Chapter 26

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The blood moon rises, the dark sky is dotted with a few dim stars, and the midnight bell rings, representing the beginning of the most lively time of the blood clan.

Yue Chu stood quietly in the corner, his soft smile made him not carry any aggression, his slightly retracted eyes covered his thoughts, and his long black eyelashes blinked lightly, making people mistakenly think that this fifth-generation pure-blood from an unknown place was shy and gentle.

Most of the Blood Clan swept past him with disinterest, and then set their eyes on the center of the hall, where the protagonist of this world stood in the stars, Xino.

Little Bear's eyes were already lit up when he saw him, and he spun in a circle happily, eager to rush over and confess to him.

Little Bear: "Host, this is the blood prince Xino." I specially arranged for you to return to the time when he and Anna had not yet met, as long as you offered the tea ceremony, you would definitely be able to take him down!" Speaking

of this, Little Bear confidently straightened his chest and was relieved of Yue Chu's hundred words.

Yue Chuyi raised her eyes in disgust, and looked away without much interest.

As the protagonist, Xino is naturally very handsome. Gold is the favorite color of the blood clan, obviously a monster born in the dark, but it yearns for the sun, and the prince of the blood tribe with blond hair is naturally the darling of heaven, which makes countless blood clans obsessed. He has deep facial features and a slender figure, just standing there is a luminous body, constantly attracting everyone's attention.

This prince loves white clothes very much, and he is plain white and rolls with gold edges, simple and elegant, like the white snow on the top of a mountain, which makes people want to look up.

But he is not the type that Yue Chu likes at all. The same arrogance, Wei Xianyang's pride carries an innate nobility, that is not a high overlook, but a faint sense of alienation, which makes people not disgusted. But Hino's arrogance is with a sharp scrutiny, and he also has the immaturity of a greenhouse flower and the arrogance of a frog at the bottom of the well, which is not so likable.

Not to mention...

Yue Chu critically evaluated his appearance, which was less than a third of Wei Xianyang's, making him completely uninterested.

It seemed to see Yue Chu's passivity, and Little Bear was so anxious that a fire was lit above his head.

Did I make a mistake?! Look at how beautiful that long blonde hair is, how handsome that handsome nose is, and how great that perfect body is! Is Yue Chu blind, even the protagonist can't see how he is green tea!

Thinking of this, Little Bear's face turned green, shouldn't this guy want to green Hino, this and this...

No, he doesn't seem to like girls!

"You are the fifth generation of pureblood that His Majesty brought from outside? It looks really weak, but also, life outside the royal city must not be so comfortable. Finally

, someone came to the door, and Yue Chu raised a standard smile to look at the person.

This Blood Clan is Thea's good companion, who is not as delicate as the other Blood Clan, and his face is even rough, so he is not very popular among the Clan. Fortunately, he came from a good background and has been with Xino since he was a child, and no one dares to make fun of him about his appearance.

They have all heard about the new five generations of purebloods, and although they know that they will not threaten Xino's position, they always have a thorn in their hearts, and they want to give Yue Chu a disgrace when they meet for the first time.

Yue Chu smiled gently, and her delicate face became more and more beautiful under the reflection of the crystal lamp. The black hair seems to be precipitated by the night, so rich that the blood tribe is a little fascinated, after all, they are dark creatures, chasing sunlight, but in fact, they subconsciously like the darkness more.

Yue Chu stretched out her hand to hold Di La's cold hand and said softly: "Indeed, if I hadn't been saved by His Majesty by luck this time, I'm afraid I would have died in the hands of the hunter." It

was the first time that Dila had been so close to someone, and he couldn't help but shiver, looking at the smiling Yue Chu in a dull manner.

How can anyone smile so well?

No, no, what was I thinking!

Di La threw away Yue Chu's hand as if touching a silverware, took a few big steps back to distance herself from him, and the hair on her head exploded, and she always felt that her heartbeat, which had long stopped beating, jumped twice.

