

Something is wrong.

Yue Chu saw his mood and gently lowered his gaze, pretending to be lonely.

Yue Chu: "I am indeed angry, but not angry with His Highness, but angry with Du Guzhou."

Wei Xianyang was puzzled: "Why?"

Yue Chu: "Because His Highness no longer needs me, I am alone again."

Because of Yue Chu's words, Wei Xianyang's messy thoughts just now suddenly disappeared.

He was helpless and irritable in his heart: Is Yue Chu stupid!

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