Chapter 24: I want to be not only your brother, but also your stepmother 01

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"Stop playing dead! Du Guzhou is dying!!

Little Bear pulled Yue Chu's hair madly, and his big eyes were already tearful.

It turned out that Wei Xianyang thought that Yue Chu was dead, and immediately began to go crazy, and actually advanced directly, breaking the bottleneck of SSS and breaking through to the SSSS level. He pinched Du Guzhou's neck desperately, his eyes were red as if he was about to shed blood and tears.

The suffocating pain made Du Guzhou's forehead burst into blue, but he slowly pulled out a smile and gently put his hand on the back of Wei Xianyang's hand.

Dying in the hands of Xie Yang like this is probably a happy thing.

Yue Chu only opened one eye, it was really boring, and finally saw Du Guzhou being beaten violently, and as a result, he had to save him before he looked for two minutes.

However, after looking at the world line that kept issuing red alerts, he still coughed weakly twice, weakly slid his bloody fingers on the ground, and squeezed out two intermittent words in his throat: "Oblique... Yang..."

With a bang, Wei Xianyang threw Du Guzhou to the ground, threw himself to Yuechu's side, and looked at him with tears in the corners of his eyes. This man, who had just almost strangled a top alpha to death with one hand, could only raise his hand at a loss at this time, for fear that he would break his beloved when touched.

Yue Chu squeezed out a chuckle with difficulty: "Silly... Don't send me there yet... Hospital..."

Wei Xianyang suddenly realized, turned on the communicator in a panic, and roared hoarsely: "Call an ambulance!" Also, call all the doctors at home! Fast! Yue

Chu closed his eyes with confidence, well, this play is enjoyable enough, in the future, how dare the Du family put up a shelf in front of Xieyang, hehe.

"Stop, I'm not a fragile product, I don't need to eat fruit and feed it by mouth."

Yue Chu firmly resisted Wei Xianyang's handsome face in front of him, expressing his 10,000 resistance to this feeding behavior. Please, just feed in the first few days, now the wound is so healed that you can't even find a scar, is it necessary to feed, drink, and snack every day?

Yue Chu felt that he had miscalculated, and originally just wanted to take this opportunity to pit Du Guzhou and the Du family, but he didn't expect to pit himself.

Wei Xianyang gently held his hand, pressed it aside, and seriously leaned in, feeding the sweet and sour apple pieces to Yue Chu's mouth, and a pair of beautiful eyes were difficult to refuse.

Yue Chu still surrendered, he has always eaten soft rather than hard, and Wei Xianyang really held his lifeline.

Smiled helplessly, he bit the fruit in Wei Xianyang's mouth and kissed him on the lips by the way.

Anyway, clingy lovers are really cute!

Wei Xianyang turned sideways, rested his head next to him, and stared at him quietly, as if he couldn't see enough.

Since Yue Chu was injured, he has always been like this, and even when Yue Chu woke up in the middle of the night, she could see him looking at him with wide eyes. Fortunately, this is not a horror movie, but Yue Chu's heart warms after being shocked, and he knows that this is because Wei Xieyang is too afraid of losing him.

Yue Chu smiled softly, interlocked his fingers, and slowly released pheromones to ease the tension of the lover.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, in seven days it will be your enthronement ceremony, and I look forward to receiving the admiration of all the people with you. From now on, the world will be controlled by you, and I believe that you will be able to make the empire a better place.

Wei Xianyang's eyes moved slightly, as if he remembered something, sat up, and took out a crown from the backpack he carried. The crown is made of pure gold and set with priceless gemstones, and you can feel the weight just by holding it in your hand.

Yue Chu raised her eyebrows, this is a real crown, it is too imprecise to put it in the backpack so casually.

"Head down."

Wei Xianyang said softly, his gaze was like thousands of stars twinkling, so bright that Yue Chu was a little afraid to look directly.

Yue Chu blinked his eyelashes, his long thick eyelashes covered the emotions in his eyes, slightly hooked the corners of his mouth, and refused with a chuckle.

"It's not appropriate."

As far as he knew, the entire Wei family royal family had lasted for thousands of years, and it was an iron law that imperial power should not be interfered with.

Wei Xianyang's face was calm, as if he was not holding an incomparably expensive crown, but just an ordinary hat.

"There is nothing wrong with it, if I am king, you are my king, and I will put a crown on you with my own hands."

The smile at the corner of Yue Chu's mouth disappeared, and he raised his head to meet those mature and steady eyes. In the experience after experience, Wei Xianyang was growing at an amazing speed, and sometimes he couldn't remember what it was like when he first met him. What is certain, however, is that he is now a full-fledged king, always knowing what he is doing and what he is going to do.

Yue Chu slowly lowered her head, and her smile spread up again, but she was much more sincere.

Wei Xianyang solemnly put the crown on him and gently printed a kiss on his forehead.

Seven days later, the empire celebrated the enthronement of the new emperor. On the edge of the yellow sand, Du Guzhou looked in the direction of the imperial capital, like a stone statue.

He lost, lost badly, and spent the rest of his life in the hard Edge Star.

A bitterness slipped through his eyes, and he looked up at the lone star in the sky and said softly: "I will guard you no matter what, Xie Yang."