So strange...

Yue Chu's smile was lightly paused when he was thrown away, and he slowly lowered his hand a little lonely, and the curve of the corners of his mouth became bitter.

Fortunately, the older Bloods knew how difficult it was for the Bloods outside the royal city to survive, and they had some recognition of this pureblood that could escape from the Cross Hunters. The young blood clans were a little unbearable, they always felt as if their hearts had been hit by something, and they couldn't help but give birth to some soft emotions.

Especially the enchanting female blood clan Feilin standing beside Xinuo, only felt that this beautiful little pitiful was too pitiful, and couldn't wait to rush over and hold people into her arms.

Even Dira herself felt as if she had done something wrong, and her heart was too weak to work.

Xino frowned impatiently, he didn't take this pure-blood like him seriously, he was more worried about facing his father next. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but clench his fingers nervously, picked up a glass of red wine dissolved with good blood and poured it violently.

He finally got rid of his father's control, but he did not expect to return to that oppressive day so soon.

The bitterness in Hino's heart was unspoken, because everyone was looking forward to the return of the King of the Blood, except for him.

Rafah's arrival silenced the entire hall, and all the Bloods bowed their heads reverently and showed respect to their only king. This is a submission that is precipitated in the bloodline, and will not change objects until Sino ascends the throne as king.

All Rafa's attention was focused on Xino, and a hint of imperceptible pleasure flashed in his eyes. Now it seems that his children have grown up very well and have initially taken on the appearance of a prince.

Rafa: "Hino, let me see how you progress during this time.

Rafa didn't care about anything, just wanted to know how far his chosen heir had grown, and at the same time gave Xino a chance to prove his strength in front of all the bloods. He must let everyone know that no matter how many pure-bloods, Shino is the strongest and most qualified person to inherit the throne.

Xino knelt on one knee, his head bowed to cover his icy expression.

Oh, sure enough, it was different, when the father had another choice, he began to feel uneasy about him. In fact, he is not rare as an inheritor at all, just because he was born a powerful pureblood, he has to accept such a fate. For so many years, he has been locked up in this cage, like a puppet, and he has been molded into what his father wants, but no one has ever asked him if he wants such a life.


The blood clans in the hall spread out in a circle, making room for space. Rafa taps his fingers, releasing a realm of his own in the very center.

Yue Chu raised her eyebrows, and couldn't help but take two steps closer to check. That realm was somewhat similar to his fantasy realm, but it was more overbearing. His illusion can confuse people, but Rafa's realm can control people, and everything in the realm is controlled by him, so that life is born, death is death, and the lethality is not known to be many times higher than the fantasy realm.

He observed this magical spell with interest, and his heart moved, if he could polish the illusion into a realm like this, it would definitely be a huge improvement in combat effectiveness.

Xino chose a royal knight of the blood clan, and the two entered the realm at the same time and began to fight.

The space in the field was even larger than Yue Chu imagined, and the waist-thick lightning slashed down from the air one after another, and the land under his feet collapsed and sank one after another,It is not only difficult for them to guard against changing environments, but also to guard against attacks from their opponents.

This battle is very exciting, and even Yu Yue Chu can't say that he will do better than Xinuo. He playfully hooked the corners of his mouth, and the bones that had been lazy for too long finally had the idea of moving.

At the end of the match, Xino won unsurprisingly, and everyone around him applauded him, and it was clear that his performance was recognized by everyone.

Xino raised his head proudly and put the long sword in his hand in front of him, his bright red eyes flashing with confidence, obviously also very satisfied with his performance.

"This is what you learned during this time?"

Rafa's voice was as cold as ice, and the displeasure contained in it exploded like thunder in the ears of every blood clan, and the heavy coercion rushed like a huge wave, so that everyone could only tremble and kneel to the ground, pleading with the king's anger.