The Annals of the Empire records that Wei Xianyang was the most controversial emperor in the history of the empire, and his achievements cannot be questioned, but many of his practices are also criticized.

As Omega, he was originally not qualified to compete for the throne, but he overcame the siege, forced his father to abdicate and imprisoned his three brothers, which is not justified.

At the same time, he broke the taboo and married another Omega Yuechu, and refused to make him empress, but directly crowned him as an emperor, on an equal footing with him. At that time, many people were worried that the empire would be in turmoil due to power disputes, but fortunately, His Majesty Yue Chu seemed not interested in power, so a catastrophe was avoided. But these undoubtedly made him deeply blamed.

However, he was also one of the great emperors in the history of the empire. He strongly supported experimental research to eliminate the effects of estrus, successfully freed Omega from bad estrus, and supported Omega's voluntary injections to live as normal as beta. Countless Omegas came out of the ivory tower and embraced this change, and since then there has been a major change in social class. The disappearance of Omega also meant that alpha lost its continuing meaning, and hundreds of years later, the ABO-structured society ceased to exist.

The little bear wields his magic wand and can't wait to flip his head in mid-air, excitedly just wanting to dance "seagrass and seaweed". It covered its mouth and had tears in its eyes, it was too difficult, and its first task was completed.

"Yue Chu, successfully rescued the first world - "My Ben is the Emperor".

Green tea value: 96 points.

World Line Salvation: 82 points.

Plot exploration level: 78 points.

Total rating: give you five-star praise~" Five

stars, turned out to be five-star, the first mission has such results, Little Bear is really going to faint with happiness.

Yue Chu smiled and flicked its head, such a stupid and cute little guy came out to work, will he really not be deceived?

Little Bear covered his head and wanted to glare at him, but thinking of his task, he quickly raised a fawning smile and leaned over: "So, can we enter the next world?" Yue

Chu stretched his waist and twitched his eyelids a little boredly, and his black and white eyes were calm like water.

"Come in."

However, when he entered, he was so angry that he almost tore the bear apart.

The pitch-black sky had only a blood moon, and the dead branches stretched out to the sky twistedly, as if the arm of a dying person was painfully open. Several dark crows stood on the dead branches, and black eerie birds spied on the corpses in the shadows, patiently waiting for their prey to die.

Yue Chu was so painful that he could hardly breathe, his condition was very bad, there was a big hole in his chest, half of his heart was shattered, and he could directly see the other half of the flesh ball beating hard. However, strangely, obviously such a serious injury, he basically did not bleed.

He clenched his teeth, slowly supported his body and sat up straight, checking his condition.

Good, although the situation is strange, he does not seem to be in danger of life.

He had lived comfortably in the empire for so long that he had forgotten what pain was like.

Yue Chu gasped roughly: "You can't find me a better body." The

little bear is very weak-hearted, this one who has just died, it looks good and uses it.

Little Bear struggled to explain: "This body also has his advantages, well... For example, the force value is very high, and it is a fifth-generation pure blood. Yue

Chuqi smiled, the force value is very high, will he be beaten like this? Also What does five generations of pureblood mean?

It turns out that this is a magical world, and the main species are: humans, vampires and werewolves. Humans have a low value of strength, but can use their intelligence and acquired tempering to grow into an existence that vampires also find tricky; Vampires, also known as blood races, feed on human blood, are immortal and immortal, have strong abilities, and are enemies of human beings for generations; Werewolves, as soon as the full moon night will transform into werewolves, irrational and become violent, covered in wolf hair, have a keen sense of smell and hearing, live in seclusion, are not too friendly to humans, and hate blood races.

Well, that's the end of the crap, the main plot of this world is a bit similar to Romeo and Juliet.

The male protagonist Xino is a prince of the blood clan, who has a rebellious heart because he is strictly controlled, sneaks into the human world, and meets the beautiful girl Anna. The two fell in love at first sight, broke through the shackles of race, and united for love.

However, the Blood Clan must not allow the prince to be with an ordinary human girl, and in order to cut off the prince's love, they send people to kill the girl. I thought that this would make the prince die and return to inherit the throne, but I didn't expect that it would inspire the prince's hatred.

In order to take revenge, the prince united the Terrans, werewolves and blood tribes to fight, and this three-clan war lasted for fifty years, with countless deaths and injuries, and the people were destitute. And the prince, as the initiator of the war, failed to become the end of the war.

If it is not my race, its heart will be different, and as the war continues, there is a crack in the alliance between the prince and the Terran and the werewolf. First, the king of the Terran died suddenly, and then the wolf king's cub was stolen, and the prince was increasingly suspected. Finally the alliance broke and the prince was killed.

The prince did not return to his throne, nor did he remain in the maiden's hometown, he died like a dog who lost his family in a dilapidated warehouse, covered in dust and lost to his glory.

It is a complete tragedy, everyone is not rested, the world is filled with unjust souls, not only destroying itself, but also threatening the small world around it.

Little Bear held Yue Chu's hand tightly and said affectionately: "Host, please be sure to cheer, this world is very, very in need of salvation." Yue

Chu flicked it away, touching his fangs that he couldn't help but pop out with some headache, and the thirst in his throat was like a fire burning his little remaining reason.

Before saving the world, he better think about how to save himself!

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