Xino was undoubtedly the heaviest coercion, he bit his lip, leaned his back, and pressed the ground out of a deep pit with his palms, only to try to maintain his figure and not let himself kneel.

Rafa: "You're slacking, Hino.

Xino clenched his fists, his voice still had an unconcealed tension, and said word by word: "Please, Father, forgive sins."

Rafa frowned slightly, always feeling that the current Xino seemed to be different from what he remembered. He didn't know much about dealing with these emotions, so he could only classify it as two people who hadn't seen each other for too long and were a little rusty.

He walked slowly down from the throne and lifted Shino up, his crimson blood eyes looking at his heir. But Xino didn't seem to dare to look up at him, and her long blond hair covered his eyes, making it impossible for Rafa to see through his inner emotions.

Rafa had no choice but to teach seriously: "You are the prince of the blood clan, the future king, you must work harder and better than anyone." Next, I will ask people to reschedule your homework, and you must not be so slack again.

Xinuo clenched his fists and almost squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth: "Please rest assured father, Xinuo will definitely redouble his efforts."

Rafa nodded gratifyingly, Xino is still a child, a child will have playfulness and inertia, but as long as he is willing to improve, it is good.

Yue Chu has been standing quietly in the corner observing this scene, and Rafa has not given him a look from beginning to end, and this neglect is also invisibly raising Sino's status.


He playfully hooked the corner of his mouth, and his gaze swept over the stiff Xinuo, but unfortunately, such painstaking efforts were probably only in vain.

Rafa is too tough, and his supremacy sometimes makes him ignore some details, just like saying that although Xino may not behave as well as he wants, he should not lecture him in front of so many people, which is undoubtedly extremely embarrassing for young people with greater self-esteem, not to mention Xino, who has always been held up by him. And his words always carry a sense of command, which will make the already unconvinced Xino more and more disgusted.


Little Bear hula-la waved the fairy stick in his hand: "Host, hurry up, now is a good opportunity for green tea to take advantage of the void, look how much our poor little prince Xino needs comfort~"

Yue Chu laughed meaningfully, but obediently moved his steps, and walked to the group of Xino people.

It is said that stretching out his hand does not hit the smiling person, although Yue Chu's identity is a threat to Xino, but seeing him smile so gently and beautifully, the blood races who are relatively simple compared to complex humans cannot say harsh words.

As soon as Dila saw him, it was like a mouse seeing a cat, and she quickly hid at the rear, not knowing what she was afraid of. Instead, Feilin looked at the little cutie in front of her with sparkling eyes, and couldn't help licking her sexy red lips.

Yue Chu comforted softly: "His Royal Highness does not need to be depressed, His Majesty's strict teaching is just out of concern for you."

Yue Chu turned the ring with blue gemstones on her fingers, her eyes carried a distant nostalgia, and her tone was a little lonely: "It's always good to have someone to care." Xinuo

did not accept his affection, but the more he listened, the more he became angry, what he cared about, it was not him at all, but the identity of the heir!

He glared at Yue Chu fiercely, and said sharply: "Shut up, just take care of yourself!"
that, he flicked his sleeves and left angrily, leaving Philine and Dira with embarrassed faces, which can be said to be quite rude in the blood clan known for their gorgeous elegance.

Fei Lin curled her long fluffy brown hair and played roundly: "The matter of His Highness and His Majesty is not something we can interject, and we don't blame him for being so angry."

Yue Chu nodded repeatedly, with an apology in her eyes: "Sorry, you also know that I just came out of the wild... I just hope that His Highness Xinuo will not be angry with His Majesty, His Majesty is a very gentle person. Speaking

of the king of the blood clan, Feilin didn't know what to say. She glanced at Xino's hurriedly departing figure without a trace, frowned slightly as she slender and slender brows, and sighed silently in her heart. Out of female sensitivity, she has realized that there are small cracks between the king and His Highness, and only hopes that these cracks will not grow larger and wider, splitting the two.

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